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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
/** Subject used to dispatch and listen for changes to the auto change detection status . */
const autoChangeDetectionSubject = new BehaviorSubject({
isDisabled: false,
/** The current subscription to `autoChangeDetectionSubject`. */
let autoChangeDetectionSubscription;
* The default handler for auto change detection status changes. This handler will be used if the
* specific environment does not install its own.
* @param status The new auto change detection status.
function defaultAutoChangeDetectionHandler(status) {
* Allows a test `HarnessEnvironment` to install its own handler for auto change detection status
* changes.
* @param handler The handler for the auto change detection status.
function handleAutoChangeDetectionStatus(handler) {
autoChangeDetectionSubscription = autoChangeDetectionSubject.subscribe(handler);
/** Allows a `HarnessEnvironment` to stop handling auto change detection status changes. */
function stopHandlingAutoChangeDetectionStatus() {
autoChangeDetectionSubscription = null;
* Batches together triggering of change detection over the duration of the given function.
* @param fn The function to call with batched change detection.
* @param triggerBeforeAndAfter Optionally trigger change detection once before and after the batch
* operation. If false, change detection will not be triggered.
* @return The result of the given function.
async function batchChangeDetection(fn, triggerBeforeAndAfter) {
// If change detection batching is already in progress, just run the function.
if (autoChangeDetectionSubject.getValue().isDisabled) {
return await fn();
// If nothing is handling change detection batching, install the default handler.
if (!autoChangeDetectionSubscription) {
if (triggerBeforeAndAfter) {
await new Promise(resolve => autoChangeDetectionSubject.next({
isDisabled: true,
onDetectChangesNow: resolve,
// The function passed in may throw (e.g. if the user wants to make an expectation of an error
// being thrown. If this happens, we need to make sure we still re-enable change detection, so
// we wrap it in a `finally` block.
try {
return await fn();
finally {
await new Promise(resolve => autoChangeDetectionSubject.next({
isDisabled: false,
onDetectChangesNow: resolve,
else {
autoChangeDetectionSubject.next({ isDisabled: true });
// The function passed in may throw (e.g. if the user wants to make an expectation of an error
// being thrown. If this happens, we need to make sure we still re-enable change detection, so
// we wrap it in a `finally` block.
try {
return await fn();
finally {
autoChangeDetectionSubject.next({ isDisabled: false });
* Disables the harness system's auto change detection for the duration of the given function.
* @param fn The function to disable auto change detection for.
* @return The result of the given function.
async function manualChangeDetection(fn) {
return batchChangeDetection(fn, false);
* Resolves the given list of async values in parallel (i.e. via Promise.all) while batching change
* detection over the entire operation such that change detection occurs exactly once before
* resolving the values and once after.
* @param values A getter for the async values to resolve in parallel with batched change detection.
* @return The resolved values.
async function parallel(values) {
return batchChangeDetection(() => Promise.all(values()), true);
* Base class for component harnesses that all component harness authors should extend. This base
* component harness provides the basic ability to locate element and sub-component harness. It
* should be inherited when defining user's own harness.
class ComponentHarness {
constructor(locatorFactory) {
this.locatorFactory = locatorFactory;
/** Gets a `Promise` for the `TestElement` representing the host element of the component. */
async host() {
return this.locatorFactory.rootElement;
* Gets a `LocatorFactory` for the document root element. This factory can be used to create
* locators for elements that a component creates outside of its own root element. (e.g. by
* appending to document.body).
documentRootLocatorFactory() {
return this.locatorFactory.documentRootLocatorFactory();
* Creates an asynchronous locator function that can be used to find a `ComponentHarness` instance
* or element under the host element of this `ComponentHarness`.
* @param queries A list of queries specifying which harnesses and elements to search for:
* - A `string` searches for elements matching the CSS selector specified by the string.
* - A `ComponentHarness` constructor searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the
* given class.
* - A `HarnessPredicate` searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the given
* predicate.
* @return An asynchronous locator function that searches for and returns a `Promise` for the
* first element or harness matching the given search criteria. Matches are ordered first by
* order in the DOM, and second by order in the queries list. If no matches are found, the
* `Promise` rejects. The type that the `Promise` resolves to is a union of all result types for
* each query.
