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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
import { Injectable, Inject, InjectionToken, Directive, Optional, SkipSelf, Input, EventEmitter, Self, ContentChildren, ContentChild, Output, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import * as i1 from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
import { CdkScrollableModule } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';
import { _getEventTarget, normalizePassiveListenerOptions, _getShadowRoot } from '@angular/cdk/platform';
import { coerceBooleanProperty, coerceElement, coerceNumberProperty, coerceArray } from '@angular/cdk/coercion';
import { isFakeTouchstartFromScreenReader, isFakeMousedownFromScreenReader } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { Subject, Subscription, interval, animationFrameScheduler, Observable, merge } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntil, map, take, startWith, tap, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import * as i1$1 from '@angular/cdk/bidi';
* Shallow-extends a stylesheet object with another stylesheet-like object.
* Note that the keys in `source` have to be dash-cased.
* @docs-private
function extendStyles(dest, source, importantProperties) {
for (let key in source) {
if (source.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const value = source[key];
if (value) {
dest.setProperty(key, value, importantProperties?.has(key) ? 'important' : '');
else {
return dest;
* Toggles whether the native drag interactions should be enabled for an element.
* @param element Element on which to toggle the drag interactions.
* @param enable Whether the drag interactions should be enabled.
* @docs-private
function toggleNativeDragInteractions(element, enable) {
const userSelect = enable ? '' : 'none';
extendStyles(element.style, {
'touch-action': enable ? '' : 'none',
'-webkit-user-drag': enable ? '' : 'none',
'-webkit-tap-highlight-color': enable ? '' : 'transparent',
'user-select': userSelect,
'-ms-user-select': userSelect,
'-webkit-user-select': userSelect,
'-moz-user-select': userSelect,
* Toggles whether an element is visible while preserving its dimensions.
* @param element Element whose visibility to toggle
* @param enable Whether the element should be visible.
* @param importantProperties Properties to be set as `!important`.
* @docs-private
function toggleVisibility(element, enable, importantProperties) {
extendStyles(element.style, {
position: enable ? '' : 'fixed',
top: enable ? '' : '0',
opacity: enable ? '' : '0',
left: enable ? '' : '-999em',
}, importantProperties);
* Combines a transform string with an optional other transform
* that exited before the base transform was applied.
function combineTransforms(transform, initialTransform) {
return initialTransform && initialTransform != 'none'
? transform + ' ' + initialTransform
: transform;
/** Parses a CSS time value to milliseconds. */
function parseCssTimeUnitsToMs(value) {
// Some browsers will return it in seconds, whereas others will return milliseconds.
const multiplier = value.toLowerCase().indexOf('ms') > -1 ? 1 : 1000;
return parseFloat(value) * multiplier;
/** Gets the transform transition duration, including the delay, of an element in milliseconds. */
function getTransformTransitionDurationInMs(element) {
const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
const transitionedProperties = parseCssPropertyValue(computedStyle, 'transition-property');
const property = transitionedProperties.find(prop => prop === 'transform' || prop === 'all');
// If there's no transition for `all` or `transform`, we shouldn't do anything.
if (!property) {
return 0;
// Get the index of the property that we're interested in and match
// it up to the same index in `transition-delay` and `transition-duration`.
const propertyIndex = transitionedProperties.indexOf(property);
const rawDurations = parseCssPropertyValue(computedStyle, 'transition-duration');
const rawDelays = parseCssPropertyValue(computedStyle, 'transition-delay');
return (parseCssTimeUnitsToMs(rawDurations[propertyIndex]) +
/** Parses out multiple values from a computed style into an array. */
function parseCssPropertyValue(computedStyle, name) {
const value = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(name);
return value.split(',').map(part => part.trim());
/** Gets a mutable version of an element's bounding `ClientRect`. */
function getMutableClientRect(element) {
const clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
// We need to clone the `clientRect` here, because all the values on it are readonly
// and we need to be able to update them. Also we can't use a spread here, because
// the values on a `ClientRect` aren't own properties. See:
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/getBoundingClientRect#Notes
return {
top: clientRect.top,
right: clientRect.right,
bottom: clientRect.bottom,
left: clientRect.left,
width: clientRect.width,
height: clientRect.height,
x: clientRect.x,
y: clientRect.y,
* Checks whether some coordinates are within a `ClientRect`.
* @param clientRect ClientRect that is being checked.
* @param x Coordinates along the X axis.
* @param y Coordinates along the Y axis.
function isInsideClientRect(clientRect, x, y) {
const { top, bottom, left, right } = clientRect;
return y >= top && y <= bottom && x >= left && x <= right;
* Updates the top/left positions of a `ClientRect`, as well as their bottom/right counterparts.
* @param clientRect `ClientRect` that should be updated.
* @param top Amount to add to the `top` position.
* @param left Amount to add to the `left` position.
function adjustClientRect(clientRect, top, left) {
clientRect.top += top;
clientRect.bottom = clientRect.top + clientRect.height;
clientRect.left += left;
clientRect.right = clientRect.left + clientRect.width;
* Checks whether the pointer coordinates are close to a ClientRect.
* @param rect ClientRect to check against.
* @param threshold Threshold around the ClientRect.
* @param pointerX Coordinates along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Coordinates along the Y axis.
function isPointerNearClientRect(rect, threshold, pointerX, pointerY) {
const { top, right, bottom, left, width, height } = rect;
const xThreshold = width * threshold;
const yThreshold = height * threshold;
return (pointerY > top - yThreshold &&
pointerY < bottom + yThreshold &&
pointerX > left - xThreshold &&
pointerX < right + xThreshold);
/** Keeps track of the scroll position and dimensions of the parents of an element. */
class ParentPositionTracker {
constructor(_document) {
this._document = _document;
/** Cached positions of the scrollable parent elements. */
this.positions = new Map();
/** Clears the cached positions. */
clear() {
/** Caches the positions. Should be called at the beginning of a drag sequence. */
cache(elements) {
this.positions.set(this._document, {
scrollPosition: this.getViewportScrollPosition(),
elements.forEach(element => {
this.positions.set(element, {
scrollPosition: { top: element.scrollTop, left: element.scrollLeft },
clientRect: getMutableClientRect(element),
/** Handles scrolling while a drag is taking place. */
handleScroll(event) {
const target = _getEventTarget(event);
const cachedPosition = this.positions.get(target);
if (!cachedPosition) {
return null;
const scrollPosition = cachedPosition.scrollPosition;
let newTop;
let newLeft;
if (target === this._document) {
const viewportScrollPosition = this.getViewportScrollPosition();
newTop = viewportScrollPosition.top;
newLeft = viewportScrollPosition.left;
else {
newTop = target.scrollTop;
newLeft = target.scrollLeft;
const topDifference = scrollPosition.top - newTop;
const leftDifference = scrollPosition.left - newLeft;
// Go through and update the cached positions of the scroll
// parents that are inside the element that was scrolled.
this.positions.forEach((position, node) => {
if (position.clientRect && target !== node && target.contains(node)) {
adjustClientRect(position.clientRect, topDifference, leftDifference);
scrollPosition.top = newTop;
scrollPosition.left = newLeft;
return { top: topDifference, left: leftDifference };
* Gets the scroll position of the viewport. Note that we use the scrollX and scrollY directly,
* instead of going through the `ViewportRuler`, because the first value the ruler looks at is
* the top/left offset of the `document.documentElement` which works for most cases, but breaks
* if the element is offset by something like the `BlockScrollStrategy`.
getViewportScrollPosition() {
return { top: window.scrollY, left: window.scrollX };
/** Creates a deep clone of an element. */
function deepCloneNode(node) {
const clone = node.cloneNode(true);
const descendantsWithId = clone.querySelectorAll('[id]');
const nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
// Remove the `id` to avoid having multiple elements with the same id on the page.
for (let i = 0; i < descendantsWithId.length; i++) {
if (nodeName === 'canvas') {
transferCanvasData(node, clone);
else if (nodeName === 'input' || nodeName === 'select' || nodeName === 'textarea') {
transferInputData(node, clone);
transferData('canvas', node, clone, transferCanvasData);
transferData('input, textarea, select', node, clone, transferInputData);
return clone;
/** Matches elements between an element and its clone and allows for their data to be cloned. */
function transferData(selector, node, clone, callback) {
const descendantElements = node.querySelectorAll(selector);
if (descendantElements.length) {
const cloneElements = clone.querySelectorAll(selector);
for (let i = 0; i < descendantElements.length; i++) {
callback(descendantElements[i], cloneElements[i]);
// Counter for unique cloned radio button names.
let cloneUniqueId = 0;
/** Transfers the data of one input element to another. */
function transferInputData(source, clone) {
// Browsers throw an error when assigning the value of a file input programmatically.
if (clone.type !== 'file') {
clone.value = source.value;
// Radio button `name` attributes must be unique for radio button groups
// otherwise original radio buttons can lose their checked state
// once the clone is inserted in the DOM.
if (clone.type === 'radio' && clone.name) {
clone.name = `mat-clone-${clone.name}-${cloneUniqueId++}`;
/** Transfers the data of one canvas element to another. */
function transferCanvasData(source, clone) {
const context = clone.getContext('2d');
if (context) {
// In some cases `drawImage` can throw (e.g. if the canvas size is 0x0).
// We can't do much about it so just ignore the error.
try {
context.drawImage(source, 0, 0);
catch { }
/** Options that can be used to bind a passive event listener. */
const passiveEventListenerOptions = normalizePassiveListenerOptions({ passive: true });
/** Options that can be used to bind an active event listener. */
const activeEventListenerOptions = normalizePassiveListenerOptions({ passive: false });
* Time in milliseconds for which to ignore mouse events, after
* receiving a touch event. Used to avoid doing double work for
* touch devices where the browser fires fake mouse events, in
* addition to touch events.
/** Inline styles to be set as `!important` while dragging. */
const dragImportantProperties = new Set([
// Needs to be important, because some `mat-table` sets `position: sticky !important`. See #22781.
* Reference to a draggable item. Used to manipulate or dispose of the item.
class DragRef {
/** Whether starting to drag this element is disabled. */
get disabled() {
return this._disabled || !!(this._dropContainer && this._dropContainer.disabled);
set disabled(value) {
const newValue = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
if (newValue !== this._disabled) {
this._disabled = newValue;
this._handles.forEach(handle => toggleNativeDragInteractions(handle, newValue));
constructor(element, _config, _document, _ngZone, _viewportRuler, _dragDropRegistry) {
this._config = _config;
this._document = _document;
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
this._dragDropRegistry = _dragDropRegistry;
* CSS `transform` applied to the element when it isn't being dragged. We need a
* passive transform in order for the dragged element to retain its new position
* after the user has stopped dragging and because we need to know the relative
* position in case they start dragging again. This corresponds to `element.style.transform`.
this._passiveTransform = { x: 0, y: 0 };
/** CSS `transform` that is applied to the element while it's being dragged. */
this._activeTransform = { x: 0, y: 0 };
* Whether the dragging sequence has been started. Doesn't
* necessarily mean that the element has been moved.
this._hasStartedDragging = false;
/** Emits when the item is being moved. */
this._moveEvents = new Subject();
/** Subscription to pointer movement events. */
this._pointerMoveSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
/** Subscription to the event that is dispatched when the user lifts their pointer. */
this._pointerUpSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
/** Subscription to the viewport being scrolled. */
this._scrollSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
/** Subscription to the viewport being resized. */
this._resizeSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
/** Cached reference to the boundary element. */
this._boundaryElement = null;
/** Whether the native dragging interactions have been enabled on the root element. */
this._nativeInteractionsEnabled = true;
/** Elements that can be used to drag the draggable item. */
this._handles = [];
/** Registered handles that are currently disabled. */
this._disabledHandles = new Set();
/** Layout direction of the item. */
this._direction = 'ltr';
* Amount of milliseconds to wait after the user has put their
* pointer down before starting to drag the element.
this.dragStartDelay = 0;
this._disabled = false;
/** Emits as the drag sequence is being prepared. */
this.beforeStarted = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user starts dragging the item. */
this.started = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user has released a drag item, before any animations have started. */
this.released = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user stops dragging an item in the container. */
this.ended = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user has moved the item into a new container. */
this.entered = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user removes the item its container by dragging it into another container. */
this.exited = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user drops the item inside a container. */
this.dropped = new Subject();
* Emits as the user is dragging the item. Use with caution,
* because this event will fire for every pixel that the user has dragged.
this.moved = this._moveEvents;
/** Handler for the `mousedown`/`touchstart` events. */
this._pointerDown = (event) => {
// Delegate the event based on whether it started from a handle or the element itself.
if (this._handles.length) {
const targetHandle = this._getTargetHandle(event);
if (targetHandle && !this._disabledHandles.has(targetHandle) && !this.disabled) {
this._initializeDragSequence(targetHandle, event);
else if (!this.disabled) {
this._initializeDragSequence(this._rootElement, event);
/** Handler that is invoked when the user moves their pointer after they've initiated a drag. */
this._pointerMove = (event) => {
const pointerPosition = this._getPointerPositionOnPage(event);
if (!this._hasStartedDragging) {
const distanceX = Math.abs(pointerPosition.x - this._pickupPositionOnPage.x);
const distanceY = Math.abs(pointerPosition.y - this._pickupPositionOnPage.y);
const isOverThreshold = distanceX + distanceY >= this._config.dragStartThreshold;
// Only start dragging after the user has moved more than the minimum distance in either
// direction. Note that this is preferable over doing something like `skip(minimumDistance)`
// in the `pointerMove` subscription, because we're not guaranteed to have one move event
// per pixel of movement (e.g. if the user moves their pointer quickly).
if (isOverThreshold) {
const isDelayElapsed = Date.now() >= this._dragStartTime + this._getDragStartDelay(event);
const container = this._dropContainer;
if (!isDelayElapsed) {
// Prevent other drag sequences from starting while something in the container is still
// being dragged. This can happen while we're waiting for the drop animation to finish
// and can cause errors, because some elements might still be moving around.
if (!container || (!container.isDragging() && !container.isReceiving())) {
// Prevent the default action as soon as the dragging sequence is considered as
// "started" since waiting for the next event can allow the device to begin scrolling.
this._hasStartedDragging = true;
this._ngZone.run(() => this._startDragSequence(event));
// We prevent the default action down here so that we know that dragging has started. This is
// important for touch devices where doing this too early can unnecessarily block scrolling,
// if there's a dragging delay.
const constrainedPointerPosition = this._getConstrainedPointerPosition(pointerPosition);
this._hasMoved = true;
this._lastKnownPointerPosition = pointerPosition;
if (this._dropContainer) {
this._updateActiveDropContainer(constrainedPointerPosition, pointerPosition);
else {
// If there's a position constraint function, we want the element's top/left to be at the
// specific position on the page. Use the initial position as a reference if that's the case.
const offset = this.constrainPosition ? this._initialClientRect : this._pickupPositionOnPage;
const activeTransform = this._activeTransform;
activeTransform.x = constrainedPointerPosition.x - offset.x + this._passiveTransform.x;
activeTransform.y = constrainedPointerPosition.y - offset.y + this._passiveTransform.y;
this._applyRootElementTransform(activeTransform.x, activeTransform.y);
// Since this event gets fired for every pixel while dragging, we only
// want to fire it if the consumer opted into it. Also we have to
// re-enter the zone because we run all of the events on the outside.
if (this._moveEvents.observers.length) {
this._ngZone.run(() => {
source: this,
pointerPosition: constrainedPointerPosition,
distance: this._getDragDistance(constrainedPointerPosition),
delta: this._pointerDirectionDelta,
/** Handler that is invoked when the user lifts their pointer up, after initiating a drag. */
this._pointerUp = (event) => {
/** Handles a native `dragstart` event. */
this._nativeDragStart = (event) => {
if (this._handles.length) {
const targetHandle = this._getTargetHandle(event);
if (targetHandle && !this._disabledHandles.has(targetHandle) && !this.disabled) {
else if (!this.disabled) {
// Usually this isn't necessary since the we prevent the default action in `pointerDown`,
// but some cases like dragging of links can slip through (see #24403).
this.withRootElement(element).withParent(_config.parentDragRef || null);
this._parentPositions = new ParentPositionTracker(_document);
* Returns the element that is being used as a placeholder
* while the current element is being dragged.
getPlaceholderElement() {
return this._placeholder;
/** Returns the root draggable element. */
getRootElement() {
return this._rootElement;
* Gets the currently-visible element that represents the drag item.
