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2024-07-16 14:55:36 +00:00
import { BasePortalOutlet } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { CdkPortalOutlet } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { ComponentFactoryResolver } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentPortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { ComponentRef } from '@angular/core';
import { ComponentType } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { Direction } from '@angular/cdk/bidi';
import { DomPortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { EmbeddedViewRef } from '@angular/core';
import { FocusMonitor } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { FocusOrigin } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { FocusTrapFactory } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
import * as i2 from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import * as i3 from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import * as i4 from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
import { Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { InteractivityChecker } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';
import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { Overlay } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { OverlayContainer } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { OverlayRef } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { PositionStrategy } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { ScrollStrategy } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { StaticProvider } from '@angular/core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { TemplatePortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { TemplateRef } from '@angular/core';
import { Type } from '@angular/core';
import { ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
/** Options for where to set focus to automatically on dialog open */
export declare type AutoFocusTarget = 'dialog' | 'first-tabbable' | 'first-heading';
* Internal component that wraps user-provided dialog content.
* @docs-private
export declare class CdkDialogContainer<C extends DialogConfig = DialogConfig> extends BasePortalOutlet implements OnDestroy {
protected _elementRef: ElementRef;
protected _focusTrapFactory: FocusTrapFactory;
readonly _config: C;
private _interactivityChecker;
protected _ngZone: NgZone;
private _overlayRef;
private _focusMonitor?;
protected _document: Document;
/** The portal outlet inside of this container into which the dialog content will be loaded. */
_portalOutlet: CdkPortalOutlet;
/** The class that traps and manages focus within the dialog. */
private _focusTrap;
/** Element that was focused before the dialog was opened. Save this to restore upon close. */
private _elementFocusedBeforeDialogWasOpened;
* Type of interaction that led to the dialog being closed. This is used to determine
* whether the focus style will be applied when returning focus to its original location
* after the dialog is closed.
_closeInteractionType: FocusOrigin | null;
* Queue of the IDs of the dialog's label element, based on their definition order. The first
* ID will be used as the `aria-labelledby` value. We use a queue here to handle the case
* where there are two or more titles in the DOM at a time and the first one is destroyed while
* the rest are present.
_ariaLabelledByQueue: string[];
constructor(_elementRef: ElementRef, _focusTrapFactory: FocusTrapFactory, _document: any, _config: C, _interactivityChecker: InteractivityChecker, _ngZone: NgZone, _overlayRef: OverlayRef, _focusMonitor?: FocusMonitor | undefined);
protected _contentAttached(): void;
* Can be used by child classes to customize the initial focus
* capturing behavior (e.g. if it's tied to an animation).
protected _captureInitialFocus(): void;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Attach a ComponentPortal as content to this dialog container.
* @param portal Portal to be attached as the dialog content.
attachComponentPortal<T>(portal: ComponentPortal<T>): ComponentRef<T>;
* Attach a TemplatePortal as content to this dialog container.
* @param portal Portal to be attached as the dialog content.
attachTemplatePortal<T>(portal: TemplatePortal<T>): EmbeddedViewRef<T>;
* Attaches a DOM portal to the dialog container.
* @param portal Portal to be attached.
* @deprecated To be turned into a method.
* @breaking-change 10.0.0
attachDomPortal: (portal: DomPortal) => void;
/** Captures focus if it isn't already inside the dialog. */
_recaptureFocus(): void;
* Focuses the provided element. If the element is not focusable, it will add a tabIndex
* attribute to forcefully focus it. The attribute is removed after focus is moved.
* @param element The element to focus.
private _forceFocus;
* Focuses the first element that matches the given selector within the focus trap.
