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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
* @license Highcharts JS v11.4.1 (2024-04-04)
* Exporting module
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
(function (factory) {
if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
factory['default'] = factory;
module.exports = factory;
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define('highcharts/modules/exporting', ['highcharts'], function (Highcharts) {
factory.Highcharts = Highcharts;
return factory;
} else {
factory(typeof Highcharts !== 'undefined' ? Highcharts : undefined);
}(function (Highcharts) {
'use strict';
var _modules = Highcharts ? Highcharts._modules : {};
function _registerModule(obj, path, args, fn) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
obj[path] = fn.apply(null, args);
if (typeof CustomEvent === 'function') {
window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{ detail: { path: path, module: obj[path] } }
_registerModule(_modules, 'Core/Chart/ChartNavigationComposition.js', [], function () {
* (c) 2010-2024 Paweł Fus
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* *
* Composition
* */
var ChartNavigationComposition;
(function (ChartNavigationComposition) {
/* *
* Declarations
* */
/* *
* Functions
* */
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* @private
function compose(chart) {
if (!chart.navigation) {
chart.navigation = new Additions(chart);
return chart;
ChartNavigationComposition.compose = compose;
/* *
* Class
* */
* Initializes `chart.navigation` object which delegates `update()` methods
* to all other common classes (used in exporting and navigationBindings).
* @private
class Additions {
/* *
* Constructor
* */
constructor(chart) {
this.updates = [];
this.chart = chart;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Registers an `update()` method in the `chart.navigation` object.
* @private
* @param {UpdateFunction} updateFn
* The `update()` method that will be called in `chart.update()`.
addUpdate(updateFn) {
* @private
update(options, redraw) {
this.updates.forEach((updateFn) => {
updateFn.call(this.chart, options, redraw);
ChartNavigationComposition.Additions = Additions;
})(ChartNavigationComposition || (ChartNavigationComposition = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return ChartNavigationComposition;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Exporting/ExportingDefaults.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js']], function (H) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { isTouchDevice } = H;
/* *
* API Options
* */
// Add the export related options
* Options for the exporting module. For an overview on the matter, see
* [the docs](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/export-module/export-module-overview).
* @requires modules/exporting
* @optionparent exporting
const exporting = {
* Experimental setting to allow HTML inside the chart (added through
* the `useHTML` options), directly in the exported image. This allows
* you to preserve complicated HTML structures like tables or bi-directional
* text in exported charts.
* Disclaimer: The HTML is rendered in a `foreignObject` tag in the
* generated SVG. The official export server is based on PhantomJS,
* which supports this, but other SVG clients, like Batik, does not
* support it. This also applies to downloaded SVG that you want to
* open in a desktop client.
* @type {boolean}
* @default false
* @since 4.1.8
* @apioption exporting.allowHTML
* Allows the end user to sort the data table by clicking on column headers.
* @since 10.3.3
* @apioption exporting.allowTableSorting
allowTableSorting: true,
* Additional chart options to be merged into the chart before exporting to
* an image format. This does not apply to printing the chart via the export
* menu.
* For example, a common use case is to add data labels to improve
* readability of the exported chart, or to add a printer-friendly color
* scheme to exported PDFs.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/chartoptions-data-labels/
* Added data labels
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/chartoptions-data-labels/
* Added data labels
* @type {Highcharts.Options}
* @apioption exporting.chartOptions
* Whether to enable the exporting module. Disabling the module will
* hide the context button, but API methods will still be available.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/enabled-false/
* Exporting module is loaded but disabled
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/enabled-false/
* Exporting module is loaded but disabled
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.enabled
* Function to call if the offline-exporting module fails to export
* a chart on the client side, and [fallbackToExportServer](
* #exporting.fallbackToExportServer) is disabled. If left undefined, an
* exception is thrown instead. Receives two parameters, the exporting
* options, and the error from the module.
* @see [fallbackToExportServer](#exporting.fallbackToExportServer)
* @type {Highcharts.ExportingErrorCallbackFunction}
* @since 5.0.0
* @requires modules/exporting
* @requires modules/offline-exporting
* @apioption exporting.error
* Whether or not to fall back to the export server if the offline-exporting
* module is unable to export the chart on the client side. This happens for
* certain browsers, and certain features (e.g.
* [allowHTML](#exporting.allowHTML)), depending on the image type exporting
* to. For very complex charts, it is possible that export can fail in
* browsers that don't support Blob objects, due to data URL length limits.
* It is recommended to define the [exporting.error](#exporting.error)
* handler if disabling fallback, in order to notify users in case export
* fails.
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 4.1.8
* @requires modules/exporting
* @requires modules/offline-exporting
* @apioption exporting.fallbackToExportServer
* The filename, without extension, to use for the exported chart.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/filename/
* Custom file name
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/filename/
* Custom file name
* @type {string}
* @default chart
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.filename
* Highcharts v11.2.0 and older. An object containing additional key value
* data for the POST form that sends the SVG to the export server. For
* example, a `target` can be set to make sure the generated image is
* received in another frame, or a custom `enctype` or `encoding` can be
* set.
* With Highcharts v11.3.0, the `fetch` API replaced the old HTML form. To
* modify the request, now use [fetchOptions](#exporting.fetchOptions)
* instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {Highcharts.HTMLAttributes}
* @since 3.0.8
* @apioption exporting.formAttributes
* Options for the fetch request used when sending the SVG to the export
* server.
* See [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/fetch)
* for more information
* @type {Object}
* @since 11.3.0
* @apioption exporting.fetchOptions
* Path where Highcharts will look for export module dependencies to
* load on demand if they don't already exist on `window`. Should currently
* point to location of [CanVG](https://github.com/canvg/canvg) library,
* [jsPDF](https://github.com/parallax/jsPDF) and
* [svg2pdf.js](https://github.com/yWorks/svg2pdf.js), required for client
* side export in certain browsers.
* @type {string}
* @default https://code.highcharts.com/{version}/lib
* @since 5.0.0
* @apioption exporting.libURL
* Analogous to [sourceWidth](#exporting.sourceWidth).
* @type {number}
* @since 3.0
* @apioption exporting.sourceHeight
* The width of the original chart when exported, unless an explicit
* [chart.width](#chart.width) is set, or a pixel width is set on the
* container. The width exported raster image is then multiplied by
* [scale](#exporting.scale).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/sourcewidth/
* Source size demo
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/sourcewidth/
* Source size demo
* @sample {highmaps} maps/exporting/sourcewidth/
* Source size demo
* @type {number}
* @since 3.0
* @apioption exporting.sourceWidth
* The pixel width of charts exported to PNG or JPG. As of Highcharts
* 3.0, the default pixel width is a function of the [chart.width](
* #chart.width) or [exporting.sourceWidth](#exporting.sourceWidth) and the
* [exporting.scale](#exporting.scale).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/width/
* Export to 200px wide images
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/width/
* Export to 200px wide images
* @type {number}
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.width
* Default MIME type for exporting if `chart.exportChart()` is called
* without specifying a `type` option. Possible values are `image/png`,
* `image/jpeg`, `application/pdf` and `image/svg+xml`.
* @type {Highcharts.ExportingMimeTypeValue}
* @since 2.0
type: 'image/png',
* The URL for the server module converting the SVG string to an image
* format. By default this points to Highchart's free web service.
* @since 2.0
url: 'https://export.highcharts.com/',
* Settings for a custom font for the exported PDF, when using the
* `offline-exporting` module. This is used for languages containing
* non-ASCII characters, like Chinese, Russian, Japanese etc.
* As described in the [jsPDF
* docs](https://github.com/parallax/jsPDF#use-of-unicode-characters--utf-8),
* the 14 standard fonts in PDF are limited to the ASCII-codepage.
* Therefore, in order to support other text in the exported PDF, one or
* more TTF font files have to be passed on to the exporting module.
* See more in [the
* docs](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/export-module/client-side-export).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/offline-download-pdffont/
* Download PDF in a language containing non-Latin characters.
* @since 10.0.0
* @requires modules/offline-exporting
pdfFont: {
* The TTF font file for normal `font-style`. If font variations like
* `bold` or `italic` are not defined, the `normal` font will be used
* for those too.