* While dragging this is the placeholder, otherwise it's the root element.
getVisibleElement() {
return this.isDragging() ? this.getPlaceholderElement() : this.getRootElement();
/** Registers the handles that can be used to drag the element. */
withHandles(handles) {
this._handles = handles.map(handle => coerceElement(handle));
this._handles.forEach(handle => toggleNativeDragInteractions(handle, this.disabled));
// Delete any lingering disabled handles that may have been destroyed. Note that we re-create
// the set, rather than iterate over it and filter out the destroyed handles, because while
// the ES spec allows for sets to be modified while they're being iterated over, some polyfills
// use an array internally which may throw an error.
const disabledHandles = new Set();
this._disabledHandles.forEach(handle => {
if (this._handles.indexOf(handle) > -1) {
this._disabledHandles = disabledHandles;
return this;
* Registers the template that should be used for the drag preview.
* @param template Template that from which to stamp out the preview.
withPreviewTemplate(template) {
this._previewTemplate = template;
return this;
* Registers the template that should be used for the drag placeholder.
* @param template Template that from which to stamp out the placeholder.
withPlaceholderTemplate(template) {
this._placeholderTemplate = template;
return this;
* Sets an alternate drag root element. The root element is the element that will be moved as
* the user is dragging. Passing an alternate root element is useful when trying to enable
* dragging on an element that you might not have access to.
withRootElement(rootElement) {
const element = coerceElement(rootElement);
if (element !== this._rootElement) {
if (this._rootElement) {
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
element.addEventListener('mousedown', this._pointerDown, activeEventListenerOptions);
element.addEventListener('touchstart', this._pointerDown, passiveEventListenerOptions);
element.addEventListener('dragstart', this._nativeDragStart, activeEventListenerOptions);
this._initialTransform = undefined;
this._rootElement = element;
if (typeof SVGElement !== 'undefined' && this._rootElement instanceof SVGElement) {
this._ownerSVGElement = this._rootElement.ownerSVGElement;
return this;
* Element to which the draggable's position will be constrained.
withBoundaryElement(boundaryElement) {
this._boundaryElement = boundaryElement ? coerceElement(boundaryElement) : null;
if (boundaryElement) {
this._resizeSubscription = this._viewportRuler
.subscribe(() => this._containInsideBoundaryOnResize());
return this;
/** Sets the parent ref that the ref is nested in. */
withParent(parent) {
this._parentDragRef = parent;
return this;
/** Removes the dragging functionality from the DOM element. */
dispose() {
// Do this check before removing from the registry since it'll
// stop being considered as dragged once it is removed.
if (this.isDragging()) {
// Since we move out the element to the end of the body while it's being
// dragged, we have to make sure that it's removed if it gets destroyed.
this._handles = [];
this._dropContainer = undefined;
this._boundaryElement =
this._rootElement =
this._ownerSVGElement =
this._placeholderTemplate =
this._previewTemplate =
this._anchor =
this._parentDragRef =
/** Checks whether the element is currently being dragged. */
isDragging() {
return this._hasStartedDragging && this._dragDropRegistry.isDragging(this);
/** Resets a standalone drag item to its initial position. */
reset() {
this._rootElement.style.transform = this._initialTransform || '';
this._activeTransform = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this._passiveTransform = { x: 0, y: 0 };
* Sets a handle as disabled. While a handle is disabled, it'll capture and interrupt dragging.
* @param handle Handle element that should be disabled.
disableHandle(handle) {
if (!this._disabledHandles.has(handle) && this._handles.indexOf(handle) > -1) {
toggleNativeDragInteractions(handle, true);
* Enables a handle, if it has been disabled.
* @param handle Handle element to be enabled.
enableHandle(handle) {
if (this._disabledHandles.has(handle)) {
toggleNativeDragInteractions(handle, this.disabled);
/** Sets the layout direction of the draggable item. */
withDirection(direction) {
this._direction = direction;
return this;
/** Sets the container that the item is part of. */
_withDropContainer(container) {
this._dropContainer = container;
* Gets the current position in pixels the draggable outside of a drop container.
getFreeDragPosition() {
const position = this.isDragging() ? this._activeTransform : this._passiveTransform;
return { x: position.x, y: position.y };
* Sets the current position in pixels the draggable outside of a drop container.
* @param value New position to be set.
setFreeDragPosition(value) {
this._activeTransform = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this._passiveTransform.x = value.x;
this._passiveTransform.y = value.y;
if (!this._dropContainer) {
this._applyRootElementTransform(value.x, value.y);
return this;
* Sets the container into which to insert the preview element.
* @param value Container into which to insert the preview.
withPreviewContainer(value) {
this._previewContainer = value;
return this;
/** Updates the item's sort order based on the last-known pointer position. */
_sortFromLastPointerPosition() {
const position = this._lastKnownPointerPosition;
if (position && this._dropContainer) {
this._updateActiveDropContainer(this._getConstrainedPointerPosition(position), position);
/** Unsubscribes from the global subscriptions. */
_removeSubscriptions() {
/** Destroys the preview element and its ViewRef. */
_destroyPreview() {
this._preview = this._previewRef = null;
/** Destroys the placeholder element and its ViewRef. */
_destroyPlaceholder() {
this._placeholder = this._placeholderRef = null;
* Clears subscriptions and stops the dragging sequence.
* @param event Browser event object that ended the sequence.
_endDragSequence(event) {
// Note that here we use `isDragging` from the service, rather than from `this`.
// The difference is that the one from the service reflects whether a dragging sequence
// has been initiated, whereas the one on `this` includes whether the user has passed
// the minimum dragging threshold.
if (!this._dragDropRegistry.isDragging(this)) {
if (this._handles) {
this._rootElement.style.webkitTapHighlightColor =
if (!this._hasStartedDragging) {
this.released.next({ source: this, event });
if (this._dropContainer) {
// Stop scrolling immediately, instead of waiting for the animation to finish.
this._animatePreviewToPlaceholder().then(() => {
else {
// Convert the active transform into a passive one. This means that next time
// the user starts dragging the item, its position will be calculated relatively
// to the new passive transform.
this._passiveTransform.x = this._activeTransform.x;
const pointerPosition = this._getPointerPositionOnPage(event);
this._passiveTransform.y = this._activeTransform.y;
this._ngZone.run(() => {
source: this,
distance: this._getDragDistance(pointerPosition),
dropPoint: pointerPosition,
/** Starts the dragging sequence. */
_startDragSequence(event) {
if (isTouchEvent(event)) {
this._lastTouchEventTime = Date.now();
const dropContainer = this._dropContainer;
if (dropContainer) {
const element = this._rootElement;
const parent = element.parentNode;
const placeholder = (this._placeholder = this._createPlaceholderElement());
const anchor = (this._anchor = this._anchor || this._document.createComment(''));
// Needs to happen before the root element is moved.
const shadowRoot = this._getShadowRoot();
// Insert an anchor node so that we can restore the element's position in the DOM.
parent.insertBefore(anchor, element);
// There's no risk of transforms stacking when inside a drop container so
// we can keep the initial transform up to date any time dragging starts.
this._initialTransform = element.style.transform || '';
// Create the preview after the initial transform has
// been cached, because it can be affected by the transform.
this._preview = this._createPreviewElement();
// We move the element out at the end of the body and we make it hidden, because keeping it in
// place will throw off the consumer's `:last-child` selectors. We can't remove the element
// from the DOM completely, because iOS will stop firing all subsequent events in the chain.
toggleVisibility(element, false, dragImportantProperties);
this._document.body.appendChild(parent.replaceChild(placeholder, element));
this._getPreviewInsertionPoint(parent, shadowRoot).appendChild(this._preview);
this.started.next({ source: this, event }); // Emit before notifying the container.
this._initialContainer = dropContainer;
this._initialIndex = dropContainer.getItemIndex(this);
else {
this.started.next({ source: this, event });
this._initialContainer = this._initialIndex = undefined;
// Important to run after we've called `start` on the parent container
// so that it has had time to resolve its scrollable parents.
this._parentPositions.cache(dropContainer ? dropContainer.getScrollableParents() : []);
* Sets up the different variables and subscriptions
* that will be necessary for the dragging sequence.
* @param referenceElement Element that started the drag sequence.
* @param event Browser event object that started the sequence.
_initializeDragSequence(referenceElement, event) {
// Stop propagation if the item is inside another
// draggable so we don't start multiple drag sequences.
if (this._parentDragRef) {
const isDragging = this.isDragging();
const isTouchSequence = isTouchEvent(event);
const isAuxiliaryMouseButton = !isTouchSequence && event.button !== 0;
const rootElement = this._rootElement;
const target = _getEventTarget(event);
const isSyntheticEvent = !isTouchSequence &&
this._lastTouchEventTime &&
this._lastTouchEventTime + MOUSE_EVENT_IGNORE_TIME > Date.now();
const isFakeEvent = isTouchSequence
? isFakeTouchstartFromScreenReader(event)
: isFakeMousedownFromScreenReader(event);
// If the event started from an element with the native HTML drag&drop, it'll interfere
// with our own dragging (e.g. `img` tags do it by default). Prevent the default action
// to stop it from happening. Note that preventing on `dragstart` also seems to work, but
// it's flaky and it fails if the user drags it away quickly. Also note that we only want
// to do this for `mousedown` since doing the same for `touchstart` will stop any `click`
// events from firing on touch devices.
if (target && target.draggable && event.type === 'mousedown') {
// Abort if the user is already dragging or is using a mouse button other than the primary one.
if (isDragging || isAuxiliaryMouseButton || isSyntheticEvent || isFakeEvent) {
// If we've got handles, we need to disable the tap highlight on the entire root element,
// otherwise iOS will still add it, even though all the drag interactions on the handle
// are disabled.
if (this._handles.length) {
const rootStyles = rootElement.style;
this._rootElementTapHighlight = rootStyles.webkitTapHighlightColor || '';
rootStyles.webkitTapHighlightColor = 'transparent';
this._hasStartedDragging = this._hasMoved = false;
// Avoid multiple subscriptions and memory leaks when multi touch
// (isDragging check above isn't enough because of possible temporal and/or dimensional delays)
this._initialClientRect = this._rootElement.getBoundingClientRect();
this._pointerMoveSubscription = this._dragDropRegistry.pointerMove.subscribe(this._pointerMove);
this._pointerUpSubscription = this._dragDropRegistry.pointerUp.subscribe(this._pointerUp);
this._scrollSubscription = this._dragDropRegistry
.subscribe(scrollEvent => this._updateOnScroll(scrollEvent));
if (this._boundaryElement) {
this._boundaryRect = getMutableClientRect(this._boundaryElement);
// If we have a custom preview we can't know ahead of time how large it'll be so we position
// it next to the cursor. The exception is when the consumer has opted into making the preview
// the same size as the root element, in which case we do know the size.
const previewTemplate = this._previewTemplate;
this._pickupPositionInElement =
previewTemplate && previewTemplate.template && !previewTemplate.matchSize
? { x: 0, y: 0 }
: this._getPointerPositionInElement(this._initialClientRect, referenceElement, event);
const pointerPosition = (this._pickupPositionOnPage =
this._lastKnownPointerPosition =
this._pointerDirectionDelta = { x: 0, y: 0 };
this._pointerPositionAtLastDirectionChange = { x: pointerPosition.x, y: pointerPosition.y };
this._dragStartTime = Date.now();
this._dragDropRegistry.startDragging(this, event);
/** Cleans up the DOM artifacts that were added to facilitate the element being dragged. */
_cleanupDragArtifacts(event) {
// Restore the element's visibility and insert it at its old position in the DOM.
// It's important that we maintain the position, because moving the element around in the DOM
// can throw off `NgFor` which does smart diffing and re-creates elements only when necessary,
// while moving the existing elements in all other cases.
toggleVisibility(this._rootElement, true, dragImportantProperties);
this._anchor.parentNode.replaceChild(this._rootElement, this._anchor);
this._initialClientRect =
this._boundaryRect =
this._previewRect =
this._initialTransform =
// Re-enter the NgZone since we bound `document` events on the outside.
this._ngZone.run(() => {
const container = this._dropContainer;
const currentIndex = container.getItemIndex(this);
const pointerPosition = this._getPointerPositionOnPage(event);
const distance = this._getDragDistance(pointerPosition);
const isPointerOverContainer = container._isOverContainer(pointerPosition.x, pointerPosition.y);
this.ended.next({ source: this, distance, dropPoint: pointerPosition, event });
item: this,
previousIndex: this._initialIndex,
container: container,
previousContainer: this._initialContainer,
dropPoint: pointerPosition,
container.drop(this, currentIndex, this._initialIndex, this._initialContainer, isPointerOverContainer, distance, pointerPosition, event);
this._dropContainer = this._initialContainer;
* Updates the item's position in its drop container, or moves it
* into a new one, depending on its current drag position.