* @param selector The CSS selector for the element to set focus to.
private _focusByCssSelector;
* Moves the focus inside the focus trap. When autoFocus is not set to 'dialog', if focus
* cannot be moved then focus will go to the dialog container.
protected _trapFocus(): void;
/** Restores focus to the element that was focused before the dialog opened. */
private _restoreFocus;
/** Focuses the dialog container. */
private _focusDialogContainer;
/** Returns whether focus is inside the dialog. */
private _containsFocus;
/** Sets up the focus trap. */
private _initializeFocusTrap;
/** Sets up the listener that handles clicks on the dialog backdrop. */
private _handleBackdropClicks;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<CdkDialogContainer<any>, [null, null, { optional: true; }, null, null, null, null, null]>;
static ɵcmp: i0.ɵɵComponentDeclaration<CdkDialogContainer<any>, "cdk-dialog-container", never, {}, {}, never, never, false, never>;
/** Injection token that can be used to provide default options for the dialog module. */
export declare const DEFAULT_DIALOG_CONFIG: InjectionToken<DialogConfig<unknown, unknown, BasePortalOutlet>>;
export declare class Dialog implements OnDestroy {
private _overlay;
private _injector;
private _defaultOptions;
private _parentDialog;
private _overlayContainer;
private _openDialogsAtThisLevel;
private readonly _afterAllClosedAtThisLevel;
private readonly _afterOpenedAtThisLevel;
private _ariaHiddenElements;
private _scrollStrategy;
/** Keeps track of the currently-open dialogs. */
get openDialogs(): readonly DialogRef<any, any>[];
/** Stream that emits when a dialog has been opened. */
get afterOpened(): Subject<DialogRef<any, any>>;
* Stream that emits when all open dialog have finished closing.
* Will emit on subscribe if there are no open dialogs to begin with.
readonly afterAllClosed: Observable<void>;
constructor(_overlay: Overlay, _injector: Injector, _defaultOptions: DialogConfig, _parentDialog: Dialog, _overlayContainer: OverlayContainer, scrollStrategy: any);
* Opens a modal dialog containing the given component.
* @param component Type of the component to load into the dialog.
* @param config Extra configuration options.
* @returns Reference to the newly-opened dialog.
open<R = unknown, D = unknown, C = unknown>(component: ComponentType<C>, config?: DialogConfig<D, DialogRef<R, C>>): DialogRef<R, C>;
* Opens a modal dialog containing the given template.
* @param template TemplateRef to instantiate as the dialog content.
* @param config Extra configuration options.
* @returns Reference to the newly-opened dialog.
open<R = unknown, D = unknown, C = unknown>(template: TemplateRef<C>, config?: DialogConfig<D, DialogRef<R, C>>): DialogRef<R, C>;
open<R = unknown, D = unknown, C = unknown>(componentOrTemplateRef: ComponentType<C> | TemplateRef<C>, config?: DialogConfig<D, DialogRef<R, C>>): DialogRef<R, C>;
* Closes all of the currently-open dialogs.
closeAll(): void;
* Finds an open dialog by its id.
* @param id ID to use when looking up the dialog.
getDialogById<R, C>(id: string): DialogRef<R, C> | undefined;
ngOnDestroy(): void;
* Creates an overlay config from a dialog config.
* @param config The dialog configuration.
* @returns The overlay configuration.
private _getOverlayConfig;
* Attaches a dialog container to a dialog's already-created overlay.
* @param overlay Reference to the dialog's underlying overlay.
* @param config The dialog configuration.
* @returns A promise resolving to a ComponentRef for the attached container.
private _attachContainer;
* Attaches the user-provided component to the already-created dialog container.
* @param componentOrTemplateRef The type of component being loaded into the dialog,
* or a TemplateRef to instantiate as the content.
* @param dialogRef Reference to the dialog being opened.
* @param dialogContainer Component that is going to wrap the dialog content.
* @param config Configuration used to open the dialog.
private _attachDialogContent;
* Creates a custom injector to be used inside the dialog. This allows a component loaded inside
* of a dialog to close itself and, optionally, to return a value.
* @param config Config object that is used to construct the dialog.
* @param dialogRef Reference to the dialog being opened.
* @param dialogContainer Component that is going to wrap the dialog content.
* @param fallbackInjector Injector to use as a fallback when a lookup fails in the custom
* dialog injector, if the user didn't provide a custom one.
* @returns The custom injector that can be used inside the dialog.
private _createInjector;
* Removes a dialog from the array of open dialogs.
* @param dialogRef Dialog to be removed.