* @type string|undefined
normal: void 0,
* The TTF font file for bold text.
* @type string|undefined
bold: void 0,
* The TTF font file for bold and italic text.
* @type string|undefined
bolditalic: void 0,
* The TTF font file for italic text.
* @type string|undefined
italic: void 0
* When printing the chart from the menu item in the burger menu, if
* the on-screen chart exceeds this width, it is resized. After printing
* or cancelled, it is restored. The default width makes the chart
* fit into typical paper format. Note that this does not affect the
* chart when printing the web page as a whole.
* @since 4.2.5
printMaxWidth: 780,
* Defines the scale or zoom factor for the exported image compared
* to the on-screen display. While for instance a 600px wide chart
* may look good on a website, it will look bad in print. The default
* scale of 2 makes this chart export to a 1200px PNG or JPG.
* @see [chart.width](#chart.width)
* @see [exporting.sourceWidth](#exporting.sourceWidth)
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/scale/
* Scale demonstrated
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/scale/
* Scale demonstrated
* @sample {highmaps} maps/exporting/scale/
* Scale demonstrated
* @since 3.0
scale: 2,
* Options for the export related buttons, print and export. In addition
* to the default buttons listed here, custom buttons can be added.
* See [navigation.buttonOptions](#navigation.buttonOptions) for general
* options.
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<*>}
* @requires modules/exporting
buttons: {
* Options for the export button.
* In styled mode, export button styles can be applied with the
* `.highcharts-contextbutton` class.
* @declare Highcharts.ExportingButtonsOptionsObject
* @extends navigation.buttonOptions
* @requires modules/exporting
contextButton: {
* A click handler callback to use on the button directly instead of
* the popup menu.
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-contextbutton-onclick/
* Skip the menu and export the chart directly
* @type {Function}
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.buttons.contextButton.onclick
* See [navigation.buttonOptions.symbolFill](
* #navigation.buttonOptions.symbolFill).
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
* @default #666666
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.buttons.contextButton.symbolFill
* The horizontal position of the button relative to the `align`
* option.
* @type {number}
* @default -10
* @since 2.0
* @apioption exporting.buttons.contextButton.x
* The class name of the context button.
className: 'highcharts-contextbutton',
* The class name of the menu appearing from the button.
menuClassName: 'highcharts-contextmenu',
* The symbol for the button. Points to a definition function in
* the `Highcharts.Renderer.symbols` collection. The default
* `menu` function is part of the exporting module. Possible
* values are "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle",
* "triangle-down", "menu", "menuball" or custom shape.
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-contextbutton-symbol/
* Use a circle for symbol
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-contextbutton-symbol-custom/
* Custom shape as symbol
* @type {Highcharts.SymbolKeyValue|"menu"|"menuball"|string}
* @since 2.0
symbol: 'menu',
* The key to a [lang](#lang) option setting that is used for the
* button's title tooltip. When the key is `contextButtonTitle`, it
* refers to [lang.contextButtonTitle](#lang.contextButtonTitle)
* that defaults to "Chart context menu".
* @since 6.1.4
titleKey: 'contextButtonTitle',
* This option is deprecated, use
* [titleKey](#exporting.buttons.contextButton.titleKey) instead.
* @deprecated
* @type {string}
* @apioption exporting.buttons.contextButton._titleKey
* A collection of strings pointing to config options for the menu
* items. The config options are defined in the
* `menuItemDefinitions` option.
* By default, there is the "View in full screen" and "Print" menu
* items, plus one menu item for each of the available export types.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @type {Array<string>}
* @default ["viewFullscreen", "printChart", "separator", "downloadPNG", "downloadJPEG", "downloadPDF", "downloadSVG"]
* @since 2.0
menuItems: [
* An object consisting of definitions for the menu items in the context
* menu. Each key value pair has a `key` that is referenced in the
* [menuItems](#exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems) setting,
* and a `value`, which is an object with the following properties:
* - **onclick:** The click handler for the menu item
* - **text:** The text for the menu item
* - **textKey:** If internationalization is required, the key to a language
* string
* Custom text for the "exitFullScreen" can be set only in lang options
* (it is not a separate button).
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @sample {highstock} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @sample {highmaps} highcharts/exporting/menuitemdefinitions/
* Menu item definitions
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject>}
* @default {"viewFullscreen": {}, "printChart": {}, "separator": {}, "downloadPNG": {}, "downloadJPEG": {}, "downloadPDF": {}, "downloadSVG": {}}
* @since 5.0.13
menuItemDefinitions: {
* @ignore
viewFullscreen: {
textKey: 'viewFullscreen',
onclick: function () {
if (this.fullscreen) {
* @ignore
printChart: {
textKey: 'printChart',
onclick: function () {
* @ignore
separator: {
separator: true
* @ignore
downloadPNG: {
textKey: 'downloadPNG',
onclick: function () {
* @ignore
downloadJPEG: {
textKey: 'downloadJPEG',
onclick: function () {
type: 'image/jpeg'
* @ignore
downloadPDF: {
textKey: 'downloadPDF',
onclick: function () {
type: 'application/pdf'
* @ignore
downloadSVG: {
textKey: 'downloadSVG',
onclick: function () {
type: 'image/svg+xml'
// Add language
* @optionparent lang
const lang = {
* Exporting module only. The text for the menu item to view the chart
* in full screen.
* @since 8.0.1
viewFullscreen: 'View in full screen',
* Exporting module only. The text for the menu item to exit the chart
* from full screen.
* @since 8.0.1
exitFullscreen: 'Exit from full screen',
* Exporting module only. The text for the menu item to print the chart.
* @since 3.0.1
* @requires modules/exporting
printChart: 'Print chart',
* Exporting module only. The text for the PNG download menu item.
* @since 2.0
* @requires modules/exporting
downloadPNG: 'Download PNG image',
* Exporting module only. The text for the JPEG download menu item.
* @since 2.0
* @requires modules/exporting
downloadJPEG: 'Download JPEG image',
* Exporting module only. The text for the PDF download menu item.
* @since 2.0
* @requires modules/exporting
downloadPDF: 'Download PDF document',
* Exporting module only. The text for the SVG download menu item.
* @since 2.0
* @requires modules/exporting
downloadSVG: 'Download SVG vector image',
* Exporting module menu. The tooltip title for the context menu holding
* print and export menu items.
* @since 3.0
* @requires modules/exporting
contextButtonTitle: 'Chart context menu'
* A collection of options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting
* module or in Stock Tools.
* @requires modules/exporting
* @optionparent navigation
const navigation = {
* A collection of options for buttons appearing in the exporting
* module.
* In styled mode, the buttons are styled with the
* `.highcharts-contextbutton` and `.highcharts-button-symbol` classes.
* @requires modules/exporting
buttonOptions: {
* Whether to enable buttons.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-enabled/
* Exporting module loaded but buttons disabled
* @type {boolean}
* @default true
* @since 2.0
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.enabled
* The pixel size of the symbol on the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
symbolSize: 14,
* The x position of the center of the symbol inside the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
symbolX: 14.5,
* The y position of the center of the symbol inside the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
symbolY: 13.5,
* Alignment for the buttons.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-align/
* Center aligned
* @type {Highcharts.AlignValue}
* @since 2.0
align: 'right',
* The pixel spacing between buttons.
* @since 2.0
buttonSpacing: 3,
* Pixel height of the buttons.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
height: 28,
* A text string to add to the individual button.
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-text/
* Full text button
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-text-usehtml/
* Icon using CSS font in text
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-text-symbol/
* Combined symbol and text
* @type {string}
* @default null
* @since 3.0
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.text
* Whether to use HTML for rendering the button. HTML allows for things
* like inline CSS or image-based icons.