_updateActiveDropContainer({ x, y }, { x: rawX, y: rawY }) {
// Drop container that draggable has been moved into.
let newContainer = this._initialContainer._getSiblingContainerFromPosition(this, x, y);
// If we couldn't find a new container to move the item into, and the item has left its
// initial container, check whether the it's over the initial container. This handles the
// case where two containers are connected one way and the user tries to undo dragging an
// item into a new container.
if (!newContainer &&
this._dropContainer !== this._initialContainer &&
this._initialContainer._isOverContainer(x, y)) {
newContainer = this._initialContainer;
if (newContainer && newContainer !== this._dropContainer) {
this._ngZone.run(() => {
// Notify the old container that the item has left.
this.exited.next({ item: this, container: this._dropContainer });
// Notify the new container that the item has entered.
this._dropContainer = newContainer;
this._dropContainer.enter(this, x, y, newContainer === this._initialContainer &&
// If we're re-entering the initial container and sorting is disabled,
// put item the into its starting index to begin with.
? this._initialIndex
: undefined);
item: this,
container: newContainer,
currentIndex: newContainer.getItemIndex(this),
// Dragging may have been interrupted as a result of the events above.
if (this.isDragging()) {
this._dropContainer._startScrollingIfNecessary(rawX, rawY);
this._dropContainer._sortItem(this, x, y, this._pointerDirectionDelta);
if (this.constrainPosition) {
this._applyPreviewTransform(x, y);
else {
this._applyPreviewTransform(x - this._pickupPositionInElement.x, y - this._pickupPositionInElement.y);
* Creates the element that will be rendered next to the user's pointer
* and will be used as a preview of the element that is being dragged.
_createPreviewElement() {
const previewConfig = this._previewTemplate;
const previewClass = this.previewClass;
const previewTemplate = previewConfig ? previewConfig.template : null;
let preview;
if (previewTemplate && previewConfig) {
// Measure the element before we've inserted the preview
// since the insertion could throw off the measurement.
const rootRect = previewConfig.matchSize ? this._initialClientRect : null;
const viewRef = previewConfig.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(previewTemplate, previewConfig.context);
preview = getRootNode(viewRef, this._document);
this._previewRef = viewRef;
if (previewConfig.matchSize) {
matchElementSize(preview, rootRect);
else {
preview.style.transform = getTransform(this._pickupPositionOnPage.x, this._pickupPositionOnPage.y);
else {
preview = deepCloneNode(this._rootElement);
matchElementSize(preview, this._initialClientRect);
if (this._initialTransform) {
preview.style.transform = this._initialTransform;
extendStyles(preview.style, {
// It's important that we disable the pointer events on the preview, because
// it can throw off the `document.elementFromPoint` calls in the `CdkDropList`.
'pointer-events': 'none',
// We have to reset the margin, because it can throw off positioning relative to the viewport.
'margin': '0',
'position': 'fixed',
'top': '0',
'left': '0',
'z-index': `${this._config.zIndex || 1000}`,
}, dragImportantProperties);
toggleNativeDragInteractions(preview, false);
preview.setAttribute('dir', this._direction);
if (previewClass) {
if (Array.isArray(previewClass)) {
previewClass.forEach(className => preview.classList.add(className));
else {
return preview;
* Animates the preview element from its current position to the location of the drop placeholder.
* @returns Promise that resolves when the animation completes.
_animatePreviewToPlaceholder() {
// If the user hasn't moved yet, the transitionend event won't fire.
if (!this._hasMoved) {
return Promise.resolve();
const placeholderRect = this._placeholder.getBoundingClientRect();
// Apply the class that adds a transition to the preview.
// Move the preview to the placeholder position.
this._applyPreviewTransform(placeholderRect.left, placeholderRect.top);
// If the element doesn't have a `transition`, the `transitionend` event won't fire. Since
// we need to trigger a style recalculation in order for the `cdk-drag-animating` class to
// apply its style, we take advantage of the available info to figure out whether we need to
// bind the event in the first place.
const duration = getTransformTransitionDurationInMs(this._preview);
if (duration === 0) {
return Promise.resolve();
return this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const handler = ((event) => {
if (!event ||
(_getEventTarget(event) === this._preview && event.propertyName === 'transform')) {
this._preview?.removeEventListener('transitionend', handler);
// If a transition is short enough, the browser might not fire the `transitionend` event.
// Since we know how long it's supposed to take, add a timeout with a 50% buffer that'll
// fire if the transition hasn't completed when it was supposed to.
const timeout = setTimeout(handler, duration * 1.5);
this._preview.addEventListener('transitionend', handler);
/** Creates an element that will be shown instead of the current element while dragging. */
_createPlaceholderElement() {
const placeholderConfig = this._placeholderTemplate;
const placeholderTemplate = placeholderConfig ? placeholderConfig.template : null;
let placeholder;
if (placeholderTemplate) {
this._placeholderRef = placeholderConfig.viewContainer.createEmbeddedView(placeholderTemplate, placeholderConfig.context);
placeholder = getRootNode(this._placeholderRef, this._document);
else {
placeholder = deepCloneNode(this._rootElement);
// Stop pointer events on the preview so the user can't
// interact with it while the preview is animating.
placeholder.style.pointerEvents = 'none';
return placeholder;
* Figures out the coordinates at which an element was picked up.
* @param referenceElement Element that initiated the dragging.
* @param event Event that initiated the dragging.
_getPointerPositionInElement(elementRect, referenceElement, event) {
const handleElement = referenceElement === this._rootElement ? null : referenceElement;
const referenceRect = handleElement ? handleElement.getBoundingClientRect() : elementRect;
const point = isTouchEvent(event) ? event.targetTouches[0] : event;
const scrollPosition = this._getViewportScrollPosition();
const x = point.pageX - referenceRect.left - scrollPosition.left;
const y = point.pageY - referenceRect.top - scrollPosition.top;
return {
x: referenceRect.left - elementRect.left + x,
y: referenceRect.top - elementRect.top + y,
/** Determines the point of the page that was touched by the user. */
_getPointerPositionOnPage(event) {
const scrollPosition = this._getViewportScrollPosition();
const point = isTouchEvent(event)
? // `touches` will be empty for start/end events so we have to fall back to `changedTouches`.
// Also note that on real devices we're guaranteed for either `touches` or `changedTouches`
// to have a value, but Firefox in device emulation mode has a bug where both can be empty
// for `touchstart` and `touchend` so we fall back to a dummy object in order to avoid
// throwing an error. The value returned here will be incorrect, but since this only
// breaks inside a developer tool and the value is only used for secondary information,
// we can get away with it. See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1615824.
event.touches[0] || event.changedTouches[0] || { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 }
: event;
const x = point.pageX - scrollPosition.left;
const y = point.pageY - scrollPosition.top;
// if dragging SVG element, try to convert from the screen coordinate system to the SVG
// coordinate system
if (this._ownerSVGElement) {
const svgMatrix = this._ownerSVGElement.getScreenCTM();
if (svgMatrix) {
const svgPoint = this._ownerSVGElement.createSVGPoint();
svgPoint.x = x;
svgPoint.y = y;
return svgPoint.matrixTransform(svgMatrix.inverse());
return { x, y };
/** Gets the pointer position on the page, accounting for any position constraints. */
_getConstrainedPointerPosition(point) {
const dropContainerLock = this._dropContainer ? this._dropContainer.lockAxis : null;
let { x, y } = this.constrainPosition
? this.constrainPosition(point, this, this._initialClientRect, this._pickupPositionInElement)
: point;
if (this.lockAxis === 'x' || dropContainerLock === 'x') {
y =
this._pickupPositionOnPage.y -
(this.constrainPosition ? this._pickupPositionInElement.y : 0);
else if (this.lockAxis === 'y' || dropContainerLock === 'y') {
x =
this._pickupPositionOnPage.x -
(this.constrainPosition ? this._pickupPositionInElement.x : 0);
if (this._boundaryRect) {
// If not using a custom constrain we need to account for the pickup position in the element
// otherwise we do not need to do this, as it has already been accounted for
const { x: pickupX, y: pickupY } = !this.constrainPosition
? this._pickupPositionInElement
: { x: 0, y: 0 };
const boundaryRect = this._boundaryRect;
const { width: previewWidth, height: previewHeight } = this._getPreviewRect();
const minY = boundaryRect.top + pickupY;
const maxY = boundaryRect.bottom - (previewHeight - pickupY);
const minX = boundaryRect.left + pickupX;
const maxX = boundaryRect.right - (previewWidth - pickupX);
x = clamp$1(x, minX, maxX);
y = clamp$1(y, minY, maxY);
return { x, y };
/** Updates the current drag delta, based on the user's current pointer position on the page. */
_updatePointerDirectionDelta(pointerPositionOnPage) {
const { x, y } = pointerPositionOnPage;
const delta = this._pointerDirectionDelta;
const positionSinceLastChange = this._pointerPositionAtLastDirectionChange;
// Amount of pixels the user has dragged since the last time the direction changed.
const changeX = Math.abs(x - positionSinceLastChange.x);
const changeY = Math.abs(y - positionSinceLastChange.y);
// Because we handle pointer events on a per-pixel basis, we don't want the delta
// to change for every pixel, otherwise anything that depends on it can look erratic.
// To make the delta more consistent, we track how much the user has moved since the last
// delta change and we only update it after it has reached a certain threshold.
if (changeX > this._config.pointerDirectionChangeThreshold) {
delta.x = x > positionSinceLastChange.x ? 1 : -1;
positionSinceLastChange.x = x;
if (changeY > this._config.pointerDirectionChangeThreshold) {
delta.y = y > positionSinceLastChange.y ? 1 : -1;
positionSinceLastChange.y = y;
return delta;
/** Toggles the native drag interactions, based on how many handles are registered. */
_toggleNativeDragInteractions() {
if (!this._rootElement || !this._handles) {
const shouldEnable = this._handles.length > 0 || !this.isDragging();
if (shouldEnable !== this._nativeInteractionsEnabled) {
this._nativeInteractionsEnabled = shouldEnable;
toggleNativeDragInteractions(this._rootElement, shouldEnable);
/** Removes the manually-added event listeners from the root element. */
_removeRootElementListeners(element) {
element.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._pointerDown, activeEventListenerOptions);
element.removeEventListener('touchstart', this._pointerDown, passiveEventListenerOptions);
element.removeEventListener('dragstart', this._nativeDragStart, activeEventListenerOptions);
* Applies a `transform` to the root element, taking into account any existing transforms on it.
* @param x New transform value along the X axis.
* @param y New transform value along the Y axis.
_applyRootElementTransform(x, y) {
const transform = getTransform(x, y);
const styles = this._rootElement.style;
// Cache the previous transform amount only after the first drag sequence, because
// we don't want our own transforms to stack on top of each other.
// Should be excluded none because none + translate3d(x, y, x) is invalid css
if (this._initialTransform == null) {
this._initialTransform =
styles.transform && styles.transform != 'none' ? styles.transform : '';
// Preserve the previous `transform` value, if there was one. Note that we apply our own
// transform before the user's, because things like rotation can affect which direction
// the element will be translated towards.
styles.transform = combineTransforms(transform, this._initialTransform);
* Applies a `transform` to the preview, taking into account any existing transforms on it.
* @param x New transform value along the X axis.
* @param y New transform value along the Y axis.
_applyPreviewTransform(x, y) {
// Only apply the initial transform if the preview is a clone of the original element, otherwise
// it could be completely different and the transform might not make sense anymore.
const initialTransform = this._previewTemplate?.template ? undefined : this._initialTransform;
const transform = getTransform(x, y);
this._preview.style.transform = combineTransforms(transform, initialTransform);
* Gets the distance that the user has dragged during the current drag sequence.
* @param currentPosition Current position of the user's pointer.
_getDragDistance(currentPosition) {
const pickupPosition = this._pickupPositionOnPage;
if (pickupPosition) {
return { x: currentPosition.x - pickupPosition.x, y: currentPosition.y - pickupPosition.y };
return { x: 0, y: 0 };
/** Cleans up any cached element dimensions that we don't need after dragging has stopped. */
_cleanupCachedDimensions() {
this._boundaryRect = this._previewRect = undefined;
* Checks whether the element is still inside its boundary after the viewport has been resized.
* If not, the position is adjusted so that the element fits again.
_containInsideBoundaryOnResize() {
let { x, y } = this._passiveTransform;
if ((x === 0 && y === 0) || this.isDragging() || !this._boundaryElement) {
// Note: don't use `_clientRectAtStart` here, because we want the latest position.
const elementRect = this._rootElement.getBoundingClientRect();
const boundaryRect = this._boundaryElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// It's possible that the element got hidden away after dragging (e.g. by switching to a
// different tab). Don't do anything in this case so we don't clear the user's position.
if ((boundaryRect.width === 0 && boundaryRect.height === 0) ||
(elementRect.width === 0 && elementRect.height === 0)) {
const leftOverflow = boundaryRect.left - elementRect.left;
const rightOverflow = elementRect.right - boundaryRect.right;
const topOverflow = boundaryRect.top - elementRect.top;
const bottomOverflow = elementRect.bottom - boundaryRect.bottom;
// If the element has become wider than the boundary, we can't
// do much to make it fit so we just anchor it to the left.
if (boundaryRect.width > elementRect.width) {
if (leftOverflow > 0) {
x += leftOverflow;
if (rightOverflow > 0) {
x -= rightOverflow;
else {
x = 0;
// If the element has become taller than the boundary, we can't
// do much to make it fit so we just anchor it to the top.
if (boundaryRect.height > elementRect.height) {
if (topOverflow > 0) {
y += topOverflow;
if (bottomOverflow > 0) {
y -= bottomOverflow;
else {
y = 0;
if (x !== this._passiveTransform.x || y !== this._passiveTransform.y) {
this.setFreeDragPosition({ y, x });
/** Gets the drag start delay, based on the event type. */
_getDragStartDelay(event) {
const value = this.dragStartDelay;
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return value;
else if (isTouchEvent(event)) {
return value.touch;
return value ? value.mouse : 0;
/** Updates the internal state of the draggable element when scrolling has occurred. */
_updateOnScroll(event) {
const scrollDifference = this._parentPositions.handleScroll(event);
if (scrollDifference) {
const target = _getEventTarget(event);
// ClientRect dimensions are based on the scroll position of the page and its parent
// node so we have to update the cached boundary ClientRect if the user has scrolled.
if (this._boundaryRect &&
target !== this._boundaryElement &&
target.contains(this._boundaryElement)) {
adjustClientRect(this._boundaryRect, scrollDifference.top, scrollDifference.left);
this._pickupPositionOnPage.x += scrollDifference.left;
this._pickupPositionOnPage.y += scrollDifference.top;
// If we're in free drag mode, we have to update the active transform, because
// it isn't relative to the viewport like the preview inside a drop list.
if (!this._dropContainer) {
this._activeTransform.x -= scrollDifference.left;
this._activeTransform.y -= scrollDifference.top;
this._applyRootElementTransform(this._activeTransform.x, this._activeTransform.y);
/** Gets the scroll position of the viewport. */
_getViewportScrollPosition() {
return (this._parentPositions.positions.get(this._document)?.scrollPosition ||
* Lazily resolves and returns the shadow root of the element. We do this in a function, rather
* than saving it in property directly on init, because we want to resolve it as late as possible
* in order to ensure that the element has been moved into the shadow DOM. Doing it inside the
* constructor might be too early if the element is inside of something like `ngFor` or `ngIf`.