* e.g. Given the following DOM: `<div id="d1" /><div id="d2" />`, and assuming
* `DivHarness.hostSelector === 'div'`:
* - `await ch.locatorFor(DivHarness, 'div')()` gets a `DivHarness` instance for `#d1`
* - `await ch.locatorFor('div', DivHarness)()` gets a `TestElement` instance for `#d1`
* - `await ch.locatorFor('span')()` throws because the `Promise` rejects.
locatorFor(...queries) {
return this.locatorFactory.locatorFor(...queries);
* Creates an asynchronous locator function that can be used to find a `ComponentHarness` instance
* or element under the host element of this `ComponentHarness`.
* @param queries A list of queries specifying which harnesses and elements to search for:
* - A `string` searches for elements matching the CSS selector specified by the string.
* - A `ComponentHarness` constructor searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the
* given class.
* - A `HarnessPredicate` searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the given
* predicate.
* @return An asynchronous locator function that searches for and returns a `Promise` for the
* first element or harness matching the given search criteria. Matches are ordered first by
* order in the DOM, and second by order in the queries list. If no matches are found, the
* `Promise` is resolved with `null`. The type that the `Promise` resolves to is a union of all
* result types for each query or null.
* e.g. Given the following DOM: `<div id="d1" /><div id="d2" />`, and assuming
* `DivHarness.hostSelector === 'div'`:
* - `await ch.locatorForOptional(DivHarness, 'div')()` gets a `DivHarness` instance for `#d1`
* - `await ch.locatorForOptional('div', DivHarness)()` gets a `TestElement` instance for `#d1`
* - `await ch.locatorForOptional('span')()` gets `null`.
locatorForOptional(...queries) {
return this.locatorFactory.locatorForOptional(...queries);
* Creates an asynchronous locator function that can be used to find `ComponentHarness` instances
* or elements under the host element of this `ComponentHarness`.
* @param queries A list of queries specifying which harnesses and elements to search for:
* - A `string` searches for elements matching the CSS selector specified by the string.
* - A `ComponentHarness` constructor searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the
* given class.
* - A `HarnessPredicate` searches for `ComponentHarness` instances matching the given
* predicate.
* @return An asynchronous locator function that searches for and returns a `Promise` for all
* elements and harnesses matching the given search criteria. Matches are ordered first by
* order in the DOM, and second by order in the queries list. If an element matches more than
* one `ComponentHarness` class, the locator gets an instance of each for the same element. If
* an element matches multiple `string` selectors, only one `TestElement` instance is returned
* for that element. The type that the `Promise` resolves to is an array where each element is
* the union of all result types for each query.
* e.g. Given the following DOM: `<div id="d1" /><div id="d2" />`, and assuming
* `DivHarness.hostSelector === 'div'` and `IdIsD1Harness.hostSelector === '#d1'`:
* - `await ch.locatorForAll(DivHarness, 'div')()` gets `[
* DivHarness, // for #d1
* TestElement, // for #d1
* DivHarness, // for #d2
* TestElement // for #d2
* ]`
* - `await ch.locatorForAll('div', '#d1')()` gets `[
* TestElement, // for #d1
* TestElement // for #d2
* ]`
* - `await ch.locatorForAll(DivHarness, IdIsD1Harness)()` gets `[
* DivHarness, // for #d1
* IdIsD1Harness, // for #d1
* DivHarness // for #d2
* ]`
* - `await ch.locatorForAll('span')()` gets `[]`.
locatorForAll(...queries) {
return this.locatorFactory.locatorForAll(...queries);
* Flushes change detection and async tasks in the Angular zone.
* In most cases it should not be necessary to call this manually. However, there may be some edge
* cases where it is needed to fully flush animation events.
async forceStabilize() {
return this.locatorFactory.forceStabilize();
* Waits for all scheduled or running async tasks to complete. This allows harness
* authors to wait for async tasks outside of the Angular zone.
async waitForTasksOutsideAngular() {
return this.locatorFactory.waitForTasksOutsideAngular();
* Base class for component harnesses that authors should extend if they anticipate that consumers
* of the harness may want to access other harnesses within the `<ng-content>` of the component.