* @sample highcharts/exporting/buttons-text-usehtml/
* Icon using CSS font in text
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @since 10.3.0
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.useHTML
* The vertical offset of the button's position relative to its
* `verticalAlign`.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-verticalalign/
* Buttons at lower right
* @type {number}
* @default 0
* @since 2.0
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.y
* The vertical alignment of the buttons. Can be one of `"top"`,
* `"middle"` or `"bottom"`.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-verticalalign/
* Buttons at lower right
* @type {Highcharts.VerticalAlignValue}
* @since 2.0
verticalAlign: 'top',
* The pixel width of the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
width: 28,
* Fill color for the symbol within the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-symbolfill/
* Blue symbol stroke for one of the buttons
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @since 2.0
symbolFill: "#666666" /* Palette.neutralColor60 */,
* The color of the symbol's stroke or line.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-symbolstroke/
* Blue symbol stroke
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
* @since 2.0
symbolStroke: "#666666" /* Palette.neutralColor60 */,
* The pixel stroke width of the symbol on the button.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-height/
* Bigger buttons
* @since 2.0
symbolStrokeWidth: 3,
* A configuration object for the button theme. The object accepts
* SVG properties like `stroke-width`, `stroke` and `fill`.
* Tri-state button styles are supported by the `states.hover` and
* `states.select` objects.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/buttonoptions-theme/
* Theming the buttons
* @requires modules/exporting
* @since 3.0
theme: {
* The default fill exists only to capture hover events.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString|Highcharts.GradientColorObject|Highcharts.PatternObject}
* @default #ffffff
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.theme.fill
* Default stroke for the buttons.
* @type {Highcharts.ColorString}
* @default none
* @apioption navigation.buttonOptions.theme.stroke
* Padding for the button.
padding: 5
* CSS styles for the popup menu appearing by default when the export
* icon is clicked. This menu is rendered in HTML.
* @see In styled mode, the menu is styled with the `.highcharts-menu`
* class.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/menustyle/
* Light gray menu background
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @default {"background": "#ffffff", "borderRadius": "3px", "padding": "0.5em"}
* @since 2.0
menuStyle: {
/** @ignore-option */
border: 'none',
/** @ignore-option */
borderRadius: '3px',
/** @ignore-option */
background: "#ffffff" /* Palette.backgroundColor */,
/** @ignore-option */
padding: '0.5em'
* CSS styles for the individual items within the popup menu appearing
* by default when the export icon is clicked. The menu items are
* rendered in HTML. Font size defaults to `11px` on desktop and `14px`
* on touch devices.
* @see In styled mode, the menu items are styled with the
* `.highcharts-menu-item` class.
* @sample {highcharts} highcharts/navigation/menuitemstyle/
* Add a grey stripe to the left
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @default {"padding": "0.5em", "color": "#333333", "background": "none", "borderRadius": "3px", "fontSize": "0.8em", "transition": "background 250ms, color 250ms"}
* @since 2.0
menuItemStyle: {
/** @ignore-option */
background: 'none',
/** @ignore-option */
borderRadius: '3px',
/** @ignore-option */
color: "#333333" /* Palette.neutralColor80 */,
/** @ignore-option */
padding: '0.5em',
/** @ignore-option */
fontSize: isTouchDevice ? '0.9em' : '0.8em',
/** @ignore-option */
transition: 'background 250ms, color 250ms'
* CSS styles for the hover state of the individual items within the
* popup menu appearing by default when the export icon is clicked. The
* menu items are rendered in HTML.
* @see In styled mode, the menu items are styled with the
* `.highcharts-menu-item` class.
* @sample highcharts/navigation/menuitemhoverstyle/
* Bold text on hover
* @type {Highcharts.CSSObject}
* @default {"background": "#f2f2f2" }
* @since 2.0
menuItemHoverStyle: {
/** @ignore-option */
background: "#f2f2f2" /* Palette.neutralColor5 */
/* *
* Default Export
* */
const ExportingDefaults = {
return ExportingDefaults;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Exporting/ExportingSymbols.js', [], function () {
/* *
* Exporting module
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
/* *
* Composition
* */
var ExportingSymbols;
(function (ExportingSymbols) {
/* *
* Constants
* */
const modifiedClasses = [];
/* *
* Functions
* */
/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
* @private
function compose(SVGRendererClass) {
if (modifiedClasses.indexOf(SVGRendererClass) === -1) {
const symbols = SVGRendererClass.prototype.symbols;
symbols.menu = menu;
symbols.menuball = menuball.bind(symbols);
ExportingSymbols.compose = compose;
* @private
function menu(x, y, width, height) {
const arr = [
['M', x, y + 2.5],
['L', x + width, y + 2.5],
['M', x, y + height / 2 + 0.5],
['L', x + width, y + height / 2 + 0.5],
['M', x, y + height - 1.5],
['L', x + width, y + height - 1.5]
return arr;
* @private
function menuball(x, y, width, height) {
const h = (height / 3) - 2;
let path = [];
path = path.concat(this.circle(width - h, y, h, h), this.circle(width - h, y + h + 4, h, h), this.circle(width - h, y + 2 * (h + 4), h, h));
return path;
})(ExportingSymbols || (ExportingSymbols = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
return ExportingSymbols;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Exporting/Fullscreen.js', [_modules['Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js'], _modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (AST, H, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2009-2024 Rafal Sebestjanski
* Full screen for Highcharts
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
* The module allows user to enable display chart in full screen mode.
* Used in StockTools too.
* Based on default solutions in browsers.
const { composed } = H;
const { addEvent, fireEvent, pushUnique } = U;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* @private
function onChartBeforeRender() {
* @name Highcharts.Chart#fullscreen
* @type {Highcharts.Fullscreen}
* @requires modules/full-screen
this.fullscreen = new Fullscreen(this);
/* *
* Class
* */
* Handles displaying chart's container in the fullscreen mode.
* **Note**: Fullscreen is not supported on iPhone due to iOS limitations.
* @class
* @name Highcharts.Fullscreen
* @requires modules/exporting
class Fullscreen {
/* *
* Static Functions
* */
* Prepares the chart class to support fullscreen.
* @param {typeof_Highcharts.Chart} ChartClass
* The chart class to decorate with fullscreen support.
static compose(ChartClass) {
if (pushUnique(composed, 'Fullscreen')) {
// Initialize fullscreen
addEvent(ChartClass, 'beforeRender', onChartBeforeRender);
/* *
* Constructors
* */
constructor(chart) {
* Chart managed by the fullscreen controller.
* @name Highcharts.Fullscreen#chart
* @type {Highcharts.Chart}
this.chart = chart;
* The flag is set to `true` when the chart is displayed in
* the fullscreen mode.
* @name Highcharts.Fullscreen#isOpen
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* @since 8.0.1
this.isOpen = false;
const container = chart.renderTo;
// Hold event and methods available only for a current browser.
if (!this.browserProps) {
if (typeof container.requestFullscreen === 'function') {
this.browserProps = {
fullscreenChange: 'fullscreenchange',
requestFullscreen: 'requestFullscreen',
exitFullscreen: 'exitFullscreen'
else if (container.mozRequestFullScreen) {
this.browserProps = {
fullscreenChange: 'mozfullscreenchange',
requestFullscreen: 'mozRequestFullScreen',
exitFullscreen: 'mozCancelFullScreen'
else if (container.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
this.browserProps = {
fullscreenChange: 'webkitfullscreenchange',
requestFullscreen: 'webkitRequestFullScreen',
exitFullscreen: 'webkitExitFullscreen'
else if (container.msRequestFullscreen) {
this.browserProps = {
fullscreenChange: 'MSFullscreenChange',
requestFullscreen: 'msRequestFullscreen',
exitFullscreen: 'msExitFullscreen'
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Stops displaying the chart in fullscreen mode.
* Exporting module required.
* @since 8.0.1
* @function Highcharts.Fullscreen#close
* @return {void}
* @requires modules/full-screen
close() {
const fullscreen = this, chart = fullscreen.chart, optionsChart = chart.options.chart;
fireEvent(chart, 'fullscreenClose', null, function () {
// Don't fire exitFullscreen() when user exited
// using 'Escape' button.
if (fullscreen.isOpen &&
fullscreen.browserProps &&
chart.container.ownerDocument instanceof Document) {
// Unbind event as it's necessary only before exiting
// from fullscreen.
if (fullscreen.unbindFullscreenEvent) {
fullscreen.unbindFullscreenEvent = fullscreen
chart.setSize(fullscreen.origWidth, fullscreen.origHeight, false);
fullscreen.origWidth = void 0;
fullscreen.origHeight = void 0;
optionsChart.width = fullscreen.origWidthOption;
optionsChart.height = fullscreen.origHeightOption;
fullscreen.origWidthOption = void 0;
fullscreen.origHeightOption = void 0;
fullscreen.isOpen = false;
* Displays the chart in fullscreen mode.