_getShadowRoot() {
if (this._cachedShadowRoot === undefined) {
this._cachedShadowRoot = _getShadowRoot(this._rootElement);
return this._cachedShadowRoot;
/** Gets the element into which the drag preview should be inserted. */
_getPreviewInsertionPoint(initialParent, shadowRoot) {
const previewContainer = this._previewContainer || 'global';
if (previewContainer === 'parent') {
return initialParent;
if (previewContainer === 'global') {
const documentRef = this._document;
// We can't use the body if the user is in fullscreen mode,
// because the preview will render under the fullscreen element.
// TODO(crisbeto): dedupe this with the `FullscreenOverlayContainer` eventually.
return (shadowRoot ||
documentRef.fullscreenElement ||
documentRef.webkitFullscreenElement ||
documentRef.mozFullScreenElement ||
documentRef.msFullscreenElement ||
return coerceElement(previewContainer);
/** Lazily resolves and returns the dimensions of the preview. */
_getPreviewRect() {
// Cache the preview element rect if we haven't cached it already or if
// we cached it too early before the element dimensions were computed.
if (!this._previewRect || (!this._previewRect.width && !this._previewRect.height)) {
this._previewRect = this._preview
? this._preview.getBoundingClientRect()
: this._initialClientRect;
return this._previewRect;
/** Gets a handle that is the target of an event. */
_getTargetHandle(event) {
return this._handles.find(handle => {
return event.target && (event.target === handle || handle.contains(event.target));
* Gets a 3d `transform` that can be applied to an element.
* @param x Desired position of the element along the X axis.
* @param y Desired position of the element along the Y axis.
function getTransform(x, y) {
// Round the transforms since some browsers will
// blur the elements for sub-pixel transforms.
return `translate3d(${Math.round(x)}px, ${Math.round(y)}px, 0)`;
/** Clamps a value between a minimum and a maximum. */
function clamp$1(value, min, max) {
return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value));
/** Determines whether an event is a touch event. */
function isTouchEvent(event) {
// This function is called for every pixel that the user has dragged so we need it to be
// as fast as possible. Since we only bind mouse events and touch events, we can assume
// that if the event's name starts with `t`, it's a touch event.
return event.type[0] === 't';
* Gets the root HTML element of an embedded view.
* If the root is not an HTML element it gets wrapped in one.
function getRootNode(viewRef, _document) {
const rootNodes = viewRef.rootNodes;
if (rootNodes.length === 1 && rootNodes[0].nodeType === _document.ELEMENT_NODE) {
return rootNodes[0];
const wrapper = _document.createElement('div');
rootNodes.forEach(node => wrapper.appendChild(node));
return wrapper;
* Matches the target element's size to the source's size.
* @param target Element that needs to be resized.
* @param sourceRect Dimensions of the source element.
function matchElementSize(target, sourceRect) {
target.style.width = `${sourceRect.width}px`;
target.style.height = `${sourceRect.height}px`;
target.style.transform = getTransform(sourceRect.left, sourceRect.top);
* Moves an item one index in an array to another.
* @param array Array in which to move the item.
* @param fromIndex Starting index of the item.
* @param toIndex Index to which the item should be moved.
function moveItemInArray(array, fromIndex, toIndex) {
const from = clamp(fromIndex, array.length - 1);
const to = clamp(toIndex, array.length - 1);
if (from === to) {
const target = array[from];
const delta = to < from ? -1 : 1;
for (let i = from; i !== to; i += delta) {
array[i] = array[i + delta];
array[to] = target;
* Moves an item from one array to another.
* @param currentArray Array from which to transfer the item.
* @param targetArray Array into which to put the item.
* @param currentIndex Index of the item in its current array.
* @param targetIndex Index at which to insert the item.
function transferArrayItem(currentArray, targetArray, currentIndex, targetIndex) {
const from = clamp(currentIndex, currentArray.length - 1);
const to = clamp(targetIndex, targetArray.length);
if (currentArray.length) {
targetArray.splice(to, 0, currentArray.splice(from, 1)[0]);
* Copies an item from one array to another, leaving it in its
* original position in current array.
* @param currentArray Array from which to copy the item.
* @param targetArray Array into which is copy the item.
* @param currentIndex Index of the item in its current array.
* @param targetIndex Index at which to insert the item.
function copyArrayItem(currentArray, targetArray, currentIndex, targetIndex) {
const to = clamp(targetIndex, targetArray.length);
if (currentArray.length) {
targetArray.splice(to, 0, currentArray[currentIndex]);
/** Clamps a number between zero and a maximum. */
function clamp(value, max) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(max, value));
* Strategy that only supports sorting along a single axis.
* Items are reordered using CSS transforms which allows for sorting to be animated.
* @docs-private
class SingleAxisSortStrategy {
constructor(_element, _dragDropRegistry) {
this._element = _element;
this._dragDropRegistry = _dragDropRegistry;
/** Cache of the dimensions of all the items inside the container. */
this._itemPositions = [];
/** Direction in which the list is oriented. */
this.orientation = 'vertical';
* Keeps track of the item that was last swapped with the dragged item, as well as what direction
* the pointer was moving in when the swap occurred and whether the user's pointer continued to
* overlap with the swapped item after the swapping occurred.
this._previousSwap = {
drag: null,
delta: 0,
overlaps: false,
* To be called when the drag sequence starts.
* @param items Items that are currently in the list.
start(items) {
* To be called when an item is being sorted.
* @param item Item to be sorted.
* @param pointerX Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the item along the Y axis.
* @param pointerDelta Direction in which the pointer is moving along each axis.
sort(item, pointerX, pointerY, pointerDelta) {
const siblings = this._itemPositions;
const newIndex = this._getItemIndexFromPointerPosition(item, pointerX, pointerY, pointerDelta);
if (newIndex === -1 && siblings.length > 0) {
return null;
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
const currentIndex = siblings.findIndex(currentItem => currentItem.drag === item);
const siblingAtNewPosition = siblings[newIndex];
const currentPosition = siblings[currentIndex].clientRect;
const newPosition = siblingAtNewPosition.clientRect;
const delta = currentIndex > newIndex ? 1 : -1;
// How many pixels the item's placeholder should be offset.
const itemOffset = this._getItemOffsetPx(currentPosition, newPosition, delta);
// How many pixels all the other items should be offset.
const siblingOffset = this._getSiblingOffsetPx(currentIndex, siblings, delta);
// Save the previous order of the items before moving the item to its new index.
// We use this to check whether an item has been moved as a result of the sorting.
const oldOrder = siblings.slice();
// Shuffle the array in place.
moveItemInArray(siblings, currentIndex, newIndex);
siblings.forEach((sibling, index) => {
// Don't do anything if the position hasn't changed.
if (oldOrder[index] === sibling) {
const isDraggedItem = sibling.drag === item;
const offset = isDraggedItem ? itemOffset : siblingOffset;
const elementToOffset = isDraggedItem
? item.getPlaceholderElement()
: sibling.drag.getRootElement();
// Update the offset to reflect the new position.
sibling.offset += offset;
// Since we're moving the items with a `transform`, we need to adjust their cached
// client rects to reflect their new position, as well as swap their positions in the cache.
// Note that we shouldn't use `getBoundingClientRect` here to update the cache, because the
// elements may be mid-animation which will give us a wrong result.
if (isHorizontal) {
// Round the transforms since some browsers will
// blur the elements, for sub-pixel transforms.
elementToOffset.style.transform = combineTransforms(`translate3d(${Math.round(sibling.offset)}px, 0, 0)`, sibling.initialTransform);
adjustClientRect(sibling.clientRect, 0, offset);
else {
elementToOffset.style.transform = combineTransforms(`translate3d(0, ${Math.round(sibling.offset)}px, 0)`, sibling.initialTransform);
adjustClientRect(sibling.clientRect, offset, 0);
// Note that it's important that we do this after the client rects have been adjusted.
this._previousSwap.overlaps = isInsideClientRect(newPosition, pointerX, pointerY);
this._previousSwap.drag = siblingAtNewPosition.drag;
this._previousSwap.delta = isHorizontal ? pointerDelta.x : pointerDelta.y;
return { previousIndex: currentIndex, currentIndex: newIndex };
* Called when an item is being moved into the container.
* @param item Item that was moved into the container.
* @param pointerX Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the item along the Y axis.
* @param index Index at which the item entered. If omitted, the container will try to figure it
* out automatically.
enter(item, pointerX, pointerY, index) {
const newIndex = index == null || index < 0
? // We use the coordinates of where the item entered the drop
// zone to figure out at which index it should be inserted.
this._getItemIndexFromPointerPosition(item, pointerX, pointerY)
: index;
const activeDraggables = this._activeDraggables;
const currentIndex = activeDraggables.indexOf(item);
const placeholder = item.getPlaceholderElement();
let newPositionReference = activeDraggables[newIndex];
// If the item at the new position is the same as the item that is being dragged,
// it means that we're trying to restore the item to its initial position. In this
// case we should use the next item from the list as the reference.
if (newPositionReference === item) {
newPositionReference = activeDraggables[newIndex + 1];
// If we didn't find a new position reference, it means that either the item didn't start off
// in this container, or that the item requested to be inserted at the end of the list.
if (!newPositionReference &&
(newIndex == null || newIndex === -1 || newIndex < activeDraggables.length - 1) &&
this._shouldEnterAsFirstChild(pointerX, pointerY)) {
newPositionReference = activeDraggables[0];
// Since the item may be in the `activeDraggables` already (e.g. if the user dragged it
// into another container and back again), we have to ensure that it isn't duplicated.
if (currentIndex > -1) {
activeDraggables.splice(currentIndex, 1);
// Don't use items that are being dragged as a reference, because
// their element has been moved down to the bottom of the body.
if (newPositionReference && !this._dragDropRegistry.isDragging(newPositionReference)) {
const element = newPositionReference.getRootElement();
element.parentElement.insertBefore(placeholder, element);
activeDraggables.splice(newIndex, 0, item);
else {
// The transform needs to be cleared so it doesn't throw off the measurements.
placeholder.style.transform = '';
// Note that usually `start` is called together with `enter` when an item goes into a new
// container. This will cache item positions, but we need to refresh them since the amount
// of items has changed.
/** Sets the items that are currently part of the list. */
withItems(items) {
this._activeDraggables = items.slice();
/** Assigns a sort predicate to the strategy. */
withSortPredicate(predicate) {
this._sortPredicate = predicate;
/** Resets the strategy to its initial state before dragging was started. */
reset() {
// TODO(crisbeto): may have to wait for the animations to finish.
this._activeDraggables.forEach(item => {
const rootElement = item.getRootElement();
if (rootElement) {
const initialTransform = this._itemPositions.find(p => p.drag === item)?.initialTransform;
rootElement.style.transform = initialTransform || '';
this._itemPositions = [];
this._activeDraggables = [];
this._previousSwap.drag = null;
this._previousSwap.delta = 0;
this._previousSwap.overlaps = false;
* Gets a snapshot of items currently in the list.
* Can include items that we dragged in from another list.
getActiveItemsSnapshot() {
return this._activeDraggables;
/** Gets the index of a specific item. */
getItemIndex(item) {
// Items are sorted always by top/left in the cache, however they flow differently in RTL.
// The rest of the logic still stands no matter what orientation we're in, however
// we need to invert the array when determining the index.
const items = this.orientation === 'horizontal' && this.direction === 'rtl'
? this._itemPositions.slice().reverse()
: this._itemPositions;
return items.findIndex(currentItem => currentItem.drag === item);
/** Used to notify the strategy that the scroll position has changed. */
updateOnScroll(topDifference, leftDifference) {
// Since we know the amount that the user has scrolled we can shift all of the
// client rectangles ourselves. This is cheaper than re-measuring everything and
// we can avoid inconsistent behavior where we might be measuring the element before
// its position has changed.
this._itemPositions.forEach(({ clientRect }) => {
adjustClientRect(clientRect, topDifference, leftDifference);
// We need two loops for this, because we want all of the cached
// positions to be up-to-date before we re-sort the item.
this._itemPositions.forEach(({ drag }) => {
if (this._dragDropRegistry.isDragging(drag)) {
// We need to re-sort the item manually, because the pointer move
// events won't be dispatched while the user is scrolling.
/** Refreshes the position cache of the items and sibling containers. */
_cacheItemPositions() {
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
this._itemPositions = this._activeDraggables
.map(drag => {
const elementToMeasure = drag.getVisibleElement();
return {
offset: 0,
initialTransform: elementToMeasure.style.transform || '',
clientRect: getMutableClientRect(elementToMeasure),
.sort((a, b) => {
return isHorizontal
? a.clientRect.left - b.clientRect.left
: a.clientRect.top - b.clientRect.top;
* Gets the offset in pixels by which the item that is being dragged should be moved.
* @param currentPosition Current position of the item.
* @param newPosition Position of the item where the current item should be moved.
* @param delta Direction in which the user is moving.
_getItemOffsetPx(currentPosition, newPosition, delta) {
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
let itemOffset = isHorizontal
? newPosition.left - currentPosition.left
: newPosition.top - currentPosition.top;
// Account for differences in the item width/height.
if (delta === -1) {
itemOffset += isHorizontal
? newPosition.width - currentPosition.width
: newPosition.height - currentPosition.height;
return itemOffset;
* Gets the offset in pixels by which the items that aren't being dragged should be moved.
* @param currentIndex Index of the item currently being dragged.