class ContentContainerComponentHarness extends ComponentHarness {
async getChildLoader(selector) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).getChildLoader(selector);
async getAllChildLoaders(selector) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).getAllChildLoaders(selector);
async getHarness(query) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).getHarness(query);
async getHarnessOrNull(query) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).getHarnessOrNull(query);
async getAllHarnesses(query) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).getAllHarnesses(query);
async hasHarness(query) {
return (await this.getRootHarnessLoader()).hasHarness(query);
* Gets the root harness loader from which to start
* searching for content contained by this harness.
async getRootHarnessLoader() {
return this.locatorFactory.rootHarnessLoader();
* A class used to associate a ComponentHarness class with predicates functions that can be used to
* filter instances of the class.
class HarnessPredicate {
constructor(harnessType, options) {
this.harnessType = harnessType;
this._predicates = [];
this._descriptions = [];
* Checks if the specified nullable string value matches the given pattern.
* @param value The nullable string value to check, or a Promise resolving to the
* nullable string value.
* @param pattern The pattern the value is expected to match. If `pattern` is a string,
* `value` is expected to match exactly. If `pattern` is a regex, a partial match is
* allowed. If `pattern` is `null`, the value is expected to be `null`.
* @return Whether the value matches the pattern.
static async stringMatches(value, pattern) {
value = await value;
if (pattern === null) {
return value === null;
else if (value === null) {
return false;
return typeof pattern === 'string' ? value === pattern : pattern.test(value);
* Adds a predicate function to be run against candidate harnesses.
* @param description A description of this predicate that may be used in error messages.
* @param predicate An async predicate function.
* @return this (for method chaining).
add(description, predicate) {
return this;
* Adds a predicate function that depends on an option value to be run against candidate
* harnesses. If the option value is undefined, the predicate will be ignored.
* @param name The name of the option (may be used in error messages).
* @param option The option value.
* @param predicate The predicate function to run if the option value is not undefined.
* @return this (for method chaining).
addOption(name, option, predicate) {
if (option !== undefined) {
this.add(`${name} = ${_valueAsString(option)}`, item => predicate(item, option));
return this;
* Filters a list of harnesses on this predicate.
* @param harnesses The list of harnesses to filter.
* @return A list of harnesses that satisfy this predicate.
async filter(harnesses) {
if (harnesses.length === 0) {
return [];
const results = await parallel(() => harnesses.map(h => this.evaluate(h)));
return harnesses.filter((_, i) => results[i]);
* Evaluates whether the given harness satisfies this predicate.
* @param harness The harness to check
* @return A promise that resolves to true if the harness satisfies this predicate,
* and resolves to false otherwise.
async evaluate(harness) {
const results = await parallel(() => this._predicates.map(p => p(harness)));
return results.reduce((combined, current) => combined && current, true);
/** Gets a description of this predicate for use in error messages. */
getDescription() {
return this._descriptions.join(', ');
/** Gets the selector used to find candidate elements. */
getSelector() {
// We don't have to go through the extra trouble if there are no ancestors.
if (!this._ancestor) {
return (this.harnessType.hostSelector || '').trim();
const [ancestors, ancestorPlaceholders] = _splitAndEscapeSelector(this._ancestor);
const [selectors, selectorPlaceholders] = _splitAndEscapeSelector(this.harnessType.hostSelector || '');
const result = [];
// We have to add the ancestor to each part of the host compound selector, otherwise we can get
// incorrect results. E.g. `.ancestor .a, .ancestor .b` vs `.ancestor .a, .b`.
ancestors.forEach(escapedAncestor => {
const ancestor = _restoreSelector(escapedAncestor, ancestorPlaceholders);
return selectors.forEach(escapedSelector => result.push(`${ancestor} ${_restoreSelector(escapedSelector, selectorPlaceholders)}`));
return result.join(', ');
/** Adds base options common to all harness types. */
_addBaseOptions(options) {
this._ancestor = options.ancestor || '';
if (this._ancestor) {
this._descriptions.push(`has ancestor matching selector "${this._ancestor}"`);
const selector = options.selector;
if (selector !== undefined) {
this.add(`host matches selector "${selector}"`, async (item) => {
return (await item.host()).matchesSelector(selector);
/** Represent a value as a string for the purpose of logging. */
function _valueAsString(value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return 'undefined';
try {
// `JSON.stringify` doesn't handle RegExp properly, so we need a custom replacer.