* When fired customly by user before exporting context button is created,
* button's text will not be replaced - it's on the user side.
* Exporting module required.
* @since 8.0.1
* @function Highcharts.Fullscreen#open
* @return {void}
* @requires modules/full-screen
open() {
const fullscreen = this, chart = fullscreen.chart, optionsChart = chart.options.chart;
fireEvent(chart, 'fullscreenOpen', null, function () {
if (optionsChart) {
fullscreen.origWidthOption = optionsChart.width;
fullscreen.origHeightOption = optionsChart.height;
fullscreen.origWidth = chart.chartWidth;
fullscreen.origHeight = chart.chartHeight;
// Handle exitFullscreen() method when user clicks 'Escape' button.
if (fullscreen.browserProps) {
const unbindChange = addEvent(chart.container.ownerDocument, // Chart's document
fullscreen.browserProps.fullscreenChange, function () {
// Handle lack of async of browser's
// fullScreenChange event.
if (fullscreen.isOpen) {
fullscreen.isOpen = false;
else {
chart.setSize(null, null, false);
fullscreen.isOpen = true;
const unbindDestroy = addEvent(chart, 'destroy', unbindChange);
fullscreen.unbindFullscreenEvent = () => {
const promise = chart.renderTo[fullscreen.browserProps.requestFullscreen]();
if (promise) {
promise['catch'](function () {
alert(// eslint-disable-line no-alert
'Full screen is not supported inside a frame.');
* Replaces the exporting context button's text when toogling the
* fullscreen mode.
* @private
* @since 8.0.1
* @requires modules/full-screen
setButtonText() {
const chart = this.chart, exportDivElements = chart.exportDivElements, exportingOptions = chart.options.exporting, menuItems = (exportingOptions &&
exportingOptions.buttons &&
exportingOptions.buttons.contextButton.menuItems), lang = chart.options.lang;
if (exportingOptions &&
exportingOptions.menuItemDefinitions &&
lang &&
lang.exitFullscreen &&
lang.viewFullscreen &&
menuItems &&
exportDivElements) {
const exportDivElement = exportDivElements[menuItems.indexOf('viewFullscreen')];
if (exportDivElement) {
AST.setElementHTML(exportDivElement, !this.isOpen ?
.text ||
lang.viewFullscreen) : lang.exitFullscreen);
* Toggles displaying the chart in fullscreen mode.
* By default, when the exporting module is enabled, a context button with
* a drop down menu in the upper right corner accesses this function.
* Exporting module required.
* @since 8.0.1
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-togglefullscreen/
* Toggle fullscreen mode from a HTML button
* @function Highcharts.Fullscreen#toggle
* @requires modules/full-screen
toggle() {
const fullscreen = this;
if (!fullscreen.isOpen) {
else {
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API Declarations
* */
* Gets fired when closing the fullscreen
* @callback Highcharts.FullScreenfullscreenCloseCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart on which the event occurred.
* @param {global.Event} event
* The event that occurred.
* Gets fired when opening the fullscreen
* @callback Highcharts.FullScreenfullscreenOpenCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* The chart on which the event occurred.
* @param {global.Event} event
* The event that occurred.
(''); // Keeps doclets above separated from following code
/* *
* API Options
* */
* Fires when a fullscreen is closed through the context menu item,
* or a fullscreen is closed on the `Escape` button click,
* or the `Chart.fullscreen.close` method.
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-fullscreen
* Title size change on fullscreen open
* @type {Highcharts.FullScreenfullscreenCloseCallbackFunction}
* @since 10.1.0
* @context Highcharts.Chart
* @requires modules/full-screen
* @apioption chart.events.fullscreenClose
* Fires when a fullscreen is opened through the context menu item,
* or the `Chart.fullscreen.open` method.
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-fullscreen
* Title size change on fullscreen open
* @type {Highcharts.FullScreenfullscreenOpenCallbackFunction}
* @since 10.1.0
* @context Highcharts.Chart
* @requires modules/full-screen
* @apioption chart.events.fullscreenOpen
(''); // Keeps doclets above in transpiled file
return Fullscreen;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Core/HttpUtilities.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (G, U) {
/* *
* (c) 2010-2024 Christer Vasseng, Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { win } = G;
const { discardElement, objectEach } = U;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Perform an Ajax call.
* @function Highcharts.ajax
* @param {Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject} settings
* The Ajax settings to use.
* @return {false|undefined}
* Returns false, if error occurred.
function ajax(settings) {
const headers = {
json: 'application/json',
xml: 'application/xml',
text: 'text/plain',
octet: 'application/octet-stream'
}, r = new XMLHttpRequest();
* Private error handler.
* @private
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr
* Internal request object.
* @param {string|Error} err
* Occurred error.
function handleError(xhr, err) {
if (settings.error) {
settings.error(xhr, err);
else {
// @todo Maybe emit a highcharts error event here
if (!settings.url) {
return false;
r.open((settings.type || 'get').toUpperCase(), settings.url, true);
if (!settings.headers || !settings.headers['Content-Type']) {
r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', headers[settings.dataType || 'json'] || headers.text);
objectEach(settings.headers, function (val, key) {
r.setRequestHeader(key, val);
if (settings.responseType) {
r.responseType = settings.responseType;
// @todo lacking timeout handling
r.onreadystatechange = function () {
let res;
if (r.readyState === 4) {
if (r.status === 200) {
if (settings.responseType !== 'blob') {
res = r.responseText;
if (settings.dataType === 'json') {
try {
res = JSON.parse(res);
catch (e) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
return handleError(r, e);
return settings.success && settings.success(res, r);
handleError(r, r.responseText);
if (settings.data && typeof settings.data !== 'string') {
settings.data = JSON.stringify(settings.data);
* Get a JSON resource over XHR, also supporting CORS without preflight.
* @function Highcharts.getJSON
* @param {string} url
* The URL to load.
* @param {Function} success
* The success callback. For error handling, use the `Highcharts.ajax`
* function instead.
function getJSON(url, success) {
url: url,
success: success,
dataType: 'json',
headers: {
// Override the Content-Type to avoid preflight problems with CORS
// in the Highcharts demos
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
* The post utility
* @private
* @function Highcharts.post
* @param {string} url
* Post URL
* @param {Object} data
* Post data
* @param {RequestInit} [fetchOptions]
* Additional attributes for the post request
function post(url, data, fetchOptions) {
const formData = new win.FormData();
// Add the data
objectEach(data, function (val, name) {
formData.append(name, val);
formData.append('b64', 'true');
const { filename, type } = data;
return win.fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: formData,
}).then((res) => {
if (res.ok) {
res.text().then((text) => {
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = `data:${type};base64,${text}`;
link.download = filename;
/* *
* Default Export
* */
const HttpUtilities = {
/* *
* API Declarations
* */
* @interface Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject
*/ /**
* The payload to send.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#data
* @type {string|Highcharts.Dictionary<any>|undefined}
*/ /**
* The data type expected.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#dataType
* @type {"json"|"xml"|"text"|"octet"|undefined}
*/ /**
* Function to call on error.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#error
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* The headers; keyed on header name.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#headers
* @type {Highcharts.Dictionary<string>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Function to call on success.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#success
* @type {Function|undefined}
*/ /**
* The HTTP method to use. For example GET or POST.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#type
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* The URL to call.