* @param siblings All of the items in the list.
* @param delta Direction in which the user is moving.
_getSiblingOffsetPx(currentIndex, siblings, delta) {
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
const currentPosition = siblings[currentIndex].clientRect;
const immediateSibling = siblings[currentIndex + delta * -1];
let siblingOffset = currentPosition[isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height'] * delta;
if (immediateSibling) {
const start = isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top';
const end = isHorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom';
// Get the spacing between the start of the current item and the end of the one immediately
// after it in the direction in which the user is dragging, or vice versa. We add it to the
// offset in order to push the element to where it will be when it's inline and is influenced
// by the `margin` of its siblings.
if (delta === -1) {
siblingOffset -= immediateSibling.clientRect[start] - currentPosition[end];
else {
siblingOffset += currentPosition[start] - immediateSibling.clientRect[end];
return siblingOffset;
* Checks if pointer is entering in the first position
* @param pointerX Position of the user's pointer along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the user's pointer along the Y axis.
_shouldEnterAsFirstChild(pointerX, pointerY) {
if (!this._activeDraggables.length) {
return false;
const itemPositions = this._itemPositions;
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
// `itemPositions` are sorted by position while `activeDraggables` are sorted by child index
// check if container is using some sort of "reverse" ordering (eg: flex-direction: row-reverse)
const reversed = itemPositions[0].drag !== this._activeDraggables[0];
if (reversed) {
const lastItemRect = itemPositions[itemPositions.length - 1].clientRect;
return isHorizontal ? pointerX >= lastItemRect.right : pointerY >= lastItemRect.bottom;
else {
const firstItemRect = itemPositions[0].clientRect;
return isHorizontal ? pointerX <= firstItemRect.left : pointerY <= firstItemRect.top;
* Gets the index of an item in the drop container, based on the position of the user's pointer.
* @param item Item that is being sorted.
* @param pointerX Position of the user's pointer along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the user's pointer along the Y axis.
* @param delta Direction in which the user is moving their pointer.
_getItemIndexFromPointerPosition(item, pointerX, pointerY, delta) {
const isHorizontal = this.orientation === 'horizontal';
const index = this._itemPositions.findIndex(({ drag, clientRect }) => {
// Skip the item itself.
if (drag === item) {
return false;
if (delta) {
const direction = isHorizontal ? delta.x : delta.y;
// If the user is still hovering over the same item as last time, their cursor hasn't left
// the item after we made the swap, and they didn't change the direction in which they're
// dragging, we don't consider it a direction swap.
if (drag === this._previousSwap.drag &&
this._previousSwap.overlaps &&
direction === this._previousSwap.delta) {
return false;
return isHorizontal
? // Round these down since most browsers report client rects with
// sub-pixel precision, whereas the pointer coordinates are rounded to pixels.
pointerX >= Math.floor(clientRect.left) && pointerX < Math.floor(clientRect.right)
: pointerY >= Math.floor(clientRect.top) && pointerY < Math.floor(clientRect.bottom);
return index === -1 || !this._sortPredicate(index, item) ? -1 : index;
* Proximity, as a ratio to width/height, at which a
* dragged item will affect the drop container.
* Proximity, as a ratio to width/height at which to start auto-scrolling the drop list or the
* viewport. The value comes from trying it out manually until it feels right.
* Reference to a drop list. Used to manipulate or dispose of the container.
class DropListRef {
constructor(element, _dragDropRegistry, _document, _ngZone, _viewportRuler) {
this._dragDropRegistry = _dragDropRegistry;
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
/** Whether starting a dragging sequence from this container is disabled. */
this.disabled = false;
/** Whether sorting items within the list is disabled. */
this.sortingDisabled = false;
* Whether auto-scrolling the view when the user
* moves their pointer close to the edges is disabled.
this.autoScrollDisabled = false;
/** Number of pixels to scroll for each frame when auto-scrolling an element. */
this.autoScrollStep = 2;
* Function that is used to determine whether an item
* is allowed to be moved into a drop container.
this.enterPredicate = () => true;
/** Function that is used to determine whether an item can be sorted into a particular index. */
this.sortPredicate = () => true;
/** Emits right before dragging has started. */
this.beforeStarted = new Subject();
* Emits when the user has moved a new drag item into this container.
this.entered = new Subject();
* Emits when the user removes an item from the container
* by dragging it into another container.
this.exited = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user drops an item inside the container. */
this.dropped = new Subject();
/** Emits as the user is swapping items while actively dragging. */
this.sorted = new Subject();
/** Emits when a dragging sequence is started in a list connected to the current one. */
this.receivingStarted = new Subject();
/** Emits when a dragging sequence is stopped from a list connected to the current one. */
this.receivingStopped = new Subject();
/** Whether an item in the list is being dragged. */
this._isDragging = false;
/** Draggable items in the container. */
this._draggables = [];
/** Drop lists that are connected to the current one. */
this._siblings = [];
/** Connected siblings that currently have a dragged item. */
this._activeSiblings = new Set();
/** Subscription to the window being scrolled. */
this._viewportScrollSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;
/** Vertical direction in which the list is currently scrolling. */
this._verticalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.NONE */;
/** Horizontal direction in which the list is currently scrolling. */
this._horizontalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.NONE */;
/** Used to signal to the current auto-scroll sequence when to stop. */
this._stopScrollTimers = new Subject();
/** Shadow root of the current element. Necessary for `elementFromPoint` to resolve correctly. */
this._cachedShadowRoot = null;
/** Starts the interval that'll auto-scroll the element. */
this._startScrollInterval = () => {
interval(0, animationFrameScheduler)
.subscribe(() => {
const node = this._scrollNode;
const scrollStep = this.autoScrollStep;
if (this._verticalScrollDirection === 1 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.UP */) {
node.scrollBy(0, -scrollStep);
else if (this._verticalScrollDirection === 2 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.DOWN */) {
node.scrollBy(0, scrollStep);
if (this._horizontalScrollDirection === 1 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.LEFT */) {
node.scrollBy(-scrollStep, 0);
else if (this._horizontalScrollDirection === 2 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.RIGHT */) {
node.scrollBy(scrollStep, 0);
this.element = coerceElement(element);
this._document = _document;
this._parentPositions = new ParentPositionTracker(_document);
this._sortStrategy = new SingleAxisSortStrategy(this.element, _dragDropRegistry);
this._sortStrategy.withSortPredicate((index, item) => this.sortPredicate(index, item, this));
/** Removes the drop list functionality from the DOM element. */
dispose() {
this._scrollNode = null;
/** Whether an item from this list is currently being dragged. */
isDragging() {
return this._isDragging;
/** Starts dragging an item. */
start() {
* Attempts to move an item into the container.
* @param item Item that was moved into the container.
* @param pointerX Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the item along the Y axis.
* @param index Index at which the item entered. If omitted, the container will try to figure it
* out automatically.
enter(item, pointerX, pointerY, index) {
// If sorting is disabled, we want the item to return to its starting
// position if the user is returning it to its initial container.
if (index == null && this.sortingDisabled) {
index = this._draggables.indexOf(item);
this._sortStrategy.enter(item, pointerX, pointerY, index);
// Note that this usually happens inside `_draggingStarted` as well, but the dimensions
// can change when the sort strategy moves the item around inside `enter`.
// Notify siblings at the end so that the item has been inserted into the `activeDraggables`.
this.entered.next({ item, container: this, currentIndex: this.getItemIndex(item) });
* Removes an item from the container after it was dragged into another container by the user.
* @param item Item that was dragged out.
exit(item) {
this.exited.next({ item, container: this });
* Drops an item into this container.
* @param item Item being dropped into the container.
* @param currentIndex Index at which the item should be inserted.
* @param previousIndex Index of the item when dragging started.
* @param previousContainer Container from which the item got dragged in.
* @param isPointerOverContainer Whether the user's pointer was over the
* container when the item was dropped.
* @param distance Distance the user has dragged since the start of the dragging sequence.
* @param event Event that triggered the dropping sequence.
* @breaking-change 15.0.0 `previousIndex` and `event` parameters to become required.
drop(item, currentIndex, previousIndex, previousContainer, isPointerOverContainer, distance, dropPoint, event = {}) {
container: this,
* Sets the draggable items that are a part of this list.
* @param items Items that are a part of this list.
withItems(items) {
const previousItems = this._draggables;
this._draggables = items;
items.forEach(item => item._withDropContainer(this));
if (this.isDragging()) {
const draggedItems = previousItems.filter(item => item.isDragging());
// If all of the items being dragged were removed
// from the list, abort the current drag sequence.
if (draggedItems.every(item => items.indexOf(item) === -1)) {
else {
return this;
/** Sets the layout direction of the drop list. */
withDirection(direction) {
this._sortStrategy.direction = direction;
return this;
* Sets the containers that are connected to this one. When two or more containers are
* connected, the user will be allowed to transfer items between them.
* @param connectedTo Other containers that the current containers should be connected to.
connectedTo(connectedTo) {
this._siblings = connectedTo.slice();
return this;
* Sets the orientation of the container.
* @param orientation New orientation for the container.
withOrientation(orientation) {
// TODO(crisbeto): eventually we should be constructing the new sort strategy here based on
// the new orientation. For now we can assume that it'll always be `SingleAxisSortStrategy`.
this._sortStrategy.orientation = orientation;
return this;
* Sets which parent elements are can be scrolled while the user is dragging.
* @param elements Elements that can be scrolled.
withScrollableParents(elements) {
const element = coerceElement(this.element);
// We always allow the current element to be scrollable
// so we need to ensure that it's in the array.
this._scrollableElements =
elements.indexOf(element) === -1 ? [element, ...elements] : elements.slice();
return this;
/** Gets the scrollable parents that are registered with this drop container. */
getScrollableParents() {
return this._scrollableElements;
* Figures out the index of an item in the container.
* @param item Item whose index should be determined.
getItemIndex(item) {
return this._isDragging
? this._sortStrategy.getItemIndex(item)
: this._draggables.indexOf(item);
* Whether the list is able to receive the item that
* is currently being dragged inside a connected drop list.
isReceiving() {
return this._activeSiblings.size > 0;
* Sorts an item inside the container based on its position.
* @param item Item to be sorted.
* @param pointerX Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the item along the Y axis.
* @param pointerDelta Direction in which the pointer is moving along each axis.
_sortItem(item, pointerX, pointerY, pointerDelta) {
// Don't sort the item if sorting is disabled or it's out of range.
if (this.sortingDisabled ||
!this._clientRect ||
!isPointerNearClientRect(this._clientRect, DROP_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD, pointerX, pointerY)) {
const result = this._sortStrategy.sort(item, pointerX, pointerY, pointerDelta);
if (result) {
previousIndex: result.previousIndex,
currentIndex: result.currentIndex,
container: this,
* Checks whether the user's pointer is close to the edges of either the
* viewport or the drop list and starts the auto-scroll sequence.
* @param pointerX User's pointer position along the x axis.
* @param pointerY User's pointer position along the y axis.
_startScrollingIfNecessary(pointerX, pointerY) {
if (this.autoScrollDisabled) {
let scrollNode;
let verticalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.NONE */;
let horizontalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.NONE */;
// Check whether we should start scrolling any of the parent containers.
this._parentPositions.positions.forEach((position, element) => {
// We have special handling for the `document` below. Also this would be
// nicer with a for...of loop, but it requires changing a compiler flag.
if (element === this._document || !position.clientRect || scrollNode) {
if (isPointerNearClientRect(position.clientRect, DROP_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD, pointerX, pointerY)) {
[verticalScrollDirection, horizontalScrollDirection] = getElementScrollDirections(element, position.clientRect, pointerX, pointerY);
if (verticalScrollDirection || horizontalScrollDirection) {
scrollNode = element;
// Otherwise check if we can start scrolling the viewport.
if (!verticalScrollDirection && !horizontalScrollDirection) {
const { width, height } = this._viewportRuler.getViewportSize();
const clientRect = {
top: 0,
right: width,
bottom: height,
left: 0,
verticalScrollDirection = getVerticalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerY);
horizontalScrollDirection = getHorizontalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerX);
scrollNode = window;
if (scrollNode &&
(verticalScrollDirection !== this._verticalScrollDirection ||
horizontalScrollDirection !== this._horizontalScrollDirection ||
scrollNode !== this._scrollNode)) {
this._verticalScrollDirection = verticalScrollDirection;
this._horizontalScrollDirection = horizontalScrollDirection;
this._scrollNode = scrollNode;
if ((verticalScrollDirection || horizontalScrollDirection) && scrollNode) {
else {
/** Stops any currently-running auto-scroll sequences. */
_stopScrolling() {
/** Starts the dragging sequence within the list. */
_draggingStarted() {
const styles = coerceElement(this.element).style;
this._isDragging = true;
// We need to disable scroll snapping while the user is dragging, because it breaks automatic
// scrolling. The browser seems to round the value based on the snapping points which means
// that we can't increment/decrement the scroll position.
this._initialScrollSnap = styles.msScrollSnapType || styles.scrollSnapType || '';
styles.scrollSnapType = styles.msScrollSnapType = 'none';
/** Caches the positions of the configured scrollable parents. */
_cacheParentPositions() {
const element = coerceElement(this.element);
// The list element is always in the `scrollableElements`
// so we can take advantage of the cached `ClientRect`.
this._clientRect = this._parentPositions.positions.get(element).clientRect;
/** Resets the container to its initial state. */
_reset() {
this._isDragging = false;
const styles = coerceElement(this.element).style;
styles.scrollSnapType = styles.msScrollSnapType = this._initialScrollSnap;
this._siblings.forEach(sibling => sibling._stopReceiving(this));
* Checks whether the user's pointer is positioned over the container.
* @param x Pointer position along the X axis.
* @param y Pointer position along the Y axis.
_isOverContainer(x, y) {
return this._clientRect != null && isInsideClientRect(this._clientRect, x, y);
* Figures out whether an item should be moved into a sibling
* drop container, based on its current position.
* @param item Drag item that is being moved.
* @param x Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param y Position of the item along the Y axis.
_getSiblingContainerFromPosition(item, x, y) {
return this._siblings.find(sibling => sibling._canReceive(item, x, y));
* Checks whether the drop list can receive the passed-in item.
* @param item Item that is being dragged into the list.
* @param x Position of the item along the X axis.
* @param y Position of the item along the Y axis.