* @param emitEvent Whether to emit an event if this is the last dialog.
private _removeOpenDialog;
/** Hides all of the content that isn't an overlay from assistive technology. */
private _hideNonDialogContentFromAssistiveTechnology;
private _getAfterAllClosed;
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<Dialog, [null, null, { optional: true; }, { optional: true; skipSelf: true; }, null, null]>;
static ɵprov: i0.ɵɵInjectableDeclaration<Dialog>;
/** Injection token for the Dialog's Data. */
export declare const DIALOG_DATA: InjectionToken<any>;
/** Injection token for the Dialog's ScrollStrategy. */
export declare const DIALOG_SCROLL_STRATEGY: InjectionToken<() => ScrollStrategy>;
/** @docs-private */
provide: InjectionToken<() => ScrollStrategy>;
deps: (typeof Overlay)[];
/** @docs-private */
export declare function DIALOG_SCROLL_STRATEGY_PROVIDER_FACTORY(overlay: Overlay): () => ScrollStrategy;
/** Additional options that can be passed in when closing a dialog. */
export declare interface DialogCloseOptions {
/** Focus original to use when restoring focus. */
focusOrigin?: FocusOrigin;
/** Configuration for opening a modal dialog. */
export declare class DialogConfig<D = unknown, R = unknown, C extends BasePortalOutlet = BasePortalOutlet> {
* Where the attached component should live in Angular's *logical* component tree.
* This affects what is available for injection and the change detection order for the
* component instantiated inside of the dialog. This does not affect where the dialog
* content will be rendered.
viewContainerRef?: ViewContainerRef;
* Injector used for the instantiation of the component to be attached. If provided,
* takes precedence over the injector indirectly provided by `ViewContainerRef`.
injector?: Injector;
/** ID for the dialog. If omitted, a unique one will be generated. */
id?: string;
/** The ARIA role of the dialog element. */
role?: DialogRole;
/** Optional CSS class or classes applied to the overlay panel. */
panelClass?: string | string[];
/** Whether the dialog has a backdrop. */
hasBackdrop?: boolean;
/** Optional CSS class or classes applied to the overlay backdrop. */
backdropClass?: string | string[];
/** Whether the dialog closes with the escape key or pointer events outside the panel element. */
disableClose?: boolean;
/** Width of the dialog. */
width?: string;
/** Height of the dialog. */
height?: string;
/** Min-width of the dialog. If a number is provided, assumes pixel units. */
minWidth?: number | string;
/** Min-height of the dialog. If a number is provided, assumes pixel units. */
minHeight?: number | string;
/** Max-width of the dialog. If a number is provided, assumes pixel units. Defaults to 80vw. */
maxWidth?: number | string;
/** Max-height of the dialog. If a number is provided, assumes pixel units. */
maxHeight?: number | string;
/** Strategy to use when positioning the dialog. Defaults to centering it on the page. */
positionStrategy?: PositionStrategy;
/** Data being injected into the child component. */
data?: D | null;
/** Layout direction for the dialog's content. */
direction?: Direction;
/** ID of the element that describes the dialog. */
ariaDescribedBy?: string | null;
/** ID of the element that labels the dialog. */
ariaLabelledBy?: string | null;
/** Dialog label applied via `aria-label` */
ariaLabel?: string | null;
/** Whether this is a modal dialog. Used to set the `aria-modal` attribute. */
ariaModal?: boolean;
* Where the dialog should focus on open.
* @breaking-change 14.0.0 Remove boolean option from autoFocus. Use string or
* AutoFocusTarget instead.
autoFocus?: AutoFocusTarget | string | boolean;
* Whether the dialog should restore focus to the previously-focused element upon closing.
* Has the following behavior based on the type that is passed in:
* - `boolean` - when true, will return focus to the element that was focused before the dialog
* was opened, otherwise won't restore focus at all.
* - `string` - focus will be restored to the first element that matches the CSS selector.