* @name Highcharts.AjaxSettingsObject#url
* @type {string}
(''); // Keeps doclets above in JS file
return HttpUtilities;
_registerModule(_modules, 'Extensions/Exporting/Exporting.js', [_modules['Core/Renderer/HTML/AST.js'], _modules['Core/Chart/Chart.js'], _modules['Core/Chart/ChartNavigationComposition.js'], _modules['Core/Defaults.js'], _modules['Extensions/Exporting/ExportingDefaults.js'], _modules['Extensions/Exporting/ExportingSymbols.js'], _modules['Extensions/Exporting/Fullscreen.js'], _modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Core/HttpUtilities.js'], _modules['Core/Utilities.js']], function (AST, Chart, ChartNavigationComposition, D, ExportingDefaults, ExportingSymbols, Fullscreen, G, HU, U) {
/* *
* Exporting module
* (c) 2010-2024 Torstein Honsi
* License: www.highcharts.com/license
* */
const { defaultOptions } = D;
const { doc, SVG_NS, win } = G;
const { addEvent, css, createElement, discardElement, extend, find, fireEvent, isObject, merge, objectEach, pick, removeEvent, uniqueKey } = U;
/* *
* Composition
* */
var Exporting;
(function (Exporting) {
/* *
* Declarations
* */
/* *
* Constants
* */
// These CSS properties are not inlined. Remember camelCase.
const inlineDenylist = [
/^[0-9]+$/ // #17538
// These ones are translated to attributes rather than styles
const inlineToAttributes = [
Exporting.inlineAllowlist = [];
const unstyledElements = [
/* *
* Variables
* */
let printingChart;
/* *
* Functions
* */
* Add the export button to the chart, with options.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#addButton
* @param {Highcharts.NavigationButtonOptions} options
* @requires modules/exporting
function addButton(options) {
const chart = this, renderer = chart.renderer, btnOptions = merge(chart.options.navigation.buttonOptions, options), onclick = btnOptions.onclick, menuItems = btnOptions.menuItems, symbolSize = btnOptions.symbolSize || 12;
let symbol;
if (!chart.btnCount) {
chart.btnCount = 0;
// Keeps references to the button elements
if (!chart.exportDivElements) {
chart.exportDivElements = [];
chart.exportSVGElements = [];
if (btnOptions.enabled === false || !btnOptions.theme) {
const attr = btnOptions.theme;
let callback;
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attr.fill = pick(attr.fill, "#ffffff" /* Palette.backgroundColor */);
attr.stroke = pick(attr.stroke, 'none');
if (onclick) {
callback = function (e) {
if (e) {
onclick.call(chart, e);
else if (menuItems) {
callback = function (e) {
// Consistent with onclick call (#3495)
if (e) {
chart.contextMenu(button.menuClassName, menuItems, button.translateX || 0, button.translateY || 0, button.width || 0, button.height || 0, button);
if (btnOptions.text && btnOptions.symbol) {
attr.paddingLeft = pick(attr.paddingLeft, 30);
else if (!btnOptions.text) {
extend(attr, {
width: btnOptions.width,
height: btnOptions.height,
padding: 0
if (!chart.styledMode) {
attr['stroke-linecap'] = 'round';
attr.fill = pick(attr.fill, "#ffffff" /* Palette.backgroundColor */);
attr.stroke = pick(attr.stroke, 'none');
const button = renderer
.button(btnOptions.text, 0, 0, callback, attr, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, btnOptions.useHTML)
title: pick(chart.options.lang[btnOptions._titleKey || btnOptions.titleKey], '')
button.menuClassName = (options.menuClassName ||
'highcharts-menu-' + chart.btnCount++);
if (btnOptions.symbol) {
symbol = renderer
.symbol(btnOptions.symbol, btnOptions.symbolX - (symbolSize / 2), btnOptions.symbolY - (symbolSize / 2), symbolSize, symbolSize
// If symbol is an image, scale it (#7957)
, {
width: symbolSize,
height: symbolSize
zIndex: 1
if (!chart.styledMode) {
stroke: btnOptions.symbolStroke,
fill: btnOptions.symbolFill,
'stroke-width': btnOptions.symbolStrokeWidth || 1
.align(extend(btnOptions, {
width: button.width,
x: pick(btnOptions.x, chart.buttonOffset) // #1654
}), true, 'spacingBox');
chart.buttonOffset += (((button.width || 0) + btnOptions.buttonSpacing) *
(btnOptions.align === 'right' ? -1 : 1));
chart.exportSVGElements.push(button, symbol);
* Clean up after printing a chart.
* @function Highcharts#afterPrint
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} chart
* Chart that was (or suppose to be) printed
* @emits Highcharts.Chart#event:afterPrint
function afterPrint() {
const chart = this;
if (!chart.printReverseInfo) {
return void 0;
const { childNodes, origDisplay, resetParams } = chart.printReverseInfo;
// Put the chart back in
// Restore all body content
[].forEach.call(childNodes, function (node, i) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
node.style.display = (origDisplay[i] || '');
chart.isPrinting = false;
// Reset printMaxWidth
if (resetParams) {
chart.setSize.apply(chart, resetParams);
delete chart.printReverseInfo;
printingChart = void 0;
fireEvent(chart, 'afterPrint');
* Prepare chart and document before printing a chart.
* @function Highcharts#beforePrint
* @private
* @emits Highcharts.Chart#event:beforePrint
function beforePrint() {
const chart = this, body = doc.body, printMaxWidth = chart.options.exporting.printMaxWidth, printReverseInfo = {
childNodes: body.childNodes,
origDisplay: [],
resetParams: void 0
chart.isPrinting = true;
chart.pointer?.reset(void 0, 0);
fireEvent(chart, 'beforePrint');
// Handle printMaxWidth
const handleMaxWidth = printMaxWidth &&
chart.chartWidth > printMaxWidth;
if (handleMaxWidth) {
printReverseInfo.resetParams = [
void 0,
chart.setSize(printMaxWidth, void 0, false);
// Hide all body content
[].forEach.call(printReverseInfo.childNodes, function (node, i) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
printReverseInfo.origDisplay[i] = node.style.display;
node.style.display = 'none';
// Pull out the chart
// Storage details for undo action after printing
chart.printReverseInfo = printReverseInfo;
* @private
function chartCallback(chart) {
const composition = chart;
addEvent(chart, 'redraw', composition.renderExporting);
// Destroy the export elements at chart destroy
addEvent(chart, 'destroy', composition.destroyExport);
// Uncomment this to see a button directly below the chart, for quick
// testing of export
let button, viewImage, viewSource;
if (!chart.renderer.forExport) {
viewImage = function () {
let div = doc.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = chart.getSVGForExport();
viewSource = function () {
let pre = doc.createElement('pre');
pre.innerHTML = chart.getSVGForExport()
.replace(/</g, '\n&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
// View SVG Image
button = doc.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'View SVG Image';
button.onclick = viewImage;
// View SVG Source
button = doc.createElement('button');
button.innerHTML = 'View SVG Source';
button.onclick = viewSource;
* @private
function compose(ChartClass, SVGRendererClass) {
const chartProto = ChartClass.prototype;
if (!chartProto.exportChart) {
chartProto.afterPrint = afterPrint;
chartProto.exportChart = exportChart;
chartProto.inlineStyles = inlineStyles;
chartProto.print = print;
chartProto.sanitizeSVG = sanitizeSVG;
chartProto.getChartHTML = getChartHTML;
chartProto.getSVG = getSVG;
chartProto.getSVGForExport = getSVGForExport;
chartProto.getFilename = getFilename;
chartProto.moveContainers = moveContainers;
chartProto.beforePrint = beforePrint;
chartProto.contextMenu = contextMenu;
chartProto.addButton = addButton;
chartProto.destroyExport = destroyExport;
chartProto.renderExporting = renderExporting;
addEvent(ChartClass, 'init', onChartInit);
if (G.isSafari) {
win.matchMedia('print').addListener(function (mqlEvent) {
if (!printingChart) {
return void 0;
if (mqlEvent.matches) {
else {
defaultOptions.exporting = merge(ExportingDefaults.exporting, defaultOptions.exporting);
defaultOptions.lang = merge(ExportingDefaults.lang, defaultOptions.lang);
// Buttons and menus are collected in a separate config option set
// called 'navigation'. This can be extended later to add control
// buttons like zoom and pan right click menus.
defaultOptions.navigation = merge(ExportingDefaults.navigation, defaultOptions.navigation);
Exporting.compose = compose;
* Display a popup menu for choosing the export type.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#contextMenu
* @param {string} className
* An identifier for the menu.