_canReceive(item, x, y) {
if (!this._clientRect ||
!isInsideClientRect(this._clientRect, x, y) ||
!this.enterPredicate(item, this)) {
return false;
const elementFromPoint = this._getShadowRoot().elementFromPoint(x, y);
// If there's no element at the pointer position, then
// the client rect is probably scrolled out of the view.
if (!elementFromPoint) {
return false;
const nativeElement = coerceElement(this.element);
// The `ClientRect`, that we're using to find the container over which the user is
// hovering, doesn't give us any information on whether the element has been scrolled
// out of the view or whether it's overlapping with other containers. This means that
// we could end up transferring the item into a container that's invisible or is positioned
// below another one. We use the result from `elementFromPoint` to get the top-most element
// at the pointer position and to find whether it's one of the intersecting drop containers.
return elementFromPoint === nativeElement || nativeElement.contains(elementFromPoint);
* Called by one of the connected drop lists when a dragging sequence has started.
* @param sibling Sibling in which dragging has started.
_startReceiving(sibling, items) {
const activeSiblings = this._activeSiblings;
if (!activeSiblings.has(sibling) &&
items.every(item => {
// Note that we have to add an exception to the `enterPredicate` for items that started off
// in this drop list. The drag ref has logic that allows an item to return to its initial
// container, if it has left the initial container and none of the connected containers
// allow it to enter. See `DragRef._updateActiveDropContainer` for more context.
return this.enterPredicate(item, this) || this._draggables.indexOf(item) > -1;
})) {
initiator: sibling,
receiver: this,
* Called by a connected drop list when dragging has stopped.
* @param sibling Sibling whose dragging has stopped.
_stopReceiving(sibling) {
this.receivingStopped.next({ initiator: sibling, receiver: this });
* Starts listening to scroll events on the viewport.
* Used for updating the internal state of the list.
_listenToScrollEvents() {
this._viewportScrollSubscription = this._dragDropRegistry
.subscribe(event => {
if (this.isDragging()) {
const scrollDifference = this._parentPositions.handleScroll(event);
if (scrollDifference) {
this._sortStrategy.updateOnScroll(scrollDifference.top, scrollDifference.left);
else if (this.isReceiving()) {
* Lazily resolves and returns the shadow root of the element. We do this in a function, rather
* than saving it in property directly on init, because we want to resolve it as late as possible
* in order to ensure that the element has been moved into the shadow DOM. Doing it inside the
* constructor might be too early if the element is inside of something like `ngFor` or `ngIf`.
_getShadowRoot() {
if (!this._cachedShadowRoot) {
const shadowRoot = _getShadowRoot(coerceElement(this.element));
this._cachedShadowRoot = (shadowRoot || this._document);
return this._cachedShadowRoot;
/** Notifies any siblings that may potentially receive the item. */
_notifyReceivingSiblings() {
const draggedItems = this._sortStrategy
.filter(item => item.isDragging());
this._siblings.forEach(sibling => sibling._startReceiving(this, draggedItems));
* Gets whether the vertical auto-scroll direction of a node.
* @param clientRect Dimensions of the node.
* @param pointerY Position of the user's pointer along the y axis.
function getVerticalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerY) {
const { top, bottom, height } = clientRect;
const yThreshold = height * SCROLL_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD;
if (pointerY >= top - yThreshold && pointerY <= top + yThreshold) {
return 1 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.UP */;
else if (pointerY >= bottom - yThreshold && pointerY <= bottom + yThreshold) {
return 2 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.DOWN */;
return 0 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.NONE */;
* Gets whether the horizontal auto-scroll direction of a node.
* @param clientRect Dimensions of the node.
* @param pointerX Position of the user's pointer along the x axis.
function getHorizontalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerX) {
const { left, right, width } = clientRect;
const xThreshold = width * SCROLL_PROXIMITY_THRESHOLD;
if (pointerX >= left - xThreshold && pointerX <= left + xThreshold) {
return 1 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.LEFT */;
else if (pointerX >= right - xThreshold && pointerX <= right + xThreshold) {
return 2 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.RIGHT */;
return 0 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.NONE */;
* Gets the directions in which an element node should be scrolled,
* assuming that the user's pointer is already within it scrollable region.
* @param element Element for which we should calculate the scroll direction.
* @param clientRect Bounding client rectangle of the element.
* @param pointerX Position of the user's pointer along the x axis.
* @param pointerY Position of the user's pointer along the y axis.
function getElementScrollDirections(element, clientRect, pointerX, pointerY) {
const computedVertical = getVerticalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerY);
const computedHorizontal = getHorizontalScrollDirection(clientRect, pointerX);
let verticalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.NONE */;
let horizontalScrollDirection = 0 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.NONE */;
// Note that we here we do some extra checks for whether the element is actually scrollable in
// a certain direction and we only assign the scroll direction if it is. We do this so that we
// can allow other elements to be scrolled, if the current element can't be scrolled anymore.
// This allows us to handle cases where the scroll regions of two scrollable elements overlap.
if (computedVertical) {
const scrollTop = element.scrollTop;
if (computedVertical === 1 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.UP */) {
if (scrollTop > 0) {
verticalScrollDirection = 1 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.UP */;
else if (element.scrollHeight - scrollTop > element.clientHeight) {
verticalScrollDirection = 2 /* AutoScrollVerticalDirection.DOWN */;
if (computedHorizontal) {
const scrollLeft = element.scrollLeft;
if (computedHorizontal === 1 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.LEFT */) {
if (scrollLeft > 0) {
horizontalScrollDirection = 1 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.LEFT */;
else if (element.scrollWidth - scrollLeft > element.clientWidth) {
horizontalScrollDirection = 2 /* AutoScrollHorizontalDirection.RIGHT */;
return [verticalScrollDirection, horizontalScrollDirection];
/** Event options that can be used to bind an active, capturing event. */
const activeCapturingEventOptions = normalizePassiveListenerOptions({
passive: false,
capture: true,
* Service that keeps track of all the drag item and drop container
* instances, and manages global event listeners on the `document`.
* @docs-private
// Note: this class is generic, rather than referencing CdkDrag and CdkDropList directly, in order
// to avoid circular imports. If we were to reference them here, importing the registry into the
// classes that are registering themselves will introduce a circular import.
class DragDropRegistry {
constructor(_ngZone, _document) {
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
/** Registered drop container instances. */
this._dropInstances = new Set();
/** Registered drag item instances. */
this._dragInstances = new Set();
/** Drag item instances that are currently being dragged. */
this._activeDragInstances = [];
/** Keeps track of the event listeners that we've bound to the `document`. */
this._globalListeners = new Map();
* Predicate function to check if an item is being dragged. Moved out into a property,
* because it'll be called a lot and we don't want to create a new function every time.
this._draggingPredicate = (item) => item.isDragging();
* Emits the `touchmove` or `mousemove` events that are dispatched
* while the user is dragging a drag item instance.
this.pointerMove = new Subject();
* Emits the `touchend` or `mouseup` events that are dispatched
* while the user is dragging a drag item instance.
this.pointerUp = new Subject();
* Emits when the viewport has been scrolled while the user is dragging an item.
* @deprecated To be turned into a private member. Use the `scrolled` method instead.
* @breaking-change 13.0.0
this.scroll = new Subject();
* Event listener that will prevent the default browser action while the user is dragging.
* @param event Event whose default action should be prevented.
this._preventDefaultWhileDragging = (event) => {
if (this._activeDragInstances.length > 0) {
/** Event listener for `touchmove` that is bound even if no dragging is happening. */
this._persistentTouchmoveListener = (event) => {
if (this._activeDragInstances.length > 0) {
// Note that we only want to prevent the default action after dragging has actually started.
// Usually this is the same time at which the item is added to the `_activeDragInstances`,
// but it could be pushed back if the user has set up a drag delay or threshold.
if (this._activeDragInstances.some(this._draggingPredicate)) {
this._document = _document;
/** Adds a drop container to the registry. */
registerDropContainer(drop) {
if (!this._dropInstances.has(drop)) {
/** Adds a drag item instance to the registry. */
registerDragItem(drag) {
// The `touchmove` event gets bound once, ahead of time, because WebKit
// won't preventDefault on a dynamically-added `touchmove` listener.
// See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=184250.
if (this._dragInstances.size === 1) {
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
// The event handler has to be explicitly active,
// because newer browsers make it passive by default.
this._document.addEventListener('touchmove', this._persistentTouchmoveListener, activeCapturingEventOptions);
/** Removes a drop container from the registry. */
removeDropContainer(drop) {
/** Removes a drag item instance from the registry. */
removeDragItem(drag) {
if (this._dragInstances.size === 0) {
this._document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this._persistentTouchmoveListener, activeCapturingEventOptions);
* Starts the dragging sequence for a drag instance.
* @param drag Drag instance which is being dragged.
* @param event Event that initiated the dragging.
startDragging(drag, event) {
// Do not process the same drag twice to avoid memory leaks and redundant listeners
if (this._activeDragInstances.indexOf(drag) > -1) {
if (this._activeDragInstances.length === 1) {
const isTouchEvent = event.type.startsWith('touch');
// We explicitly bind __active__ listeners here, because newer browsers will default to
// passive ones for `mousemove` and `touchmove`. The events need to be active, because we
// use `preventDefault` to prevent the page from scrolling while the user is dragging.
.set(isTouchEvent ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup', {
handler: (e) => this.pointerUp.next(e),
options: true,
.set('scroll', {
handler: (e) => this.scroll.next(e),
// Use capturing so that we pick up scroll changes in any scrollable nodes that aren't
// the document. See https://github.com/angular/components/issues/17144.
options: true,
// Preventing the default action on `mousemove` isn't enough to disable text selection
// on Safari so we need to prevent the selection event as well. Alternatively this can
// be done by setting `user-select: none` on the `body`, however it has causes a style
// recalculation which can be expensive on pages with a lot of elements.
.set('selectstart', {
handler: this._preventDefaultWhileDragging,
options: activeCapturingEventOptions,
// We don't have to bind a move event for touch drag sequences, because
// we already have a persistent global one bound from `registerDragItem`.
if (!isTouchEvent) {
this._globalListeners.set('mousemove', {
handler: (e) => this.pointerMove.next(e),
options: activeCapturingEventOptions,
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
this._globalListeners.forEach((config, name) => {
this._document.addEventListener(name, config.handler, config.options);
/** Stops dragging a drag item instance. */
stopDragging(drag) {
const index = this._activeDragInstances.indexOf(drag);
if (index > -1) {
this._activeDragInstances.splice(index, 1);
if (this._activeDragInstances.length === 0) {
/** Gets whether a drag item instance is currently being dragged. */
isDragging(drag) {
return this._activeDragInstances.indexOf(drag) > -1;
* Gets a stream that will emit when any element on the page is scrolled while an item is being
* dragged.
* @param shadowRoot Optional shadow root that the current dragging sequence started from.
* Top-level listeners won't pick up events coming from the shadow DOM so this parameter can
* be used to include an additional top-level listener at the shadow root level.
scrolled(shadowRoot) {
const streams = [this.scroll];
if (shadowRoot && shadowRoot !== this._document) {
// Note that this is basically the same as `fromEvent` from rxjs, but we do it ourselves,
// because we want to guarantee that the event is bound outside of the `NgZone`. With
// `fromEvent` it'll only happen if the subscription is outside the `NgZone`.
streams.push(new Observable((observer) => {
return this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
const eventOptions = true;
const callback = (event) => {
if (this._activeDragInstances.length) {
shadowRoot.addEventListener('scroll', callback, eventOptions);
return () => {
shadowRoot.removeEventListener('scroll', callback, eventOptions);
return merge(...streams);
ngOnDestroy() {
this._dragInstances.forEach(instance => this.removeDragItem(instance));
this._dropInstances.forEach(instance => this.removeDropContainer(instance));
/** Clears out the global event listeners from the `document`. */
_clearGlobalListeners() {
this._globalListeners.forEach((config, name) => {
this._document.removeEventListener(name, config.handler, config.options);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropRegistry, deps: [{ token: i0.NgZone }, { token: DOCUMENT }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); }
static { this.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropRegistry, providedIn: 'root' }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropRegistry, decorators: [{
type: Injectable,
args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.NgZone }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [DOCUMENT]
}] }]; } });
/** Default configuration to be used when creating a `DragRef`. */
dragStartThreshold: 5,
pointerDirectionChangeThreshold: 5,
* Service that allows for drag-and-drop functionality to be attached to DOM elements.
class DragDrop {
constructor(_document, _ngZone, _viewportRuler, _dragDropRegistry) {
this._document = _document;
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;
this._dragDropRegistry = _dragDropRegistry;
* Turns an element into a draggable item.
* @param element Element to which to attach the dragging functionality.
* @param config Object used to configure the dragging behavior.
createDrag(element, config = DEFAULT_CONFIG) {
return new DragRef(element, config, this._document, this._ngZone, this._viewportRuler, this._dragDropRegistry);
* Turns an element into a drop list.
* @param element Element to which to attach the drop list functionality.
createDropList(element) {
return new DropListRef(element, this._dragDropRegistry, this._document, this._ngZone, this._viewportRuler);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDrop, deps: [{ token: DOCUMENT }, { token: i0.NgZone }, { token: i1.ViewportRuler }, { token: DragDropRegistry }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); }
static { this.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDrop, providedIn: 'root' }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDrop, decorators: [{
type: Injectable,
args: [{ providedIn: 'root' }]
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [DOCUMENT]
}] }, { type: i0.NgZone }, { type: i1.ViewportRuler }, { type: DragDropRegistry }]; } });
* Injection token that can be used for a `CdkDrag` to provide itself as a parent to the
* drag-specific child directive (`CdkDragHandle`, `CdkDragPreview` etc.). Used primarily
* to avoid circular imports.
* @docs-private
const CDK_DRAG_PARENT = new InjectionToken('CDK_DRAG_PARENT');
* Asserts that a particular node is an element.
* @param node Node to be checked.