// Use a character that is unlikely to appear in real strings to denote the start and end of
// the regex. This allows us to strip out the extra quotes around the value added by
// `JSON.stringify`. Also do custom escaping on `"` characters to prevent `JSON.stringify`
// from escaping them as if they were part of a string.
const stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value, (_, v) => v instanceof RegExp
? `◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬${v.toString().replace(/"/g, '◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬')}◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬`
: v);
// Strip out the extra quotes around regexes and put back the manually escaped `"` characters.
return stringifiedValue
.replace(/"◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬|◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬"/g, '')
.replace(/◬MAT_RE_ESCAPE◬/g, '"');
catch {
// `JSON.stringify` will throw if the object is cyclical,
// in this case the best we can do is report the value as `{...}`.
return '{...}';
* Splits up a compound selector into its parts and escapes any quoted content. The quoted content
* has to be escaped, because it can contain commas which will throw throw us off when trying to
* split it.
* @param selector Selector to be split.
* @returns The escaped string where any quoted content is replaced with a placeholder. E.g.
* `[foo="bar"]` turns into `[foo=__cdkPlaceholder-0__]`. Use `_restoreSelector` to restore
* the placeholders.
function _splitAndEscapeSelector(selector) {
const placeholders = [];
// Note that the regex doesn't account for nested quotes so something like `"ab'cd'e"` will be
// considered as two blocks. It's a bit of an edge case, but if we find that it's a problem,
// we can make it a bit smarter using a loop. Use this for now since it's more readable and
// compact. More complete implementation:
// https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/bd34bc9e89f18a/packages/compiler/src/shadow_css.ts#L655
const result = selector.replace(/(["'][^["']*["'])/g, (_, keep) => {
const replaceBy = `__cdkPlaceholder-${placeholders.length}__`;
return replaceBy;
return [result.split(',').map(part => part.trim()), placeholders];
/** Restores a selector whose content was escaped in `_splitAndEscapeSelector`. */
function _restoreSelector(selector, placeholders) {
return selector.replace(/__cdkPlaceholder-(\d+)__/g, (_, index) => placeholders[+index]);
* Base harness environment class that can be extended to allow `ComponentHarness`es to be used in
* different test environments (e.g. testbed, protractor, etc.). This class implements the
* functionality of both a `HarnessLoader` and `LocatorFactory`. This class is generic on the raw
* element type, `E`, used by the particular test environment.
class HarnessEnvironment {
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
get rootElement() {
this._rootElement = this._rootElement || this.createTestElement(this.rawRootElement);
return this._rootElement;
set rootElement(element) {
this._rootElement = element;
constructor(rawRootElement) {
this.rawRootElement = rawRootElement;
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
documentRootLocatorFactory() {
return this.createEnvironment(this.getDocumentRoot());
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
locatorFor(...queries) {
return () => _assertResultFound(this._getAllHarnessesAndTestElements(queries), _getDescriptionForLocatorForQueries(queries));
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
locatorForOptional(...queries) {
return async () => (await this._getAllHarnessesAndTestElements(queries))[0] || null;
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
locatorForAll(...queries) {
return () => this._getAllHarnessesAndTestElements(queries);
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
async rootHarnessLoader() {
return this;
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
async harnessLoaderFor(selector) {
return this.createEnvironment(await _assertResultFound(this.getAllRawElements(selector), [
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
async harnessLoaderForOptional(selector) {
const elements = await this.getAllRawElements(selector);
return elements[0] ? this.createEnvironment(elements[0]) : null;
// Implemented as part of the `LocatorFactory` interface.
async harnessLoaderForAll(selector) {
const elements = await this.getAllRawElements(selector);
return elements.map(element => this.createEnvironment(element));
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
getHarness(query) {
return this.locatorFor(query)();
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
getHarnessOrNull(query) {
return this.locatorForOptional(query)();
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
getAllHarnesses(query) {
return this.locatorForAll(query)();
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
async hasHarness(query) {
return (await this.locatorForOptional(query)()) !== null;
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
async getChildLoader(selector) {
return this.createEnvironment(await _assertResultFound(this.getAllRawElements(selector), [
// Implemented as part of the `HarnessLoader` interface.
