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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
# Change Log
## 2.1.1
- Fix GitHub workflow badge
## 2.1.0
- Add support for `<link>` elements using data URIs
## 2.0.2
- Fix empty `<link>` stylesheet triggering `onError()` callback
## 2.0.1
- Update version number in CDN URLs
## 2.0.0
- Remove nodes skipped during `onSuccess()` from `onComplete()` arguments
- Support XHR status < 400 for `file://` URLs
- Remove distributable files from version control
## 1.9.1
- Fix detection of SVG `<style>` nodes
## 1.9.0
- Add support for `file://` URLs from local files on supporting browsers
## 1.8.0
- Add `options.skipDisabled` which determines if disabled stylesheets will be
skipped while collecting CSS data.
## 1.7.1
- Restore babel transpilation for ES modules (removed in 1.7.0)
## 1.7.0
- Add support for HTML `<base>` tag (#3)
- Remove babel transpilation for ES modules
## 1.6.3
- Fix IE9 CORS check
## 1.6.2
- Update preferred CDN link to jsdelivr.
## 1.6.1
- Fix bug that prevented IE10 from fetching `<link>` CSS data from external
## 1.6.0
- Update `options.onSuccess` callback to better handle falsey return values
(e.g. `false`, `null`, `0`, `""`).
## 1.5.0
- Add check to prevent HTML returned from stylesheet 404 redirects from being
processed as CSS.
## 1.4.0
- Add `options.rootElement` for specifying the root element to traverse for
`<link>` and `<style>` nodes.
- Add `options.useCSSOM` to determine if CSS data should be collected from
CSSRule.cssText or Node.textContent values.
## 1.3.2
- Fix `options.onSuccess` bug that resulted in a return value not being
processed instead of the original `cssText`.
- Fix `options.onSuccess` behavior so that it is triggered for each `@import`
(was only being triggered for `<link>` nodes).
## 1.3.1
- Add `options.onBeforeSend` callback.
- Fix `@import` bug that caused duplicate requests to be sent when fetching
multiple imports in the same file.
- Fix `@import` bug that caused requests to fail when fetching multiple
imports from different directories in the same file.
## 1.2.0
- Fix bug that caused callbacks to be triggered for each `@import` statement
in each `<link>` or `<style>` node.
## 1.1.4/1.1.5
- Update README
## 1.1.3
- Update dev dependencies
- Update rollup configuration
- Update README
## 1.1.2
- Update dev dependencies
- Update rollup configuration
- Update README
## 1.1.1
- Update README
## 1.1.0
- Fix: style and link nodes that triggered an onError callback due to a failed
@import would result in an empty string being added to the cssText and
cssArray arguments of the options.onComplete callback. The original css text
(with the unresolved @import statement) is now added as expected.
- Update: An array of nodes is now passed to options.onComplete as the third
argument. The CSS text for each node is available at the same cssArray index
(the second argument).
## 1.0.2
- Fix: onComplete callback now fires when zero elements are matched by
## 1.0.1
- Fix: RegEx detection of @import URLs. Previous RegEx did not account for all
valid URL characters. New RegEx captures all @import URL characters between
single or double quotes.
- Update: unminified dist files now include JSDOC comments. This allows
documentation to be displayed in IDEs.
## 1.0.0
- Initial release