* @param {Array<string|Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject>} items
* A collection with text and onclicks for the items.
* @param {number} x
* The x position of the opener button
* @param {number} y
* The y position of the opener button
* @param {number} width
* The width of the opener button
* @param {number} height
* The height of the opener button
* @requires modules/exporting
function contextMenu(className, items, x, y, width, height, button) {
const chart = this, navOptions = chart.options.navigation, chartWidth = chart.chartWidth, chartHeight = chart.chartHeight, cacheName = 'cache-' + className,
// For mouse leave detection
menuPadding = Math.max(width, height);
let innerMenu, menu = chart[cacheName];
// Create the menu only the first time
if (!menu) {
// Create a HTML element above the SVG
chart.exportContextMenu = chart[cacheName] = menu =
createElement('div', {
className: className
}, {
position: 'absolute',
zIndex: 1000,
padding: menuPadding + 'px',
pointerEvents: 'auto',
}, chart.scrollablePlotArea?.fixedDiv || chart.container);
innerMenu = createElement('ul', { className: 'highcharts-menu' }, chart.styledMode ? {} : {
listStyle: 'none',
margin: 0,
padding: 0
}, menu);
// Presentational CSS
if (!chart.styledMode) {
css(innerMenu, extend({
MozBoxShadow: '3px 3px 10px #888',
WebkitBoxShadow: '3px 3px 10px #888',
boxShadow: '3px 3px 10px #888'
}, navOptions.menuStyle));
// Hide on mouse out
menu.hideMenu = function () {
css(menu, { display: 'none' });
if (button) {
chart.openMenu = false;
// #10361, #9998
css(chart.renderTo, { overflow: 'hidden' });
css(chart.container, { overflow: 'hidden' });
fireEvent(chart, 'exportMenuHidden');
// Hide the menu some time after mouse leave (#1357)
chart.exportEvents.push(addEvent(menu, 'mouseleave', function () {
menu.hideTimer = win.setTimeout(menu.hideMenu, 500);
}), addEvent(menu, 'mouseenter', function () {
// Hide it on clicking or touching outside the menu (#2258,
// #2335, #2407)
addEvent(doc, 'mouseup', function (e) {
if (!chart.pointer?.inClass(e.target, className)) {
}), addEvent(menu, 'click', function () {
if (chart.openMenu) {
// Create the items
items.forEach(function (item) {
if (typeof item === 'string') {
item = chart.options.exporting
if (isObject(item, true)) {
let element;
if (item.separator) {
element = createElement('hr', void 0, void 0, innerMenu);
else {
// When chart initialized with the table, wrong button
// text displayed, #14352.
if (item.textKey === 'viewData' &&
chart.isDataTableVisible) {
item.textKey = 'hideData';
element = createElement('li', {
className: 'highcharts-menu-item',
onclick: function (e) {
if (e) { // IE7
if (typeof item !== 'string' && item.onclick) {
item.onclick.apply(chart, arguments);
}, void 0, innerMenu);
AST.setElementHTML(element, item.text ||
if (!chart.styledMode) {
element.onmouseover = function () {
css(this, navOptions.menuItemHoverStyle);
element.onmouseout = function () {
css(this, navOptions.menuItemStyle);
css(element, extend({
cursor: 'pointer'
}, navOptions.menuItemStyle || {}));
// Keep references to menu divs to be able to destroy them
// Keep references to menu and innerMenu div to be able to destroy
// them
chart.exportDivElements.push(innerMenu, menu);
chart.exportMenuWidth = menu.offsetWidth;
chart.exportMenuHeight = menu.offsetHeight;
const menuStyle = { display: 'block' };
// If outside right, right align it
if (x + chart.exportMenuWidth > chartWidth) {
menuStyle.right = (chartWidth - x - width - menuPadding) + 'px';
else {
menuStyle.left = (x - menuPadding) + 'px';
// If outside bottom, bottom align it
if (y + height + chart.exportMenuHeight > chartHeight &&
button.alignOptions.verticalAlign !== 'top') {
menuStyle.bottom = (chartHeight - y - menuPadding) + 'px';
else {
menuStyle.top = (y + height - menuPadding) + 'px';
css(menu, menuStyle);
// #10361, #9998
css(chart.renderTo, { overflow: '' });
css(chart.container, { overflow: '' });
chart.openMenu = true;
fireEvent(chart, 'exportMenuShown');
* Destroy the export buttons.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#destroyExport
* @param {global.Event} [e]
* @requires modules/exporting
function destroyExport(e) {
const chart = e ? e.target : this, exportSVGElements = chart.exportSVGElements, exportDivElements = chart.exportDivElements, exportEvents = chart.exportEvents;
let cacheName;
// Destroy the extra buttons added
if (exportSVGElements) {
exportSVGElements.forEach((elem, i) => {
// Destroy and null the svg elements
if (elem) { // #1822
elem.onclick = elem.ontouchstart = null;
cacheName = 'cache-' + elem.menuClassName;
if (chart[cacheName]) {
delete chart[cacheName];
exportSVGElements[i] = elem.destroy();
exportSVGElements.length = 0;
// Destroy the exporting group
if (chart.exportingGroup) {
delete chart.exportingGroup;
// Destroy the divs for the menu
if (exportDivElements) {
exportDivElements.forEach(function (elem, i) {
if (elem) {
// Remove the event handler
U.clearTimeout(elem.hideTimer); // #5427
removeEvent(elem, 'mouseleave');
// Remove inline events
// (chart.exportDivElements as any)[i] =
exportDivElements[i] =
elem.onmouseout =
elem.onmouseover =
elem.ontouchstart =
elem.onclick = null;
// Destroy the div by moving to garbage bin
exportDivElements.length = 0;
if (exportEvents) {
exportEvents.forEach(function (unbind) {
exportEvents.length = 0;
* Exporting module required. Submit an SVG version of the chart to a server
* along with some parameters for conversion.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-exportchart/
* Export with no options
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-exportchart-filename/
* PDF type and custom filename
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-exportchart-custom-background/
* Different chart background in export
* @sample stock/members/chart-exportchart/
* Export with Highcharts Stock
* @function Highcharts.Chart#exportChart
* @param {Highcharts.ExportingOptions} exportingOptions
* Exporting options in addition to those defined in
* [exporting](https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/exporting).
* @param {Highcharts.Options} chartOptions
* Additional chart options for the exported chart. For example a
* different background color can be added here, or `dataLabels` for
* export only.
* @requires modules/exporting
function exportChart(exportingOptions, chartOptions) {
const svg = this.getSVGForExport(exportingOptions, chartOptions);
// Merge the options
exportingOptions = merge(this.options.exporting, exportingOptions);
// Do the post
HU.post(exportingOptions.url, {
filename: exportingOptions.filename ?
exportingOptions.filename.replace(/\//g, '-') :
type: exportingOptions.type,
width: exportingOptions.width,
scale: exportingOptions.scale,
svg: svg
}, exportingOptions.fetchOptions);
* Return the unfiltered innerHTML of the chart container. Used as hook for
* plugins. In styled mode, it also takes care of inlining CSS style rules.
* @see Chart#getSVG
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getChartHTML
* @return {string}
* The unfiltered SVG of the chart.
* @requires modules/exporting
function getChartHTML() {
if (this.styledMode) {
return this.container.innerHTML;
* Get the default file name used for exported charts. By default it creates
* a file name based on the chart title.
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getFilename
* @return {string} A file name without extension.
* @requires modules/exporting
function getFilename() {
const s = this.userOptions.title && this.userOptions.title.text;
let filename = this.options.exporting.filename;
if (filename) {
return filename.replace(/\//g, '-');
if (typeof s === 'string') {
filename = s
.replace(/<\/?[^>]+(>|$)/g, '') // Strip HTML tags
.replace(/[\s_]+/g, '-')
.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-]/g, '') // Preserve only latin
.replace(/^[\-]+/g, '') // Dashes in the start
.replace(/[\-]+/g, '-') // Dashes in a row
.substr(0, 24)
.replace(/[\-]+$/g, ''); // Dashes in the end;
if (!filename || filename.length < 5) {
filename = 'chart';
return filename;
* Return an SVG representation of the chart.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-getsvg/
* View the SVG from a button
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getSVG
* @param {Highcharts.Options} [chartOptions]
* Additional chart options for the generated SVG representation. For
* collections like `xAxis`, `yAxis` or `series`, the additional
* options is either merged in to the original item of the same
* `id`, or to the first item if a common id is not found.