* @param name Name to attach to the error message.
function assertElementNode(node, name) {
if (node.nodeType !== 1) {
throw Error(`${name} must be attached to an element node. ` + `Currently attached to "${node.nodeName}".`);
* Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `CdkDragHandle`. It serves as
* alternative token to the actual `CdkDragHandle` class which could cause unnecessary
* retention of the class and its directive metadata.
const CDK_DRAG_HANDLE = new InjectionToken('CdkDragHandle');
/** Handle that can be used to drag a CdkDrag instance. */
class CdkDragHandle {
/** Whether starting to drag through this handle is disabled. */
get disabled() {
return this._disabled;
set disabled(value) {
this._disabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
constructor(element, parentDrag) {
this.element = element;
/** Emits when the state of the handle has changed. */
this._stateChanges = new Subject();
this._disabled = false;
if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
assertElementNode(element.nativeElement, 'cdkDragHandle');
this._parentDrag = parentDrag;
ngOnDestroy() {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragHandle, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: CDK_DRAG_PARENT, optional: true, skipSelf: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDragHandle, isStandalone: true, selector: "[cdkDragHandle]", inputs: { disabled: ["cdkDragHandleDisabled", "disabled"] }, host: { classAttribute: "cdk-drag-handle" }, providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, useExisting: CdkDragHandle }], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragHandle, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkDragHandle]',
standalone: true,
host: {
'class': 'cdk-drag-handle',
providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, useExisting: CdkDragHandle }],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
}, {
type: Optional
}, {
type: SkipSelf
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { disabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragHandleDisabled']
}] } });
* Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `CdkDragPlaceholder`. It serves as
* alternative token to the actual `CdkDragPlaceholder` class which could cause unnecessary
* retention of the class and its directive metadata.
const CDK_DRAG_PLACEHOLDER = new InjectionToken('CdkDragPlaceholder');
* Element that will be used as a template for the placeholder of a CdkDrag when
* it is being dragged. The placeholder is displayed in place of the element being dragged.
class CdkDragPlaceholder {
constructor(templateRef) {
this.templateRef = templateRef;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragPlaceholder, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDragPlaceholder, isStandalone: true, selector: "ng-template[cdkDragPlaceholder]", inputs: { data: "data" }, providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PLACEHOLDER, useExisting: CdkDragPlaceholder }], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragPlaceholder, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'ng-template[cdkDragPlaceholder]',
standalone: true,
providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PLACEHOLDER, useExisting: CdkDragPlaceholder }],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; }, propDecorators: { data: [{
type: Input
}] } });
* Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `CdkDragPreview`. It serves as
* alternative token to the actual `CdkDragPreview` class which could cause unnecessary
* retention of the class and its directive metadata.
const CDK_DRAG_PREVIEW = new InjectionToken('CdkDragPreview');
* Element that will be used as a template for the preview
* of a CdkDrag when it is being dragged.
class CdkDragPreview {
/** Whether the preview should preserve the same size as the item that is being dragged. */
get matchSize() {
return this._matchSize;
set matchSize(value) {
this._matchSize = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
constructor(templateRef) {
this.templateRef = templateRef;
this._matchSize = false;
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragPreview, deps: [{ token: i0.TemplateRef }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDragPreview, isStandalone: true, selector: "ng-template[cdkDragPreview]", inputs: { data: "data", matchSize: "matchSize" }, providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PREVIEW, useExisting: CdkDragPreview }], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDragPreview, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: 'ng-template[cdkDragPreview]',
standalone: true,
providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PREVIEW, useExisting: CdkDragPreview }],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.TemplateRef }]; }, propDecorators: { data: [{
type: Input
}], matchSize: [{
type: Input
}] } });
* Injection token that can be used to configure the
* behavior of the drag&drop-related components.
const CDK_DRAG_CONFIG = new InjectionToken('CDK_DRAG_CONFIG');
const DRAG_HOST_CLASS = 'cdk-drag';
* Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `CdkDropList`. It serves as
* alternative token to the actual `CdkDropList` class which could cause unnecessary
* retention of the class and its directive metadata.
const CDK_DROP_LIST = new InjectionToken('CdkDropList');
/** Element that can be moved inside a CdkDropList container. */
class CdkDrag {
static { this._dragInstances = []; }
/** Whether starting to drag this element is disabled. */
get disabled() {
return this._disabled || (this.dropContainer && this.dropContainer.disabled);
set disabled(value) {
this._disabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
this._dragRef.disabled = this._disabled;
/** Element that the draggable is attached to. */
/** Droppable container that the draggable is a part of. */
* @deprecated `_document` parameter no longer being used and will be removed.
* @breaking-change 12.0.0
_document, _ngZone, _viewContainerRef, config, _dir, dragDrop, _changeDetectorRef, _selfHandle, _parentDrag) {
this.element = element;
this.dropContainer = dropContainer;
this._ngZone = _ngZone;
this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;
this._dir = _dir;
this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;
this._selfHandle = _selfHandle;
this._parentDrag = _parentDrag;
this._destroyed = new Subject();
/** Emits when the user starts dragging the item. */
this.started = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits when the user has released a drag item, before any animations have started. */
this.released = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits when the user stops dragging an item in the container. */
this.ended = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits when the user has moved the item into a new container. */
this.entered = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits when the user removes the item its container by dragging it into another container. */
this.exited = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits when the user drops the item inside a container. */
this.dropped = new EventEmitter();
* Emits as the user is dragging the item. Use with caution,
* because this event will fire for every pixel that the user has dragged.
this.moved = new Observable((observer) => {
const subscription = this._dragRef.moved
.pipe(map(movedEvent => ({
source: this,
pointerPosition: movedEvent.pointerPosition,
event: movedEvent.event,
delta: movedEvent.delta,
distance: movedEvent.distance,
return () => {
this._dragRef = dragDrop.createDrag(element, {
dragStartThreshold: config && config.dragStartThreshold != null ? config.dragStartThreshold : 5,
pointerDirectionChangeThreshold: config && config.pointerDirectionChangeThreshold != null
? config.pointerDirectionChangeThreshold
: 5,
zIndex: config?.zIndex,
this._dragRef.data = this;
// We have to keep track of the drag instances in order to be able to match an element to
// a drag instance. We can't go through the global registry of `DragRef`, because the root
// element could be different.
if (config) {
// Note that usually the container is assigned when the drop list is picks up the item, but in
// some cases (mainly transplanted views with OnPush, see #18341) we may end up in a situation
// where there are no items on the first change detection pass, but the items get picked up as
// soon as the user triggers another pass by dragging. This is a problem, because the item would
// have to switch from standalone mode to drag mode in the middle of the dragging sequence which
// is too late since the two modes save different kinds of information. We work around it by
// assigning the drop container both from here and the list.
if (dropContainer) {
* Returns the element that is being used as a placeholder
* while the current element is being dragged.
getPlaceholderElement() {
return this._dragRef.getPlaceholderElement();
/** Returns the root draggable element. */
getRootElement() {
return this._dragRef.getRootElement();
/** Resets a standalone drag item to its initial position. */
reset() {
* Gets the pixel coordinates of the draggable outside of a drop container.
getFreeDragPosition() {
return this._dragRef.getFreeDragPosition();
* Sets the current position in pixels the draggable outside of a drop container.
* @param value New position to be set.
setFreeDragPosition(value) {
ngAfterViewInit() {
// Normally this isn't in the zone, but it can cause major performance regressions for apps
// using `zone-patch-rxjs` because it'll trigger a change detection when it unsubscribes.
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
// We need to wait for the zone to stabilize, in order for the reference
// element to be in the proper place in the DOM. This is mostly relevant
// for draggable elements inside portals since they get stamped out in
// their original DOM position and then they get transferred to the portal.
this._ngZone.onStable.pipe(take(1), takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {
if (this.freeDragPosition) {
ngOnChanges(changes) {
const rootSelectorChange = changes['rootElementSelector'];
const positionChange = changes['freeDragPosition'];
// We don't have to react to the first change since it's being
// handled in `ngAfterViewInit` where it needs to be deferred.
if (rootSelectorChange && !rootSelectorChange.firstChange) {
// Skip the first change since it's being handled in `ngAfterViewInit`.
if (positionChange && !positionChange.firstChange && this.freeDragPosition) {
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.dropContainer) {
const index = CdkDrag._dragInstances.indexOf(this);
if (index > -1) {
CdkDrag._dragInstances.splice(index, 1);
// Unnecessary in most cases, but used to avoid extra change detections with `zone-paths-rxjs`.
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
/** Syncs the root element with the `DragRef`. */
_updateRootElement() {
const element = this.element.nativeElement;
let rootElement = element;
if (this.rootElementSelector) {
rootElement =
element.closest !== undefined
? element.closest(this.rootElementSelector)
: // Comment tag doesn't have closest method, so use parent's one.
if (rootElement && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
assertElementNode(rootElement, 'cdkDrag');
this._dragRef.withRootElement(rootElement || element);
/** Gets the boundary element, based on the `boundaryElement` value. */
_getBoundaryElement() {
const boundary = this.boundaryElement;
if (!boundary) {
return null;
if (typeof boundary === 'string') {
return this.element.nativeElement.closest(boundary);
return coerceElement(boundary);
/** Syncs the inputs of the CdkDrag with the options of the underlying DragRef. */
_syncInputs(ref) {
ref.beforeStarted.subscribe(() => {
if (!ref.isDragging()) {
const dir = this._dir;
const dragStartDelay = this.dragStartDelay;
const placeholder = this._placeholderTemplate
? {
template: this._placeholderTemplate.templateRef,
context: this._placeholderTemplate.data,
viewContainer: this._viewContainerRef,
: null;
const preview = this._previewTemplate
? {
template: this._previewTemplate.templateRef,
context: this._previewTemplate.data,
matchSize: this._previewTemplate.matchSize,
viewContainer: this._viewContainerRef,
: null;
ref.disabled = this.disabled;
ref.lockAxis = this.lockAxis;
ref.dragStartDelay =
typeof dragStartDelay === 'object' && dragStartDelay
? dragStartDelay
: coerceNumberProperty(dragStartDelay);
ref.constrainPosition = this.constrainPosition;
ref.previewClass = this.previewClass;
.withPreviewContainer(this.previewContainer || 'global');
if (dir) {
// This only needs to be resolved once.
ref.beforeStarted.pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {
// If we managed to resolve a parent through DI, use it.
if (this._parentDrag) {
// Otherwise fall back to resolving the parent by looking up the DOM. This can happen if
// the item was projected into another item by something like `ngTemplateOutlet`.
let parent = this.element.nativeElement.parentElement;
while (parent) {
if (parent.classList.contains(DRAG_HOST_CLASS)) {
ref.withParent(CdkDrag._dragInstances.find(drag => {
return drag.element.nativeElement === parent;
})?._dragRef || null);
parent = parent.parentElement;
/** Handles the events from the underlying `DragRef`. */
_handleEvents(ref) {
ref.started.subscribe(startEvent => {
this.started.emit({ source: this, event: startEvent.event });
// Since all of these events run outside of change detection,
// we need to ensure that everything is marked correctly.
ref.released.subscribe(releaseEvent => {
this.released.emit({ source: this, event: releaseEvent.event });
ref.ended.subscribe(endEvent => {
source: this,
distance: endEvent.distance,
dropPoint: endEvent.dropPoint,
event: endEvent.event,
// Since all of these events run outside of change detection,
// we need to ensure that everything is marked correctly.
ref.entered.subscribe(enterEvent => {
container: enterEvent.container.data,
item: this,
currentIndex: enterEvent.currentIndex,
ref.exited.subscribe(exitEvent => {
container: exitEvent.container.data,
item: this,
ref.dropped.subscribe(dropEvent => {
previousIndex: dropEvent.previousIndex,
currentIndex: dropEvent.currentIndex,
previousContainer: dropEvent.previousContainer.data,
container: dropEvent.container.data,
isPointerOverContainer: dropEvent.isPointerOverContainer,
item: this,
distance: dropEvent.distance,
dropPoint: dropEvent.dropPoint,
event: dropEvent.event,
/** Assigns the default input values based on a provided config object. */
_assignDefaults(config) {
const { lockAxis, dragStartDelay, constrainPosition, previewClass, boundaryElement, draggingDisabled, rootElementSelector, previewContainer, } = config;
this.disabled = draggingDisabled == null ? false : draggingDisabled;
this.dragStartDelay = dragStartDelay || 0;
if (lockAxis) {
this.lockAxis = lockAxis;
if (constrainPosition) {
this.constrainPosition = constrainPosition;
if (previewClass) {
this.previewClass = previewClass;
if (boundaryElement) {
this.boundaryElement = boundaryElement;
if (rootElementSelector) {
this.rootElementSelector = rootElementSelector;
if (previewContainer) {
this.previewContainer = previewContainer;
/** Sets up the listener that syncs the handles with the drag ref. */
_setupHandlesListener() {
// Listen for any newly-added handles.
// Sync the new handles with the DragRef.
tap((handles) => {
const childHandleElements = handles
.filter(handle => handle._parentDrag === this)
.map(handle => handle.element);
// Usually handles are only allowed to be a descendant of the drag element, but if
// the consumer defined a different drag root, we should allow the drag element
// itself to be a handle too.
if (this._selfHandle && this.rootElementSelector) {
// Listen if the state of any of the handles changes.
switchMap((handles) => {
return merge(...handles.map(item => {
return item._stateChanges.pipe(startWith(item));
}), takeUntil(this._destroyed))
.subscribe(handleInstance => {
// Enabled/disable the handle that changed in the DragRef.