async getAllChildLoaders(selector) {
return (await this.getAllRawElements(selector)).map(e => this.createEnvironment(e));
/** Creates a `ComponentHarness` for the given harness type with the given raw host element. */
createComponentHarness(harnessType, element) {
return new harnessType(this.createEnvironment(element));
* Matches the given raw elements with the given list of element and harness queries to produce a
* list of matched harnesses and test elements.
async _getAllHarnessesAndTestElements(queries) {
if (!queries.length) {
throw Error('CDK Component harness query must contain at least one element.');
const { allQueries, harnessQueries, elementQueries, harnessTypes } = _parseQueries(queries);
// Combine all of the queries into one large comma-delimited selector and use it to get all raw
// elements matching any of the individual queries.
const rawElements = await this.getAllRawElements([...elementQueries, ...harnessQueries.map(predicate => predicate.getSelector())].join(','));
// If every query is searching for the same harness subclass, we know every result corresponds
// to an instance of that subclass. Likewise, if every query is for a `TestElement`, we know
// every result corresponds to a `TestElement`. Otherwise we need to verify which result was
// found by which selector so it can be matched to the appropriate instance.
const skipSelectorCheck = (elementQueries.length === 0 && harnessTypes.size === 1) || harnessQueries.length === 0;
const perElementMatches = await parallel(() => rawElements.map(async (rawElement) => {
const testElement = this.createTestElement(rawElement);
const allResultsForElement = await parallel(
// For each query, get `null` if it doesn't match, or a `TestElement` or
// `ComponentHarness` as appropriate if it does match. This gives us everything that
// matches the current raw element, but it may contain duplicate entries (e.g.
// multiple `TestElement` or multiple `ComponentHarness` of the same type).
() => allQueries.map(query => this._getQueryResultForElement(query, rawElement, testElement, skipSelectorCheck)));
return _removeDuplicateQueryResults(allResultsForElement);
return [].concat(...perElementMatches);
* Check whether the given query matches the given element, if it does return the matched
* `TestElement` or `ComponentHarness`, if it does not, return null. In cases where the caller
* knows for sure that the query matches the element's selector, `skipSelectorCheck` can be used
* to skip verification and optimize performance.
async _getQueryResultForElement(query, rawElement, testElement, skipSelectorCheck = false) {
if (typeof query === 'string') {
return skipSelectorCheck || (await testElement.matchesSelector(query)) ? testElement : null;
if (skipSelectorCheck || (await testElement.matchesSelector(query.getSelector()))) {
const harness = this.createComponentHarness(query.harnessType, rawElement);
return (await query.evaluate(harness)) ? harness : null;
return null;
* Parses a list of queries in the format accepted by the `locatorFor*` methods into an easier to
* work with format.
function _parseQueries(queries) {
const allQueries = [];
const harnessQueries = [];
const elementQueries = [];
const harnessTypes = new Set();
for (const query of queries) {
if (typeof query === 'string') {
else {
const predicate = query instanceof HarnessPredicate ? query : new HarnessPredicate(query, {});
return { allQueries, harnessQueries, elementQueries, harnessTypes };
* Removes duplicate query results for a particular element. (e.g. multiple `TestElement`
* instances or multiple instances of the same `ComponentHarness` class.
async function _removeDuplicateQueryResults(results) {
let testElementMatched = false;
let matchedHarnessTypes = new Set();
const dedupedMatches = [];
for (const result of results) {
if (!result) {
if (result instanceof ComponentHarness) {
if (!matchedHarnessTypes.has(result.constructor)) {
else if (!testElementMatched) {
testElementMatched = true;
return dedupedMatches;
/** Verifies that there is at least one result in an array. */
async function _assertResultFound(results, queryDescriptions) {
const result = (await results)[0];
if (result == undefined) {
throw Error(`Failed to find element matching one of the following queries:\n` +
queryDescriptions.map(desc => `(${desc})`).join(',\n'));
return result;
/** Gets a list of description strings from a list of queries. */
function _getDescriptionForLocatorForQueries(queries) {
return queries.map(query => typeof query === 'string'
? _getDescriptionForTestElementQuery(query)
: _getDescriptionForComponentHarnessQuery(query));
/** Gets a description string for a `ComponentHarness` query. */
function _getDescriptionForComponentHarnessQuery(query) {
const harnessPredicate = query instanceof HarnessPredicate ? query : new HarnessPredicate(query, {});
const { name, hostSelector } = harnessPredicate.harnessType;
const description = `${name} with host element matching selector: "${hostSelector}"`;
const constraints = harnessPredicate.getDescription();
return (description +
(constraints ? ` satisfying the constraints: ${harnessPredicate.getDescription()}` : ''));
/** Gets a description string for a `TestElement` query. */
function _getDescriptionForTestElementQuery(selector) {
return `TestElement for element matching selector: "${selector}"`;
/** Gets a description string for a `HarnessLoader` query. */
function _getDescriptionForHarnessLoaderQuery(selector) {
return `HarnessLoader for element matching selector: "${selector}"`;
/** An enum of non-text keys that can be used with the `sendKeys` method. */
// NOTE: This is a separate enum from `@angular/cdk/keycodes` because we don't necessarily want to
// support every possible keyCode. We also can't rely on Protractor's `Key` because we don't want a
// dependency on any particular testing framework here. Instead we'll just maintain this supported
// list of keys and let individual concrete `HarnessEnvironment` classes map them to whatever key
// representation is used in its respective testing framework.
// tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-const-enum Seems like this causes some issues with System.js
var TestKey;
(function (TestKey) {
TestKey[TestKey["BACKSPACE"] = 0] = "BACKSPACE";
TestKey[TestKey["TAB"] = 1] = "TAB";
TestKey[TestKey["ENTER"] = 2] = "ENTER";
TestKey[TestKey["SHIFT"] = 3] = "SHIFT";
TestKey[TestKey["CONTROL"] = 4] = "CONTROL";
TestKey[TestKey["ALT"] = 5] = "ALT";
TestKey[TestKey["ESCAPE"] = 6] = "ESCAPE";
TestKey[TestKey["PAGE_UP"] = 7] = "PAGE_UP";
TestKey[TestKey["PAGE_DOWN"] = 8] = "PAGE_DOWN";
TestKey[TestKey["END"] = 9] = "END";
TestKey[TestKey["HOME"] = 10] = "HOME";
TestKey[TestKey["LEFT_ARROW"] = 11] = "LEFT_ARROW";
TestKey[TestKey["UP_ARROW"] = 12] = "UP_ARROW";
TestKey[TestKey["RIGHT_ARROW"] = 13] = "RIGHT_ARROW";
TestKey[TestKey["DOWN_ARROW"] = 14] = "DOWN_ARROW";
TestKey[TestKey["INSERT"] = 15] = "INSERT";
TestKey[TestKey["DELETE"] = 16] = "DELETE";
TestKey[TestKey["F1"] = 17] = "F1";
TestKey[TestKey["F2"] = 18] = "F2";
TestKey[TestKey["F3"] = 19] = "F3";
TestKey[TestKey["F4"] = 20] = "F4";
TestKey[TestKey["F5"] = 21] = "F5";
TestKey[TestKey["F6"] = 22] = "F6";
TestKey[TestKey["F7"] = 23] = "F7";
TestKey[TestKey["F8"] = 24] = "F8";
TestKey[TestKey["F9"] = 25] = "F9";
TestKey[TestKey["F10"] = 26] = "F10";
TestKey[TestKey["F11"] = 27] = "F11";
TestKey[TestKey["F12"] = 28] = "F12";
TestKey[TestKey["META"] = 29] = "META";
TestKey[TestKey["COMMA"] = 30] = "COMMA";
})(TestKey || (TestKey = {}));
* Returns an error which reports that no keys have been specified.
* @docs-private
function getNoKeysSpecifiedError() {
return Error('No keys have been specified.');
* Gets text of element excluding certain selectors within the element.
* @param element Element to get text from,
* @param excludeSelector Selector identifying which elements to exclude,
function _getTextWithExcludedElements(element, excludeSelector) {
const clone = element.cloneNode(true);
const exclusions = clone.querySelectorAll(excludeSelector);
for (let i = 0; i < exclusions.length; i++) {
return (clone.textContent || '').trim();
export { ComponentHarness, ContentContainerComponentHarness, HarnessEnvironment, HarnessPredicate, TestKey, _getTextWithExcludedElements, getNoKeysSpecifiedError, handleAutoChangeDetectionStatus, manualChangeDetection, parallel, stopHandlingAutoChangeDetectionStatus };
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