* - `HTMLElement` - focus will be restored to the specific element.
restoreFocus?: boolean | string | HTMLElement;
* Scroll strategy to be used for the dialog. This determines how
* the dialog responds to scrolling underneath the panel element.
scrollStrategy?: ScrollStrategy;
* Whether the dialog should close when the user navigates backwards or forwards through browser
* history. This does not apply to navigation via anchor element unless using URL-hash based
* routing (`HashLocationStrategy` in the Angular router).
closeOnNavigation?: boolean;
* Whether the dialog should close when the dialog service is destroyed. This is useful if
* another service is wrapping the dialog and is managing the destruction instead.
closeOnDestroy?: boolean;
* Whether the dialog should close when the underlying overlay is detached. This is useful if
* another service is wrapping the dialog and is managing the destruction instead. E.g. an
* external detachment can happen as a result of a scroll strategy triggering it or when the
* browser location changes.
closeOnOverlayDetachments?: boolean;
/** Alternate `ComponentFactoryResolver` to use when resolving the associated component. */
componentFactoryResolver?: ComponentFactoryResolver;
* Providers that will be exposed to the contents of the dialog. Can also
* be provided as a function in order to generate the providers lazily.
providers?: StaticProvider[] | ((dialogRef: R, config: DialogConfig<D, R, C>, container: C) => StaticProvider[]);
* Component into which the dialog content will be rendered. Defaults to `CdkDialogContainer`.
* A configuration object can be passed in to customize the providers that will be exposed
* to the dialog container.
container?: Type<C> | {
type: Type<C>;
providers: (config: DialogConfig<D, R, C>) => StaticProvider[];
* Context that will be passed to template-based dialogs.
* A function can be passed in to resolve the context lazily.
templateContext?: Record<string, any> | (() => Record<string, any>);
export declare class DialogModule {
static ɵfac: i0.ɵɵFactoryDeclaration<DialogModule, never>;
static ɵmod: i0.ɵɵNgModuleDeclaration<DialogModule, [typeof i1.CdkDialogContainer], [typeof i2.OverlayModule, typeof i3.PortalModule, typeof i4.A11yModule], [typeof i3.PortalModule, typeof i1.CdkDialogContainer]>;
static ɵinj: i0.ɵɵInjectorDeclaration<DialogModule>;
* Reference to a dialog opened via the Dialog service.
export declare class DialogRef<R = unknown, C = unknown> {
readonly overlayRef: OverlayRef;
readonly config: DialogConfig<any, DialogRef<R, C>, BasePortalOutlet>;
* Instance of component opened into the dialog. Will be
* null when the dialog is opened using a `TemplateRef`.
readonly componentInstance: C | null;
* `ComponentRef` of the component opened into the dialog. Will be
* null when the dialog is opened using a `TemplateRef`.
readonly componentRef: ComponentRef<C> | null;
/** Instance of the container that is rendering out the dialog content. */
readonly containerInstance: BasePortalOutlet & {
_closeInteractionType?: FocusOrigin;
/** Whether the user is allowed to close the dialog. */
disableClose: boolean | undefined;
/** Emits when the dialog has been closed. */
readonly closed: Observable<R | undefined>;
/** Emits when the backdrop of the dialog is clicked. */
readonly backdropClick: Observable<MouseEvent>;
/** Emits when on keyboard events within the dialog. */
readonly keydownEvents: Observable<KeyboardEvent>;
/** Emits on pointer events that happen outside of the dialog. */
readonly outsidePointerEvents: Observable<MouseEvent>;
/** Unique ID for the dialog. */
readonly id: string;
/** Subscription to external detachments of the dialog. */
private _detachSubscription;
constructor(overlayRef: OverlayRef, config: DialogConfig<any, DialogRef<R, C>, BasePortalOutlet>);
* Close the dialog.
* @param result Optional result to return to the dialog opener.
* @param options Additional options to customize the closing behavior.
close(result?: R, options?: DialogCloseOptions): void;
/** Updates the position of the dialog based on the current position strategy. */
updatePosition(): this;
* Updates the dialog's width and height.
* @param width New width of the dialog.
* @param height New height of the dialog.
updateSize(width?: string | number, height?: string | number): this;
/** Add a CSS class or an array of classes to the overlay pane. */
addPanelClass(classes: string | string[]): this;
/** Remove a CSS class or an array of classes from the overlay pane. */
removePanelClass(classes: string | string[]): this;
/** Valid ARIA roles for a dialog. */
export declare type DialogRole = 'dialog' | 'alertdialog';
declare namespace i1 {
export {
export declare function throwDialogContentAlreadyAttachedError(): void;
export { }