const dragRef = this._dragRef;
const handle = handleInstance.element.nativeElement;
handleInstance.disabled ? dragRef.disableHandle(handle) : dragRef.enableHandle(handle);
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDrag, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: CDK_DROP_LIST, optional: true, skipSelf: true }, { token: DOCUMENT }, { token: i0.NgZone }, { token: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { token: CDK_DRAG_CONFIG, optional: true }, { token: i1$1.Directionality, optional: true }, { token: DragDrop }, { token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, optional: true, self: true }, { token: CDK_DRAG_PARENT, optional: true, skipSelf: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDrag, isStandalone: true, selector: "[cdkDrag]", inputs: { data: ["cdkDragData", "data"], lockAxis: ["cdkDragLockAxis", "lockAxis"], rootElementSelector: ["cdkDragRootElement", "rootElementSelector"], boundaryElement: ["cdkDragBoundary", "boundaryElement"], dragStartDelay: ["cdkDragStartDelay", "dragStartDelay"], freeDragPosition: ["cdkDragFreeDragPosition", "freeDragPosition"], disabled: ["cdkDragDisabled", "disabled"], constrainPosition: ["cdkDragConstrainPosition", "constrainPosition"], previewClass: ["cdkDragPreviewClass", "previewClass"], previewContainer: ["cdkDragPreviewContainer", "previewContainer"] }, outputs: { started: "cdkDragStarted", released: "cdkDragReleased", ended: "cdkDragEnded", entered: "cdkDragEntered", exited: "cdkDragExited", dropped: "cdkDragDropped", moved: "cdkDragMoved" }, host: { properties: { "class.cdk-drag-disabled": "disabled", "class.cdk-drag-dragging": "_dragRef.isDragging()" }, classAttribute: "cdk-drag" }, providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PARENT, useExisting: CdkDrag }], queries: [{ propertyName: "_previewTemplate", first: true, predicate: CDK_DRAG_PREVIEW, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_placeholderTemplate", first: true, predicate: CDK_DRAG_PLACEHOLDER, descendants: true }, { propertyName: "_handles", predicate: CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, descendants: true }], exportAs: ["cdkDrag"], usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDrag, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkDrag]',
exportAs: 'cdkDrag',
standalone: true,
host: {
'[class.cdk-drag-disabled]': 'disabled',
'[class.cdk-drag-dragging]': '_dragRef.isDragging()',
providers: [{ provide: CDK_DRAG_PARENT, useExisting: CdkDrag }],
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
}, {
type: Optional
}, {
type: SkipSelf
}] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Inject,
args: [DOCUMENT]
}] }, { type: i0.NgZone }, { type: i0.ViewContainerRef }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }, { type: i1$1.Directionality, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}] }, { type: DragDrop }, { type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: CdkDragHandle, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: Self
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }, { type: CdkDrag, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: SkipSelf
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { _handles: [{
type: ContentChildren,
args: [CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, { descendants: true }]
}], _previewTemplate: [{
type: ContentChild,
}], _placeholderTemplate: [{
type: ContentChild,
}], data: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragData']
}], lockAxis: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragLockAxis']
}], rootElementSelector: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragRootElement']
}], boundaryElement: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragBoundary']
}], dragStartDelay: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragStartDelay']
}], freeDragPosition: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragFreeDragPosition']
}], disabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragDisabled']
}], constrainPosition: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragConstrainPosition']
}], previewClass: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragPreviewClass']
}], previewContainer: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDragPreviewContainer']
}], started: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragStarted']
}], released: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragReleased']
}], ended: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragEnded']
}], entered: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragEntered']
}], exited: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragExited']
}], dropped: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragDropped']
}], moved: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDragMoved']
}] } });
* Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `CdkDropListGroup`. It serves as
* alternative token to the actual `CdkDropListGroup` class which could cause unnecessary
* retention of the class and its directive metadata.
const CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP = new InjectionToken('CdkDropListGroup');
* Declaratively connects sibling `cdkDropList` instances together. All of the `cdkDropList`
* elements that are placed inside a `cdkDropListGroup` will be connected to each other
* automatically. Can be used as an alternative to the `cdkDropListConnectedTo` input
* from `cdkDropList`.
class CdkDropListGroup {
constructor() {
/** Drop lists registered inside the group. */
this._items = new Set();
this._disabled = false;
/** Whether starting a dragging sequence from inside this group is disabled. */
get disabled() {
return this._disabled;
set disabled(value) {
this._disabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
ngOnDestroy() {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDropListGroup, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDropListGroup, isStandalone: true, selector: "[cdkDropListGroup]", inputs: { disabled: ["cdkDropListGroupDisabled", "disabled"] }, providers: [{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, useExisting: CdkDropListGroup }], exportAs: ["cdkDropListGroup"], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDropListGroup, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkDropListGroup]',
exportAs: 'cdkDropListGroup',
standalone: true,
providers: [{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, useExisting: CdkDropListGroup }],
}], propDecorators: { disabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListGroupDisabled']
}] } });
/** Counter used to generate unique ids for drop zones. */
let _uniqueIdCounter = 0;
/** Container that wraps a set of draggable items. */
class CdkDropList {
/** Keeps track of the drop lists that are currently on the page. */
static { this._dropLists = []; }
/** Whether starting a dragging sequence from this container is disabled. */
get disabled() {
return this._disabled || (!!this._group && this._group.disabled);
set disabled(value) {
// Usually we sync the directive and ref state right before dragging starts, in order to have
// a single point of failure and to avoid having to use setters for everything. `disabled` is
// a special case, because it can prevent the `beforeStarted` event from firing, which can lock
// the user in a disabled state, so we also need to sync it as it's being set.
this._dropListRef.disabled = this._disabled = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
/** Element that the drop list is attached to. */
element, dragDrop, _changeDetectorRef, _scrollDispatcher, _dir, _group, config) {
this.element = element;
this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;
this._scrollDispatcher = _scrollDispatcher;
this._dir = _dir;
this._group = _group;
/** Emits when the list has been destroyed. */
this._destroyed = new Subject();
* Other draggable containers that this container is connected to and into which the
* container's items can be transferred. Can either be references to other drop containers,
* or their unique IDs.
this.connectedTo = [];
* Unique ID for the drop zone. Can be used as a reference
* in the `connectedTo` of another `CdkDropList`.
this.id = `cdk-drop-list-${_uniqueIdCounter++}`;
* Function that is used to determine whether an item
* is allowed to be moved into a drop container.
this.enterPredicate = () => true;
/** Functions that is used to determine whether an item can be sorted into a particular index. */
this.sortPredicate = () => true;
/** Emits when the user drops an item inside the container. */
this.dropped = new EventEmitter();
* Emits when the user has moved a new drag item into this container.
this.entered = new EventEmitter();
* Emits when the user removes an item from the container
* by dragging it into another container.
this.exited = new EventEmitter();
/** Emits as the user is swapping items while actively dragging. */
this.sorted = new EventEmitter();
* Keeps track of the items that are registered with this container. Historically we used to
* do this with a `ContentChildren` query, however queries don't handle transplanted views very
* well which means that we can't handle cases like dragging the headers of a `mat-table`
* correctly. What we do instead is to have the items register themselves with the container
* and then we sort them based on their position in the DOM.
this._unsortedItems = new Set();
if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {
assertElementNode(element.nativeElement, 'cdkDropList');
this._dropListRef = dragDrop.createDropList(element);
this._dropListRef.data = this;
if (config) {
this._dropListRef.enterPredicate = (drag, drop) => {
return this.enterPredicate(drag.data, drop.data);
this._dropListRef.sortPredicate = (index, drag, drop) => {
return this.sortPredicate(index, drag.data, drop.data);
if (_group) {
/** Registers an items with the drop list. */
addItem(item) {
if (this._dropListRef.isDragging()) {
/** Removes an item from the drop list. */
removeItem(item) {
if (this._dropListRef.isDragging()) {
/** Gets the registered items in the list, sorted by their position in the DOM. */
getSortedItems() {
return Array.from(this._unsortedItems).sort((a, b) => {
const documentPosition = a._dragRef
// `compareDocumentPosition` returns a bitmask so we have to use a bitwise operator.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/compareDocumentPosition
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-bitwise
return documentPosition & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING ? -1 : 1;
ngOnDestroy() {
const index = CdkDropList._dropLists.indexOf(this);
if (index > -1) {
CdkDropList._dropLists.splice(index, 1);
if (this._group) {
/** Syncs the inputs of the CdkDropList with the options of the underlying DropListRef. */
_setupInputSyncSubscription(ref) {
if (this._dir) {
.pipe(startWith(this._dir.value), takeUntil(this._destroyed))
.subscribe(value => ref.withDirection(value));
ref.beforeStarted.subscribe(() => {
const siblings = coerceArray(this.connectedTo).map(drop => {
if (typeof drop === 'string') {
const correspondingDropList = CdkDropList._dropLists.find(list => list.id === drop);
if (!correspondingDropList && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {
console.warn(`CdkDropList could not find connected drop list with id "${drop}"`);
return correspondingDropList;
return drop;
if (this._group) {
this._group._items.forEach(drop => {
if (siblings.indexOf(drop) === -1) {
// Note that we resolve the scrollable parents here so that we delay the resolution
// as long as possible, ensuring that the element is in its final place in the DOM.
if (!this._scrollableParentsResolved) {
const scrollableParents = this._scrollDispatcher
.map(scrollable => scrollable.getElementRef().nativeElement);
// Only do this once since it involves traversing the DOM and the parents
// shouldn't be able to change without the drop list being destroyed.
this._scrollableParentsResolved = true;
ref.disabled = this.disabled;
ref.lockAxis = this.lockAxis;
ref.sortingDisabled = coerceBooleanProperty(this.sortingDisabled);
ref.autoScrollDisabled = coerceBooleanProperty(this.autoScrollDisabled);
ref.autoScrollStep = coerceNumberProperty(this.autoScrollStep, 2);
.connectedTo(siblings.filter(drop => drop && drop !== this).map(list => list._dropListRef))
/** Handles events from the underlying DropListRef. */
_handleEvents(ref) {
ref.beforeStarted.subscribe(() => {
ref.entered.subscribe(event => {
container: this,
item: event.item.data,
currentIndex: event.currentIndex,
ref.exited.subscribe(event => {
container: this,
item: event.item.data,
ref.sorted.subscribe(event => {
previousIndex: event.previousIndex,
currentIndex: event.currentIndex,
container: this,
item: event.item.data,
ref.dropped.subscribe(dropEvent => {
previousIndex: dropEvent.previousIndex,
currentIndex: dropEvent.currentIndex,
previousContainer: dropEvent.previousContainer.data,
container: dropEvent.container.data,
item: dropEvent.item.data,
isPointerOverContainer: dropEvent.isPointerOverContainer,
distance: dropEvent.distance,
dropPoint: dropEvent.dropPoint,
event: dropEvent.event,
// Mark for check since all of these events run outside of change
// detection and we're not guaranteed for something else to have triggered it.
merge(ref.receivingStarted, ref.receivingStopped).subscribe(() => this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck());
/** Assigns the default input values based on a provided config object. */
_assignDefaults(config) {
const { lockAxis, draggingDisabled, sortingDisabled, listAutoScrollDisabled, listOrientation } = config;
this.disabled = draggingDisabled == null ? false : draggingDisabled;
this.sortingDisabled = sortingDisabled == null ? false : sortingDisabled;
this.autoScrollDisabled = listAutoScrollDisabled == null ? false : listAutoScrollDisabled;
this.orientation = listOrientation || 'vertical';
if (lockAxis) {
this.lockAxis = lockAxis;
/** Syncs up the registered drag items with underlying drop list ref. */
_syncItemsWithRef() {
this._dropListRef.withItems(this.getSortedItems().map(item => item._dragRef));
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDropList, deps: [{ token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: DragDrop }, { token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: i1.ScrollDispatcher }, { token: i1$1.Directionality, optional: true }, { token: CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, optional: true, skipSelf: true }, { token: CDK_DRAG_CONFIG, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", type: CdkDropList, isStandalone: true, selector: "[cdkDropList], cdk-drop-list", inputs: { connectedTo: ["cdkDropListConnectedTo", "connectedTo"], data: ["cdkDropListData", "data"], orientation: ["cdkDropListOrientation", "orientation"], id: "id", lockAxis: ["cdkDropListLockAxis", "lockAxis"], disabled: ["cdkDropListDisabled", "disabled"], sortingDisabled: ["cdkDropListSortingDisabled", "sortingDisabled"], enterPredicate: ["cdkDropListEnterPredicate", "enterPredicate"], sortPredicate: ["cdkDropListSortPredicate", "sortPredicate"], autoScrollDisabled: ["cdkDropListAutoScrollDisabled", "autoScrollDisabled"], autoScrollStep: ["cdkDropListAutoScrollStep", "autoScrollStep"] }, outputs: { dropped: "cdkDropListDropped", entered: "cdkDropListEntered", exited: "cdkDropListExited", sorted: "cdkDropListSorted" }, host: { properties: { "attr.id": "id", "class.cdk-drop-list-disabled": "disabled", "class.cdk-drop-list-dragging": "_dropListRef.isDragging()", "class.cdk-drop-list-receiving": "_dropListRef.isReceiving()" }, classAttribute: "cdk-drop-list" }, providers: [
// Prevent child drop lists from picking up the same group as their parent.
{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, useValue: undefined },
{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST, useExisting: CdkDropList },
], exportAs: ["cdkDropList"], ngImport: i0 }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: CdkDropList, decorators: [{
type: Directive,
args: [{
selector: '[cdkDropList], cdk-drop-list',
exportAs: 'cdkDropList',
standalone: true,
providers: [
// Prevent child drop lists from picking up the same group as their parent.
{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, useValue: undefined },
{ provide: CDK_DROP_LIST, useExisting: CdkDropList },
host: {
'class': 'cdk-drop-list',
'[attr.id]': 'id',
'[class.cdk-drop-list-disabled]': 'disabled',
'[class.cdk-drop-list-dragging]': '_dropListRef.isDragging()',
'[class.cdk-drop-list-receiving]': '_dropListRef.isReceiving()',
}], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: DragDrop }, { type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: i1.ScrollDispatcher }, { type: i1$1.Directionality, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}] }, { type: CdkDropListGroup, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: Inject,
}, {
type: SkipSelf
}] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
type: Optional
}, {
type: Inject,
}] }]; }, propDecorators: { connectedTo: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListConnectedTo']
}], data: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListData']
}], orientation: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListOrientation']
}], id: [{
type: Input
}], lockAxis: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListLockAxis']
}], disabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListDisabled']
}], sortingDisabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListSortingDisabled']
}], enterPredicate: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListEnterPredicate']
}], sortPredicate: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListSortPredicate']
}], autoScrollDisabled: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListAutoScrollDisabled']
}], autoScrollStep: [{
type: Input,
args: ['cdkDropListAutoScrollStep']
}], dropped: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDropListDropped']
}], entered: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDropListEntered']
}], exited: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDropListExited']
}], sorted: [{
type: Output,
args: ['cdkDropListSorted']
}] } });
class DragDropModule {
static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); }
static { this.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropModule, imports: [CdkDropList,
CdkDragPlaceholder], exports: [CdkScrollableModule, CdkDropList,
CdkDragPlaceholder] }); }
static { this.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropModule, providers: [DragDrop], imports: [CdkScrollableModule] }); }
i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.1.1", ngImport: i0, type: DragDropModule, decorators: [{
type: NgModule,
args: [{
exports: [CdkScrollableModule, ...DRAG_DROP_DIRECTIVES],
providers: [DragDrop],
}] });
* Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
export { CDK_DRAG_CONFIG, CDK_DRAG_HANDLE, CDK_DRAG_PARENT, CDK_DRAG_PLACEHOLDER, CDK_DRAG_PREVIEW, CDK_DROP_LIST, CDK_DROP_LIST_GROUP, CdkDrag, CdkDragHandle, CdkDragPlaceholder, CdkDragPreview, CdkDropList, CdkDropListGroup, DragDrop, DragDropModule, DragDropRegistry, DragRef, DropListRef, copyArrayItem, moveItemInArray, transferArrayItem };
//# sourceMappingURL=drag-drop.mjs.map