* @return {string}
* The SVG representation of the rendered chart.
* @emits Highcharts.Chart#event:getSVG
* @requires modules/exporting
function getSVG(chartOptions) {
const chart = this;
let svg, seriesOptions,
// Copy the options and add extra options
options = merge(chart.options, chartOptions);
// Use userOptions to make the options chain in series right (#3881)
options.plotOptions = merge(chart.userOptions.plotOptions, chartOptions && chartOptions.plotOptions);
// ... and likewise with time, avoid that undefined time properties are
// merged over legacy global time options
options.time = merge(chart.userOptions.time, chartOptions && chartOptions.time);
// Create a sandbox where a new chart will be generated
const sandbox = createElement('div', null, {
position: 'absolute',
top: '-9999em',
width: chart.chartWidth + 'px',
height: chart.chartHeight + 'px'
}, doc.body);
// Get the source size
const cssWidth = chart.renderTo.style.width, cssHeight = chart.renderTo.style.height, sourceWidth = options.exporting.sourceWidth ||
options.chart.width ||
(/px$/.test(cssWidth) && parseInt(cssWidth, 10)) ||
(options.isGantt ? 800 : 600), sourceHeight = options.exporting.sourceHeight ||
options.chart.height ||
(/px$/.test(cssHeight) && parseInt(cssHeight, 10)) ||
// Override some options
extend(options.chart, {
animation: false,
renderTo: sandbox,
forExport: true,
renderer: 'SVGRenderer',
width: sourceWidth,
height: sourceHeight
options.exporting.enabled = false; // Hide buttons in print
delete options.data; // #3004
// prepare for replicating the chart
options.series = [];
chart.series.forEach(function (serie) {
seriesOptions = merge(serie.userOptions, {
animation: false,
enableMouseTracking: false,
showCheckbox: false,
visible: serie.visible
// Used for the navigator series that has its own option set
if (!seriesOptions.isInternal) {
const colls = {};
chart.axes.forEach(function (axis) {
// Assign an internal key to ensure a one-to-one mapping (#5924)
if (!axis.userOptions.internalKey) { // #6444
axis.userOptions.internalKey = uniqueKey();
if (!axis.options.isInternal) {
if (!colls[axis.coll]) {
colls[axis.coll] = true;
options[axis.coll] = [];
options[axis.coll].push(merge(axis.userOptions, {
visible: axis.visible
// Make sure the `colorAxis` object of the `defaultOptions` isn't used
// in the chart copy's user options, because a color axis should only be
// added when the user actually applies it.
options.colorAxis = chart.userOptions.colorAxis;
// Generate the chart copy
const chartCopy = new chart.constructor(options, chart.callback);
// Axis options and series options (#2022, #3900, #5982)
if (chartOptions) {
['xAxis', 'yAxis', 'series'].forEach(function (coll) {
const collOptions = {};
if (chartOptions[coll]) {
collOptions[coll] = chartOptions[coll];
// Reflect axis extremes in the export (#5924)
chart.axes.forEach(function (axis) {
const axisCopy = find(chartCopy.axes, function (copy) {
return copy.options.internalKey ===
}), extremes = axis.getExtremes(), userMin = extremes.userMin, userMax = extremes.userMax;
if (axisCopy &&
((typeof userMin !== 'undefined' &&
userMin !== axisCopy.min) || (typeof userMax !== 'undefined' &&
userMax !== axisCopy.max))) {
axisCopy.setExtremes(userMin, userMax, true, false);
// Get the SVG from the container's innerHTML
svg = chartCopy.getChartHTML();
fireEvent(this, 'getSVG', { chartCopy: chartCopy });
svg = chart.sanitizeSVG(svg, options);
// Free up memory
options = null;
return svg;
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#getSVGForExport
function getSVGForExport(options, chartOptions) {
const chartExportingOptions = this.options.exporting;
return this.getSVG(merge({ chart: { borderRadius: 0 } }, chartExportingOptions.chartOptions, chartOptions, {
exporting: {
sourceWidth: ((options && options.sourceWidth) ||
sourceHeight: ((options && options.sourceHeight) ||
* Make hyphenated property names out of camelCase
* @private
* @param {string} prop
* Property name in camelCase
* @return {string}
* Hyphenated property name
function hyphenate(prop) {
return prop.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (a, b) {
return '-' + b.toLowerCase();
* Analyze inherited styles from stylesheets and add them inline
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#inlineStyles
* @todo What are the border styles for text about? In general, text has a
* lot of properties.
* @todo Make it work with IE9 and IE10.
* @requires modules/exporting
function inlineStyles() {
const denylist = inlineDenylist, allowlist = Exporting.inlineAllowlist, // For IE
defaultStyles = {};
let dummySVG;
// Create an iframe where we read default styles without pollution from
// this body
const iframe = doc.createElement('iframe');
css(iframe, {
width: '1px',
height: '1px',
visibility: 'hidden'
const iframeDoc = (iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document);
if (iframeDoc) {
iframeDoc.body.appendChild(iframeDoc.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg'));
* Call this on all elements and recurse to children
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} node
* Element child
function recurse(node) {
const filteredStyles = {};
let styles, parentStyles, dummy, denylisted, allowlisted, i;
* Check computed styles and whether they are in the allow/denylist
* for styles or attributes.
* @private
* @param {string} val
* Style value
* @param {string} prop
* Style property name
function filterStyles(val, prop) {
// Check against allowlist & denylist
denylisted = allowlisted = false;
if (allowlist.length) {
// Styled mode in IE has a allowlist instead. Exclude all
// props not in this list.
i = allowlist.length;
while (i-- && !allowlisted) {
allowlisted = allowlist[i].test(prop);
denylisted = !allowlisted;
// Explicitly remove empty transforms
if (prop === 'transform' && val === 'none') {
denylisted = true;
i = denylist.length;
while (i-- && !denylisted) {
denylisted = (denylist[i].test(prop) ||
typeof val === 'function');
if (!denylisted) {
// If parent node has the same style, it gets inherited, no
// need to inline it. Top-level props should be diffed
// against parent (#7687).
if ((parentStyles[prop] !== val ||
node.nodeName === 'svg') &&
defaultStyles[node.nodeName][prop] !== val) {
// Attributes
if (!inlineToAttributes ||
inlineToAttributes.indexOf(prop) !== -1) {
if (val) {
node.setAttribute(hyphenate(prop), val);
// Styles
else {
filteredStyles[prop] = val;
if (iframeDoc &&
node.nodeType === 1 &&
unstyledElements.indexOf(node.nodeName) === -1) {
styles = win.getComputedStyle(node, null);
parentStyles = node.nodeName === 'svg' ?
{} :
win.getComputedStyle(node.parentNode, null);
// Get default styles from the browser so that we don't have to
// add these
if (!defaultStyles[node.nodeName]) {
If (!dummySVG) {
dummySVG = doc.createElementNS(H.SVG_NS, 'svg');
dummySVG.setAttribute('version', '1.1');
dummySVG = iframeDoc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0];
dummy = iframeDoc.createElementNS(node.namespaceURI, node.nodeName);
// Get the defaults into a standard object (simple merge
// won't do)
const s = win.getComputedStyle(dummy, null), defaults = {};
for (const key in s) {
if (typeof s[key] === 'string' &&
!/^[0-9]+$/.test(key)) {
defaults[key] = s[key];
defaultStyles[node.nodeName] = defaults;
// Remove default fill, otherwise text disappears when
// exported
if (node.nodeName === 'text') {
delete defaultStyles.text.fill;
// Loop through all styles and add them inline if they are ok
for (const p in styles) {
if (
// Some browsers put lots of styles on the prototype...
G.isFirefox ||
G.isMS ||
G.isSafari || // #16902
// ... Chrome puts them on the instance
Object.hasOwnProperty.call(styles, p)) {
filterStyles(styles[p], p);
// Apply styles
css(node, filteredStyles);
// Set default stroke width (needed at least for IE)
if (node.nodeName === 'svg') {
node.setAttribute('stroke-width', '1px');
if (node.nodeName === 'text') {
// Recurse
[].forEach.call(node.children || node.childNodes, recurse);
* Remove the dummy objects used to get defaults
* @private
function tearDown() {
// Remove trash from DOM that stayed after each exporting
* Move the chart container(s) to another div.
* @function Highcharts#moveContainers
* @private
* @param {Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement} moveTo
* Move target
function moveContainers(moveTo) {
const { scrollablePlotArea } = this;
// When scrollablePlotArea is active (#9533)
scrollablePlotArea ?
] :
[this.container]).forEach(function (div) {
* Add update methods to handle chart.update and chart.exporting.update and
* chart.navigation.update. These must be added to the chart instance rather
* than the Chart prototype in order to use the chart instance inside the
* update function.
* @private
function onChartInit() {
const chart = this,
* @private
* @param {"exporting"|"navigation"} prop
* Property name in option root
* @param {Highcharts.ExportingOptions|Highcharts.NavigationOptions} options
* Options to update
* @param {boolean} [redraw=true]
* Whether to redraw
update = (prop, options, redraw) => {
chart.isDirtyExporting = true;
merge(true, chart.options[prop], options);
if (pick(redraw, true)) {
chart.exporting = {
update: function (options, redraw) {
update('exporting', options, redraw);
// Register update() method for navigation. Cannot be set the same way
// as for exporting, because navigation options are shared with bindings
// which has separate update() logic.
.addUpdate((options, redraw) => {
update('navigation', options, redraw);
* Exporting module required. Clears away other elements in the page and
* prints the chart as it is displayed. By default, when the exporting
* module is enabled, a context button with a drop down menu in the upper
* right corner accesses this function.
* @sample highcharts/members/chart-print/
* Print from a HTML button
* @function Highcharts.Chart#print
* @emits Highcharts.Chart#event:beforePrint
* @emits Highcharts.Chart#event:afterPrint
* @requires modules/exporting
function print() {
const chart = this;
if (chart.isPrinting) { // Block the button while in printing mode
printingChart = chart;
if (!G.isSafari) {
// Give the browser time to draw WebGL content, an issue that randomly
// appears (at least) in Chrome ~67 on the Mac (#8708).
setTimeout(() => {
win.focus(); // #1510
// Allow the browser to prepare before reverting
if (!G.isSafari) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
}, 1);
* Add the buttons on chart load
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#renderExporting
* @requires modules/exporting
function renderExporting() {
const chart = this, exportingOptions = chart.options.exporting, buttons = exportingOptions.buttons, isDirty = chart.isDirtyExporting || !chart.exportSVGElements;
chart.buttonOffset = 0;
if (chart.isDirtyExporting) {
if (isDirty && exportingOptions.enabled !== false) {
chart.exportEvents = [];
chart.exportingGroup = chart.exportingGroup ||
zIndex: 3 // #4955, // #8392
objectEach(buttons, function (button) {
chart.isDirtyExporting = false;
* Exporting module only. A collection of fixes on the produced SVG to
* account for expand properties, browser bugs.
* Returns a cleaned SVG.
* @private
* @function Highcharts.Chart#sanitizeSVG
* @param {string} svg
* SVG code to sanitize
* @param {Highcharts.Options} options
* Chart options to apply
* @return {string}
* Sanitized SVG code
* @requires modules/exporting
function sanitizeSVG(svg, options) {
const split = svg.indexOf('</svg>') + 6;
let html = svg.substr(split);
// Remove any HTML added to the container after the SVG (#894, #9087)
svg = svg.substr(0, split);
// Move HTML into a foreignObject
if (options && options.exporting && options.exporting.allowHTML) {
if (html) {
html = '<foreignObject x="0" y="0" ' +
'width="' + options.chart.width + '" ' +
'height="' + options.chart.height + '">' +
'<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' +
// Some tags needs to be closed in xhtml (#13726)
html.replace(/(<(?:img|br).*?(?=\>))>/g, '$1 />') +
'</body>' +
svg = svg.replace('</svg>', html + '</svg>');
svg = svg
.replace(/zIndex="[^"]+"/g, '')
.replace(/symbolName="[^"]+"/g, '')
.replace(/jQuery[0-9]+="[^"]+"/g, '')
.replace(/url\(("|&quot;)(.*?)("|&quot;)\;?\)/g, 'url($2)')
.replace(/url\([^#]+#/g, 'url(#')
.replace(/<svg /, '<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ')
.replace(/ (|NS[0-9]+\:)href=/g, ' xlink:href=') // #3567
.replace(/\n+/g, ' ')
// Batik doesn't support rgba fills and strokes (#3095)
.replace(/(fill|stroke)="rgba\(([ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+,[ 0-9]+),([ 0-9\.]+)\)"/g, // eslint-disable-line max-len
'$1="rgb($2)" $1-opacity="$3"')
// Replace HTML entities, issue #347
.replace(/&nbsp;/g, '\u00A0') // No-break space
.replace(/&shy;/g, '\u00AD'); // Soft hyphen
return svg;
})(Exporting || (Exporting = {}));
/* *
* Default Export
* */
/* *
* API Declarations
* */
* Gets fired after a chart is printed through the context menu item or the
* Chart.print method.
* @callback Highcharts.ExportingAfterPrintCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} this
* The chart on which the event occurred.
* @param {global.Event} event
* The event that occurred.
* Gets fired before a chart is printed through the context menu item or the
* Chart.print method.
* @callback Highcharts.ExportingBeforePrintCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.Chart} this
* The chart on which the event occurred.
* @param {global.Event} event
* The event that occurred.
* Function to call if the offline-exporting module fails to export a chart on
* the client side.
* @callback Highcharts.ExportingErrorCallbackFunction
* @param {Highcharts.ExportingOptions} options
* The exporting options.
* @param {global.Error} err
* The error from the module.
* Definition for a menu item in the context menu.
* @interface Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject
*/ /**
* The text for the menu item.
* @name Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject#text
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* If internationalization is required, the key to a language string.
* @name Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject#textKey
* @type {string|undefined}
*/ /**
* The click handler for the menu item.
* @name Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject#onclick
* @type {Highcharts.EventCallbackFunction<Highcharts.Chart>|undefined}
*/ /**
* Indicates a separator line instead of an item.
* @name Highcharts.ExportingMenuObject#separator
* @type {boolean|undefined}
* Possible MIME types for exporting.
* @typedef {"image/png"|"image/jpeg"|"application/pdf"|"image/svg+xml"} Highcharts.ExportingMimeTypeValue
(''); // Keeps doclets above in transpiled file
/* *
* API Options
* */
* Fires after a chart is printed through the context menu item or the
* `Chart.print` method.
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-beforeprint-afterprint/
* Rescale the chart to print
* @type {Highcharts.ExportingAfterPrintCallbackFunction}
* @since 4.1.0
* @context Highcharts.Chart
* @requires modules/exporting
* @apioption chart.events.afterPrint
* Fires before a chart is printed through the context menu item or
* the `Chart.print` method.
* @sample highcharts/chart/events-beforeprint-afterprint/
* Rescale the chart to print
* @type {Highcharts.ExportingBeforePrintCallbackFunction}
* @since 4.1.0
* @context Highcharts.Chart
* @requires modules/exporting
* @apioption chart.events.beforePrint
(''); // Keeps doclets above in transpiled file
return Exporting;
_registerModule(_modules, 'masters/modules/exporting.src.js', [_modules['Core/Globals.js'], _modules['Extensions/Exporting/Exporting.js'], _modules['Core/HttpUtilities.js']], function (Highcharts, Exporting, HttpUtilities) {
const G = Highcharts;
G.HttpUtilities = G.HttpUtilities || HttpUtilities;
G.ajax = G.HttpUtilities.ajax;
G.getJSON = G.HttpUtilities.getJSON;
G.post = G.HttpUtilities.post;
Exporting.compose(G.Chart, G.Renderer);
return Highcharts;